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Paperback • 2024
Pages: 246
ISBN: 9789332706552
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Academic Foundation
India Banking and Finance Report 2024
Partha Ray‚ Arindam Bandyopadhyay‚ Sanjaya Baru (Eds.)
About the Book
The India Banking and Finance Report (IBFR) 2024 is a compendium of articles on the Indian and global financial landscape. The report covers a wide spectrum of topics, across sixteen chapters: from latest macro-financial developments to ECL provisioning, ESG to Digitalization of Trade and regulatory contours after Silicon Valley Bank meltdown to credit guarantees for MSMEs. The discussion, in each chapter, is buttressed with theoretical and empirical analysis. However, like the earlier editions, the style remains lucid. The report presents the challenges and opportunities in an integrated and volatile world of banking and finance, the need for appropriate reforms and regulations, and the key lessons for the future.
Praise for this book
IBFR has become the flagship annual publication of NIBM Pune eagerly awaited by the practitioners, experts, regulators and students of financial services and insurance sector. IBFR 2024 has sixteen essays contributed primarily by the faculty and alumni of NIBM in collaboration with outside experts wherever required covering aspects like macroeconomy and financial markets, risk management, information technology and issues in HR and strategy… All the sixteen essays have not only maintained the high academic standards already set by the previous reports but also improved the quality and rigour of analysis. It is a welcome and timely addition to the growing literature on the subject.
Ravindra H. Dholakia
Ravindra H. Dholakia
Member of Central Board of RBI; former Member of Monetary Policy Committee, RBI and Professor, IIM Ahmedabad.
IBFR 2024 is a valuable compendium of articles on topical issues in banking and finance. Its focus on the latest developments and challenges in financial markets, risk management, digitalization, HR and strategy is commen-dable. It will be of immense benefit to academicians, practitioners and policymakers, in India and abroad.
Bhimaraya Metri
Bhimaraya Metri
Director, IIM Nagpur
The 2024 edition of IBFR is indeed a real treasure in the realms of BFSI Research, Policy and Practice. It’s loaded with insightful, analytical and sometimes intriguing posers to readers on a diverse range of topical issues—macro-economy to financial sector, including insurance space and the new normal in risk management to digital disruption. Latest development, such as, application of ECL mechanism and ESG framework also find a place in eruditely scripted features. Another redeeming feature of such a priceless publication relates to finer nuances of governance, well manifested in the papers on penal action by supervisors, learning from global bank failure and deft analysis of somewhat off-beat embedded finance options... All in all, IBFR is truly readers’ privilege and BFSI’s pride!
Atanu Kumar Das
Atanu Kumar Das
Director, Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM), Hyderabad; former Managing Director and CEO, Bank of India
I am pleased to see that NIBM has come out with its Annual Banking and Finance Report 2024. The issue carries well researched articles by the faculty... and the scholarship is quite evident. I am sure that the banking fraternity would immensely benefit from these well-articulated research papers. … I am particularly happy that the rich volume carries applied research papers on the emerging and critical issues like ESG, Dynamics of ECL, and Emerging Regulatory Issues… I strongly recommend it to be read by practitioners, policy makers and students.
Justin C. McCarthy
Justin C. McCarthy
Chief Executive Officer, PRMIA (Professional Risk Managers’ International Association)
The India Banking and Financial Report 2024 covers a range of issues—from macro economy to performance of the credit guarantee schemes for MSMEs, cross border liquidity, risk management and HR that are of current interest in BFSI sector. Besides this, the Report also is rich with information and data that are analysed and reviewed by three-layered expertise—the authors’ own insight, topped by expert reviews and a round table of another set of experts. The suggestions made after such rigorous analysis make the Report a must-read for all the stakeholders in the financial sector—policymakers and practitioners as well as academicians and students.
Alpana Killawala
Alpana Killawala
Author and Adviser, Strategic Communi-cation; former Principal Adviser, Communication, RBI
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
Partha Ray is the Director of NIBM. His research interests lie in global macroeconomic issues and monetary and financial sector policies and institutions.
Arindam Bandyopadhyay is Professor and Dean (Academic Programme) at NIBM. His areas of interest are risk management, Basel regulations, applied corporate finance and quantitative techniques.
Sanjay Basu is Professor and Editor of the NIBM flagship journal Prajnan. His areas of interest are Bond Portfolio Management, Market Risk Management, Asset-Liability Management, Financial Crises, Applied Game Theory and Contract Theory.
Alka Vaidya is Associate Professor at NIBM. Her areas of interest are Data Analytics, Digital Payments, Cyber Security and Applications of Blockchain in Banking.
Anjan Roy is Professor and Dean (Research and Consultancy) at NIBM. His areas of interest are Strategic Planning and Management and Banking Operations.
Anjani Kumar Srivastava is General Manager and Regional-in-Charge, Pune Region, SIDBI.
B Ashok is former Adjunct Faculty at NIBM. He also worked with Central Bank of India as General Manager, HR. He has held board level positions in Banks and Financial Institutions. His areas of interest are Human Resources Management and Leadership.
Deepankar Roy is Associate Professor at NIBM. His research interests are in the domain of Digital Transformation, Digital Financial Services, FinTech and ICT Management.
Dipali Krishnakumar is Associate Professor at NIBM. Her areas of interest are Earnings Manipulation, Ind AS/IFRS, and Mergers and Acquisitions.
Disha Patwa is an alumna of NIBM (PGDM 2022 – 24 batch).
Elizabeth James is Assistant Professor at NIBM. Her areas of interest are Corporate Finance, Corporate, MSME and Retail Credit Management and Financial Planning and Wealth Management.
Gargi Sanati is Associate Professor at NIBM. Her research interest includes international finance, credit risk and market risk analysis, financial forecasting and interbank dealing.
Himadri Sikhar Pramanik is a Senior Consultant with Tata Consultancy Services.
Jiji Mathew is Assistant Professor at NIBM. His areas of interest are Macroeconomics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Monetary Policy, Central Banking, International Finance.
Kaushik Mukerjee is Professor and Dean (Training) at NIBM. His research interests are in the areas of corporate governance, strategic leadership, corporate and strategic marketing.
Kedar nath Mukherjee is Associate Professor at NIBM. His areas of interest are Financial Derivatives, Market Risk and Fixed Income Markets.
M Manickaraj is Associate Professor and Editor, Vinimaya, at NIBM. His specialization is in the fields of equity markets, financing MSMEs and carbon finance.
Rajesh Ramakrishnan is an Adjunct Faculty at NIBM. He is a Chartered Accountant with specialization in Audit, Compliance and Trade Finance.
Richa Verma Bajaj is Associate Professor at NIBM. She has teaching, research and consulting experience of fifteen years in the area of Risk Management.
Shomi Srivastava is Associate Professor at NIBM. His areas of specialization are Leadership, Human Resource Management, Discipline Management, Preventive Vigilance, Change Management and Organizational Development.
Shruti Nagar is Assistant Professor, National Insurance Academy, Pune.
Shyam Vansing Rathod is an alumnus of NIBM (PGDM 2022 – 24 batch).
Smita Roy Trivedi is Associate Professor at NIBM. Her research interests lie in international economics, central banking, foreign exchange market, macro prudential measures and technical analysis for markets.
Tarun Agarwal is Ex-Director, National Insurance Academy, Pune.
Tasneem Chherawala is Associate Professor at NIBM. Her domain expertise is in the areas of risk modelling and management, Basel, IFRS, financial derivatives, project finance and structured finance, in which she conducts executive trainings and PGDM courses.
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