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Hard-cover • 2022
Pages: 189
ISBN: 9789332705616
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Academic Foundation
creating, building and sustaining an institution
A Momentous Journey of Institute of Public Enterprise
R.K. Mishra‚ Geeta Potaraju
About the Book
<p>An Institution outside the university system and miles away from being a private entity, a not-for-profit Institution set up with the central government drive in 1964 to handhold the central public sector enterprises, the jewels and key drivers of Indian economy, IPE is a bright example of a self-made Institution which survived and flourished due to its collaborations with Government of India, public sector enterprises, state governments, Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, State Government, funding partners, and International Organizations.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Through this book the authors make an attempt to present the long and arduous journey of IPE. It narrates the intensity and zeal with which the Institute carried out its activities to steer itself to greater heights year over year. <br />
The book celebrates the defining moments in the journey and does not shy away from narrating the challenges faced by the Institute at various junctures. The book proudly presents the volume of work and achievements of the IPE leadership with the support of deeply engaged faculty and staff in various spheres which strengthened the Institution. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>The book will prove useful to policy makers, public policy researchers, educational administrators, civil servants, practicing managers, civil society and post graduate students interested in understanding organizational dynamics and studying the factors involved in Institution building. </p>
Praise for this book
<p>Institute of Public Enterprise is a unique institution nurtured by eminent stalwarts. ICSSR has a very long association with it, providing all possible assistance. This book presents the journey of the Institute lucidly. I congratulate the authors, Dr. R.K. Mishra and Dr. Geeta Potaraju.<br />
<strong>—Prof P. Kanagasabapathi,</strong> Chairman in Charge, Indian Council for Social Science Research, Ministry of Education, Government of India, New Delhi</p>
<p> </p>
<p>A timely and useful introduction to an institution that continues to play a key role in analysing India’s state ownership landscape. The OECD and I personally have greatly appreciated the cooperation of IPE over the years.<br />
<strong>—Dr. Mathilde MESNARD,</strong> Director-General, OECD, Paris</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I am glad to know that the Institute of Public Enterprises, working since 1964 as a think tank for research and capacity building of public sector enterprises will soon be celebrating its Diamond Jubilee. The value system of IPE which reinforces academic freedom and autonomy, individual satisfaction, relationship building, mutual trust, fairness, tolerance and a positive orientation has enabled it to fulfil its mission and vision to become an institute of choice for Social Science Resource and Management Education while contributing extensively to the excellence of organizations and society. A must read for policy makers and Institution Builders.<br />
<strong>—Dr. Pankaj Mittal,</strong> Secretary-General, Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi</p>
<p> </p>
<p>“The Institute of Public Enterprises’ Journey is illustrative of the Journey the development of Public sector leadership competences must take to cope with the ever-evolving development needs. It is illustrative also of the institutional resilience necessary to sustain the existence and thriving of Public sector Management Development Institutes which strive to excel in fulfilling their mandates through changing times. A worthwhile reading for Executives of Management Development Institutes (MDIs) and Public Sector Policy makers seeking to create and sustain vibrant MDIs for nurturing transformational leaders in Public sector Institutions”. <br />
<strong>—John-Mary Kauzya,</strong> Chief, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The book is about more than five decades of wonderful journey of IPE. This book is extremely useful for the academic leaders, policy makers and post graduate students those who are interested in understanding the underlying principles of Institution building.<br />
<strong>—Dr. Bhimaraya Metri,</strong> Director, Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur, Chairman, All India Board of Management Studies, All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi and former Director, IIM Trichy</p>
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
<p><strong>R.K. Mishra,</strong> ONGC Subir Raha Chair Professor on Corporate Governance, NLC Chair Professor on Corporate Social Responsibility, is a Senior Professor and Director, Institute of Public Enteprises (IPE), Hyderabad. He obtained his PhD from University of Rajasthan. A Visiting Fellow at London Business School (UK), he attended the International Teachers programme at SDA Bocconi, Milan. Dr Mishra has taught at the University of Bradford and was a Visiting Professor at Maison Des Sciences De L’ Hommes, Paris and Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is a member of the UN Task Force on International Standards of Excellence in Public Administration and Education. He is a special invitee to OECD Working Group on Privatization and Corporate Governance of SOEs and Asian Network of Corporate Governance. He was Non-Executive Director on some of the public and private enterprise boards in India. He has considerable experience of teaching and guiding research for doctoral degree in management, economics, public administration and commerce. </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Geeta Potaraju</strong> is a PhD in Management from Department of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad. She is currently heading the Centre for Governance and Public Policy at the Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad. She has over 20 years of experience in development consulting. Her areas of specialization include Governance and Public Policy, Participatory Governance and Civic Engagement, Performance management in government, Urban reforms and capacity building, Health System Strengthening, Administrative Reforms, Institutional Reforms. She has been involved in a number of key assignments with national and international agencies including Government of India, State Governments, DFID, UNDP, and World Bank. Dr Geeta has worked with Governments in South Asia including Srilanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and others and trained officials on participatory governance accountability tools. Dr Geeta has many publications both national and international to her credit.</p>
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