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Humming Threads
Ballet of Poetry and Art
Alka Sood
Illustrator: Jiten Hazarika
About the Book
Alka Sood loves literature, art, photography, travel and soul search. All these add color to her canvas of life and ignite the astronomy of her soul. As a poetess, she shares her insights, love, experiences and passions as she takes you through the transformative effect these have had on her life’s journey. The Spanish poet Rafael Alberti coined the expression “Liricographia” or “Painted Poem”. Metaphorically Jiten Hazarika’s painting strokes are symbolic of her poetic pattern, mood and themes. If his paintings could talk…. The expression would be my “Humming Threads”
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
Alka Sood is a multi-talented personality - an educationist, writer, poetess and an aspiring spiritualist. A gold medallist from Delhi University, she has moulded the life and career of many students. Teaching is in her DNA- it is a passion, a vocation and has never been just a profession. She believes in forging meaningful relationships and treasures memories like souvenirs. A sensitive soul, she writes about her special relationship with God which manifests in her hopes and dreams, joys and fears. She is an ardent learner of the Bhagavad Gita. Widely travelled, her experiences are mirrored in many of her creations. All the poems reflect her thought process, perceptions, experiences and visions. Some of her poems have been published in various esteemed magazines.
I cherish the meaningful association of 30 Years with Jiten Hazarika, the famous painter. His canvases reflect his simple, modest and humane personality. He has in-depth knowledge of philosophy and Sanskrit literature. After reading my poetic outpourings, he allowed me to select and print some of his works. When I look at his paintings it appears that his colors rhyme with each other. They enhance the thematic beauty of my “Humming Threads”.
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