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Hard-cover • 2024
Pages: 628
ISBN: 9789332706354
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Academic Foundation
Changing Paradigms of Urbanisation
India and Beyond
Om Prakash Mathur
About the Book
<p>Between 2022 and 2047, India will transit from a lower-middle to an upper-middle urban economy. What strategic policy shifts will be necessary to ensure that this transition plays out productively is a major question that the author addresses in the opening paper.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>This book—a collection of 20 papers authored by Om Prakash Mathur, a leading urban scholar, serves as a repository of insights into global and Indian urbanisation. It explores how it unfolds and establishes linkages with macroeconomic parameters. The author deliberates on questions such as: are these linkages in line with the tenets of the growing economy that India is? Has the 74th Constitutional amendment, aimed at restructuring urban governance and finance, yielded the expected results? Furthermore, the author explores the challenges of uneven spatial development in major Asian economies. He advocates market-driven approaches to counter inequities, in place of the conventional methods of developing counter-magnets, growth centres, and small cities. Simultaneously, he delves into the paradox of poverty and informality in the world’s mega economic hubs.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Supported by rigorous research and analytical frameworks, the book is an indispensable resource for academics, policy-makers and researchers.</p>
Praise for this book
Excerpt from the Foreword
This volume featuring Om Mathur’s urban research journey of more than 40 years is an invaluable resource for everyone interested in Indian urban development.
I am sure that it will feature in all reading lists in courses dealing with urban development in India and abroad.
— Rakesh Mohan
President Emeritus, Centre for Social and Economic Progress; Member, Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister;
Former Secretary, Ministry of Finance
Om Prakash Mathur is one of India’s leading urban scholars whose policy perspective on urban reforms has influenced policy makers globally. No-where is this more evident than in his urban treatise Changing Paradigms of Urbanisation: India and Beyond. The book offers a historical, analytical, and empirical understanding of the changing paradigms of urbanization globally and in India. At one level, the book reflects Professor Mathur’s scholarly journey of his research and analysis of the complex process of urbanization and economic development. At another level, it is a clarion call to India’s policy makers to rethink the country’s urban paradigm. At stake, Professor Mathur suggests, is federal India’s incredible economic transformation. Om’s book is a must read for scholars, policy makers, and students who recognize that urban India will determine India’s future.
— Junaid K. Ahmad
Vice President, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and
former India Country Director of the World Bank.
This legacy collection from the pre-eminent urban economist, Om Prakash Mathur, is a must-read for anyone interested in international economic development. His ideas on public policy shifts needed to match India’s urbanization with productive economic growth are based on a lifetime of direct involvement with the major issues and institutions of our time.
— Janice Perlman
Founder and President, The Mega-Cities Project, Inc.
Few countries in the world display more dynamic urbanisation than India. In this book, Prof Om Prakash Mathur presents a selection of papers written over the last five decades, capturing a period of unprecedented global urbanisation. The breadth of subjects covered in this unique compilation is a testament to Prof Mathur’s diverse roles as academic, policy advisor and thought leader in India and beyond. This book is an extraordinary resource for scholars, practitioners and decision makers wanting to understand how the case for cities has been argued over time and how, today, it seems to have won.
— Philipp Rode
Executive Director, LSE Cities, London School of Economics and Political Science
This collection of 20 essays by one of India’s leading urban scholars examines the multi faceted and complex phenomenon of urbanisation in India. Combining economics, political science and public policy, these essays provide a rich set of insights on the challenges of economic development in India in a rapidly urbanising world. The essays also draw from the author’s extensive experience working for the leading development agencies as well as for the Indian government. The book is a must-read for scholars and practitioners alike.
— Kunal Sen
Director, United Nations University
World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
<p><strong>Om Prakash Mathur</strong> is Visiting Senior Fellow at the CSEP Research Foundation and Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Global Cities Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto. He has served as Director (1984-1992) and Distinguished Professor (2011-14) at the National Institute of Urban Affairs; IDFC Chair Professor, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (1992-2011); and Chair, Urban Studies, Institute of Social Sciences (2014-2020). </p>
<p><br />
Mr Mathur has worked with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for about a decade, initially as Senior Regional Planning Advisor and Project Director of the Decentralization Mission of the Imperial Government of Iran (1975-78), and later as Senior Faculty at the United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Nagoya, Japan (1978-84). He has served as a Member of the UNDP’s Advisory Panel on Urban Management Programme, a Member of the UN- Habitat Advisory Group of Experts on Decentralization, and a Member of the ADB-CDIA Advisory Panel of Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA). He was Editor, Environment and Urbanization Asia (2010-14): Sage, India; and a member of the Editorial Board, Review of the Urban and Regional Studies (2009-12): Hitotsubashi University, Japan. He is currently a member of the Editorial Board of Urbanisation, a biannual, peer-reviewed journal of the IIHS: Sage, India.</p>
<p><br />
Om Prakash Mathur has a Master’s in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics and has attended graduate courses at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, Cambridge.</p>
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