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Hard-cover • 2008
Pages: 426
ISBN: 9788171886333
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Academic Foundation
India, GCC and the Global Energy Regime
Exploring Interdependence and Outlook for Collaboration
Samir Ranjan
About the Book
<p>Growth-induced structural changes have precipitated a phenomenal increase in energy consumption in the economies of the Asian region. Importantly, Asia’s burgeoning demand for oil and gas is a crucial factor in the current world energy market and has occupied centre stage in the contemporary discourse on global energy security.</p>
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<p>This book explores one aspect of such transition, envisaging the emerging pattern of energy interdependence between India as a major energy consuming and importing country and the prominence of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries as the major source of energy supplies for India and the Asian region as a whole.</p>
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<p>The book argues that the evolving pattern of energy related links and tendencies will act as a stimulant to boost bilateral economic relations between India and the GCC to an elevated trajectory.</p>
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
<p><strong>Dr. Samir Ranjan Pradhan</strong> is currently Senior Researcher at the Gulf Research Centre (GRC); a Dubai based premier independent policy research and consultancy organisation. He is a trained economist and obtained his M.Phil and Ph.D degrees from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>His main areas of research interests include: energy security in the perspective of international relations; national, regional and global dimensions of India's energy security; developments and changes in the global oil and gas market with special focus on India, Gulf and China; regional cooperation and energy security in Asia, and India's economic relations with West Asia in general and GCC in particular.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>He has important national and international publications to his credit.</p>
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