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Experiences Of A Bureaucrat's Wife
Gita Vittal
About the Book
<p>Civil service has its uncertainties no less than the uncertainties of cricket. The uncertainty is not only about the length of time a civil servant will be in a post. There is also uncertainty about the place. What is it then to be a wife of a civil servant who even though enjoying the security of a career, does not enjoy any security of tenure?</p>
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<p>In this book, Reflections: Experiences of a Bureaucrat’s Wife, Gita Vittal gives a glimpse of her interesting life as a four decades old wife of an Indian civil servant. She traces her transformation from a college student to a memsahib. She takes the reader through her trials and tribulations. Through her easy-to-read, witty, absorbing and captivating writing, the reader lives all her excitement, struggles, challenges, apprehensions and all the ups and the downs of her life.</p>
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<p>Gita Vittal, however, has much more to her personality than being a bureaucrat’s wife. She holds degrees in Journalism, Management and Sociology. She has also pursued freelance journalism and social work. The book also reflects these aspects of her life.</p>
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<p>These ‘reflections’ brings the reader face-to-face with her undying, child-like spirit and her zeal for life. Each and all will enjoy browsing through these reflections.</p>
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