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Hard-cover • 2010
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9788171888337
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Academic Foundation

I Can Do

Finamcial Planning

Swapna Mirashi

About the Book

This book in your hands, I Can Do Financial Planning, is a valuable addition to the several ongoing efforts of the Reserve Bank towards enhancing financial literacy. It is aimed at youth who are just about getting into jobs and careers, and who will have to wade through a complex array of financial products and make judgements. It is an attempt towards educating the readers on the importance of thrift and equipping them with the skills of planning and budgeting for a financially secure future. Written in an easy style and simple language with live examples, the book’s central message is that people can improve their financial security through defining their financial goals, then drawing up and implementing a savings and investment plan to achieve those goals.

About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

Swapna Mirashi is a Financial Literarcy consultant & author.

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