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Hard-cover • 2007
Pages: 260
ISBN: 8171885330
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Academic Foundation

United Nations Development Aid

A Study in History and Politics

Digambar Bhouraskar

About the Book

<p>For more than five decades, United Nations has been giving development aid to developing countries for their economic and social development. At its birth, this was hailed as one of the greatest achievements of the UN and for humanity. The UN operated three aid programmes from its founding in 1945 until the creation of UNDP in 1966. But despite the scale and scope of these programmes, they did not attract much serious attention from scholars and institutions interested in multilateral aid.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book presents for the first time a comprehensive survey and critical analysis of these programmes. The author explains in detail the political struggles and considerations underlying the birth of each of these programmes and some inherent flaws in their conceptualisation. In analysing their growth and changes in structures, the author discusses the modalities and chronic problems encountered in implementation, in coordination at all levels and in the evaluation of their impact on economic development in the recipient countries.<br /> While giving credit to UNDP for remedying past weaknesses and making much progress since 1966, the author believes that there are areas in which further reforms are necessary. The author argues strongly for the centrality and universality of UNDP within the UN system, for further progress in coordination and evaluation, for adjustments to the modalities of implementation and above all for simplifying the legislative decision making structure in the UN relating to its development aid.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> "This is a splendid book by a distinguished economist who worked for years in the United Nations on problems of technical assistance. With shortages of skilled professionals now afflicting Africa, this book on the technical assistance programs pioneened by the United Nations is extremely timely. It should be widely read.”<br /> <strong>— Jagdish Bhagwati&nbsp;</strong><br /> University Professor, Economics and Law&nbsp;<br /> Columbia University</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>“In this book, the author has critically analysed and copiously documented—all from primary resources— the evolution of the programme of technical cooperation under the United Nations. He has brought to bear on the analysis his 32 years' experience of working on the development side of the UN, his involvement from behind- the-scene in intergovernmental negotiations on the scope, method and guidelines for technical assistance and his deep insight as an outstanding development economist. For institutions and libraries across the world, this book will be a precious possession of great historical and contemporary value.”<br /> <strong>— Muchkund Dubey&nbsp;</strong><br /> Former Foreign Secretary, Government of India,&nbsp;<br /> and Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>"Publication of this book on the United Nations technical assistance for economic development by Dr. Digambar Bhouraskar, an economist and a former departmental director of the UN is timely when debt-relief and economic aid to the poorest countries figures prominently on the policy-agenda of the world's statesmen. The author presents authentic views on the UN technical assistance from the insider's perspective and spells out its political dimensions with deep insights and a sure touch of a practitioner. I believe that the book will help redefine the economic role of the UN in the twenty-first century."<br /> <strong>— Deena Khatkhate&nbsp;</strong><br /> Former Assistant Director, International Monetary Fund&nbsp;<br /> and Managing Editor of World Developmen</p>

About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

<p><strong>Dr. Digambar Bhouraskar </strong>worked in the United Nations in New York for thirty two years (1957-1989). He held several senior positions including Director of the Development Administration Programme in the Department of Technical Cooperation. He was closely associated with several aspects of UN development aid and was responsible for managing a sizable programme of aid.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>He served as Financial Adviser to the Government of Jamaica (1989-1990). He was a Fellow at the Center for Management of Baruch College, CUNY, in New York (1991-1993) and was Adjunct Professor of Economics at Baruch College (1993-1998). He also served as consultant to UN and UNDP.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Dr. Bhouraskar holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Bombay. He was also a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Princeton University, NJ, USA</p>

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