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Hard-cover • 2010
Pages: 318
ISBN: 9788171888061
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Academic Foundation
Financial Policies and Everyday Life
The Indian Context
S.S. Tarapore
About the Book
<p>After a long career in central banking, the distinguished economist S.S. Tarapore <br />
has been writing columns in financial dailies. There was a felt need to reach out to a <br />
wider audience in a regional language. During the period October 2005-August 2008, <br />
he turned to writing a regular column in the widely circulating Gujarati newspaper, the Divya Bhaskar.<br />
This volume brings to the English speaking readers, for the first time, his writings in <br />
the Divya Bhaskar on monetary, fiscal, banking and external sector management, but essentially from <br />
the viewpoint of the aam aadmi. The volume would be of interest to the general reader who wishes to <br />
stay abreast of developments in financial policies and it would also be of interest to policymakers,<br />
opinion makers, bankers, academics and students.</p>
<p> </p>
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
<p><strong>Savak Sohrab Tarapore</strong>, B.A. (Honours) Economics, Sheffield University (1958), M.Sc. (Economics), London University (1960) and Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, Sheffield University (1996), was a career central banker. He joined the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 1961 as Research Officer and retired as Deputy Governor in September 1996. Since his retirement, he was Chairman of a number of official committees: Capital Account Convertibility (1997), Inquiry into the Affairs of the Unit Trust of India (2001), Procedures and Performance Audit of Public Services (2003-04) and Fuller Capital Account Convertibility (2006). He was a Member of the Committee on Banking Sector Reforms (1998), Advisory Group on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies (2000) and the RBI Technical Advisory Committee on Monetary Policy (2004-2008). He was Chairman of the Advisory Board on Banking, Commercial and Financial Frauds (1997-2001) and Chairman, Discount and Finance House of India (2001-2004). He was successively a columnist for the Business Standard, The Financial Express and the Divya Bhaskar and is currently a columnist for the Hindu Business Line. He is a member of the Court of Governors of the Administrative Staff College of India and a trustee of the N.M. Wadia Charities. He has published five books on financial policies. </p>
<p> </p>
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