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  • Banking & Finance /1 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-Cover • 2014
    Pages: 276
    ISBN 9789332700970
    INR 995.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Central Banking for Emerging Market Economies(2nd Edition)

    A relook in the context of the global financial crisis: 2nd Edition: Thoroughly Revised & Updated

    A. Vasudevan

    About the Book

    <p><br /> This&nbsp;version of the book <em>Central Banking for Emerging Market Economies</em> which first appeared in 2003 (Academic Foundation, New Delhi) is an update as also contextual.&nbsp; The global economic and financial crisis that emerged in 2007-08 and remains unresolved on a sustainable basis as of the third quarter of 2013, has led to questions about the relevance of central banks and in particular about the effectiveness of monetary policies in addressing the challenges. The integration of real and financial economies of the world has given a veneer of respectability&nbsp; to these questions. The crisis first engulfed the US and other advanced economies and subsequently impacted most emerging and developing economies in different degrees. &nbsp;</p> <p><br /> This contextual update shows that central banks continue to be relevant and essential for sound functioning of economies. Central banks require to pursue traditional functions relating to currency and payment systems and to being banker to the government and to banks as vigorously as before the crisis. They also need to adopt an oriented approach towards the pursuit of monetary policy for growth, inflation control and financial stability. The orientation has to do with monetary governance in a broad sense, a point that is best echoed in the author’s companion book: <em>Monetary Governance in Search&nbsp; of New Space</em> (2012, Academic Foundation).&nbsp;Central banking in its essence continues to be the art of the possible.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /2 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-Cover • 2013
    Pages: Part-A (680), Part-B ( 712)
    ISBN 9788171889860
    INR 2195.00

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    The Reserve Bank of India (Part A & Part B)

    Volume 4: 1981–1997

    Reserve Bank Of India (rbi)

    About the Book

    <p>This fourth volume in the series of the history of the Reserve Bank of India covers the 16 eventful years from 1981 to 1997. It is published in two parts, which ideally should be read as a continuum.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Part A</strong> focuses on the transformation of the Indian economy from a regime of restrictions to progressive liberalisation. The 1980s were characterised by an expansionary fiscal policy accompanied by automatic monetisation of budgetary deficit that strained the conduct of monetary policy. Similarly, a heavily regulated banking system impaired efficiency. The domestic macroeconomic imbalances combined with deteriorating external conditions triggered the balance of payments (BoP) crisis of 1991. Subsequent reforms ushered in far reaching changes not only in the economy but also in central banking.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Part B</strong> of the volume captures the implementation of structural and financial sector reforms: fiscal correction and phasing out of automatic monetisation; development of government securities market; and greater integration among money, securities and foreign exchange markets. It also covers the transformation in banking with liberalisation and improvement in credit delivery. At the same time the Reserve Bank had to contend with a securities scam which led to the introduction of better control systems and strengthening of the payment and settlement systems.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>With the introduction of financial sector reforms, the Reserve Bank adopted a more active communication strategy. The organisational structure of the Reserve Bank also changed in response to domestic necessities and international developments. The Bank embarked upon technological transformation and upgraded its systems and procedures to manage its operations effectively.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This volume is more than a mere narrative of the history of the Reserve Bank; it also provides valuable insights into India's economic development and policy during an eventful and significant period.</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /3 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 128
    ISBN 9788171889297
    INR 695
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Monetary Governance in Search of New Space

    Emerging Market Economy Perspectives

    A. Vasudevan

    About the Book

    <p>The book is about the times in which we live. The context is the current global economic and financial crisis, caused by human inter-ventions that were bereft of transparency and commitment to sound market discipline.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Governments and central banks are groping for quick solutions to assuage the growing anger of societies over the rising economic inequalities, unemployment and inflation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The need of the hour is to set in place good monetary governance. Monetary governance consists essentially of institutional mechanisms and processes required for sound functioning of the tasks that devolve on Governments and central banks.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It focusses on issues relating to the functional area of macroeconomic management. It is distinct from financial governance which deals mainly with portfolio management and asset distribution within the context of the principles and policies laid down by macroeconomic managers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book deals with the institutional requirements, the rainbow of interests, the analytics and the international dimensions of monetary governance in detail from the point of view of emerging market economies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Vasudevan argues, the way forward from the present state of policy-disarray lies in bestowing focus on accountability, knowledge-centric information and structural reforms as the points of policy pursuit.</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /4 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 414
    ISBN 9789332700079
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Indian Financial Reforms

    Priorities and Policy Thrust Post Global Financial Crisis

    Uma Kapila (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>The Indian financial sector has seen wide ranging reforms during the last two decades. This edited volume comprising the writings of eminent economists, financial experts including top bankers, brings together at one place the story of India’s financial sector reforms—focusing on the unfinished agenda; the need for next generation of reforms; lessons and new responsibilities for central banks in view of the global financial crisis; the policy challenges arising from the new trilemma, that is, price stability, financial stability and sovereign debt sustainability; implications of Basel III and G-20; and, the issues and challenges pertaining to financial inclusion.</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /5 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 396
    ISBN 9789332701397
    INR 1295
    In association with IPE, Hyderabad
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Risk Management in Banking, Insurance and Financial Services

    J. Kiranmai (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>Giving strategic direction to a business corporation means understanding what drives the creation of value and what destroys it. The corporation needs to understand the risks which it can take and the risks which it should avoid. Hence, to grow any business entails risk judgement and risk acceptance. A corporation’s ability to prosper in the face of risk, at the same time responding to unplanned events, good or bad, is a prime indicator of its ability to compete. In the recent times, risk exposure is becoming greater, more complex, diverse and dynamic. This has arisen in no small part from rapid changes in technology, speed of communication, globalisation of business and the rate of change within markets. In view of this, the book contains articles related to risk management in banking, insurance, financial services and other allied areas. It develops and enhances expertise and understanding of various risks faced by the banking, insurance and financial services sector. Further, it examines the mechanism of designing and usage of various specific risk mitigating options and strategies available. The book also discusses the necessary framework, approach and process of enterprise risk management.</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /6 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 334
    ISBN 9788171889662
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    A Commentary on India’s Recent Financial Policies

    S.S. Tarapore

    About the Book

    <p>This book provides a commentary on recent financial policies covering macroeconomic perspectives, monetary-fiscal policies, external sector policies, particularly exchange rate management and gold.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The collection would be of interest to the general reader with broad interest in financial policies as also policymakers, opinion makers, banks and financial institutions, academics and students of finance.</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /7 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2003
    Pages: 285
    ISBN 8171883184
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Money and Banking

    Select Research Paper by the Economists of Reserve Bank of India

    A. Vasudevan (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>The Reserve Bank of India has promoted research right from the early years of its existence. Excellent research papers have been prepared by some of the outstanding economists of the Bank. Barring exceptions, the invaluable research embodied in these papers has not been ‘widely’ disseminated.</p> <p><br /> Former Executive Director, Dr. A. Vasudevan has utilized his lifetime of experience at the central bank to painstakingly edit the present collection of research papers (organised under four sections) with a comprehensive introduction.</p> <p><br /> According to Dr. Vasudevan “The objective of the volume is not to include articles in a large number of areas but to include only those that focus on money, monetary policy and banking issues — areas in which the Reserve Bank’s expertise is widely recognized.”</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The 20 chosen research papers included in the volume are contributed by :</p> <p>D. Ajit, R.D. Bangar, Anupam Basu, Indranil Bhattacharya, B.K. Bhoi, Goutam Chatterjee, Abhiman Das, Narendra Jadhav, Himanshu Joshi, Renu Kohli,&nbsp;<br /> K.A. Menon, M.S. Mohanty, Ashok Nag, N. Nagarajan, Michael Debabrata Patra, Sitikantha Pattanaik, C. Rangarajan, D.C. Rao, Deba Prasad Rath,&nbsp;<br /> Mridul Saggar, Y.S.R. Sarma (late), Indranil Sengupta, Anoop Singh, A. Vasudevan, T.R. Venkatachalam, and Ghanshyam Upadhyay.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Dr. C. Rangarajan’s foreword to this volume adequately highlights its unique importance — a fact also echoed in the comments of two other distinguished experts, namely Professor R. Radhakrishna and Professor D.M. Nachane.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This collection of research papers gives the flavour of the research work that is getting done in the Reserve Bank of India. They reveal both maturity and technical excellence.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> I congratulate Dr. Vasudevan in undertaking this effort and choosing a spectrum of articles that is truly representative of the research in the Reserve Bank of India.<br /> --</p> <p><br /> <strong>Dr. C. Rangarajan</strong><br /> Chairman, Twelfth Finance Commission<br /> Former Governor, Reserve Bank of India<br /> Dr. Vasudevan exemplifies the highest traditions of that rare but felicitous blend of impeccable academic scholarship and intimate experience of high-level policy-making. This volume, edited by him, largely reflects research studies done by his younger colleagues at the Reserve Bank of India. Most of the studies have drawn inspiration either from his direct participation or from his own writings. The study of several of the areas discussed in the book (such as the monetary transmission mechanism and money supply analysis) was pioneered by him in the Indian context during his long career at the Reserve Bank. It is a safe prognosis that the volume should prove rewarding both to academics researching on monetary economics as also to all those concerned with the fine art of monetary policy</p> <p>--</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> <strong>Professor D.M. Nachane</strong><br /> Former Director, Department of Economics, University of Mumbai<br /> This commendable book edited by Dr. A. Vasudevan, a leading monetary economist, is based on selected papers prepared by the monetary economists of the Reserve Bank of India during the last two decades for its in-house journal. The topics range from conceptual issues to macro monetary models and methodologies from traditional econometric techniques to recent advances in co-integration. It provides a useful insight into how monetary policy is responding to the problems of inflation and balance of payments and carefully assesses policy effects. A few papers present evidence bearing on the role of money supply in the inflationary process and make a case for money based monetary policy against the credit view, which dominated the monetary policy prior to reforms. The small sized macro econometric model based on Polak's absorption approach estimated for exploring the interaction between fiscal deficit and external balance will be handy for class room teaching.</p> <p>The introductory essay and introduction to sections by the editor provide a useful historical account of the issues, debates and policy responses, besides contextualizing the papers included in the book. The approach is both analytical and rigorous. It is a required reading for any one interested in policy design.</p> <p>In my view, in terms of its coverage and range of insight, this book will be a most valuable source for students and economists.</p> <p>--</p> <p><br /> <strong>Professor R. Radhakrishna</strong><br /> Director, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /8 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover+CD ROM • 2001
    Pages: 798
    ISBN 8171882234
    INR 4995
    2 Books + 2CDs
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India's Banking & Finance Sector in the New Millennium, Volume - 1 & 2

    Raj Kapila‚ Uma Kapila (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>A galaxy of eminent economists and financial experts including top bankers, have authored brilliant writings which appear as various chapters of these two volumes – that together present, crisp and authoritative overview of some of the latest and the most challenging issues...</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /9 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2003-04 Edition
    Pages: 1824
    ISBN 8171883311
    INR 2995(Set of 2 Vols. + CD-ROM)
    2 Books + CD-ROM
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    Manual of RBI Notifications

    Sona Kapila

    About the Book

    <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">Comprising Notifications as latest as June 2003, plus</span></p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> .Banking Development and Perspective (2002).</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Monetary and Credit Policy for the year 2002-03.</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Monetary Developments in 2001-02.</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Mid-term Review of Monetary and Credit Policy for the year 2002-03.</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Chronology of Major Policy Announcements April 2001 to July 2002.</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Follow-up Action : Budget Announcements (Position as on 25.6.2002)</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Major Reports (72) released by RBI for the period 1997-2002.</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Notifications / Circulars / Directions for the period 1998 to 2001.</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Master Circulars (2001 to 1998).</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Primary Dealers (Notifications / Circulars / Directions - 2001 to 1998.)</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Non-Banking Financial Companies (Notifications / Circulars / Directions - 2001 to 1998).</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Master Circulars issued by Department of Banking Operations and Development.</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Circulars issued by Department of Banking Operations and Development from January 01, 1998 to June 30, 2001.</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> FEMA (Complete; Updated till January 2003).</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Exchange Control Manual (Complete).</p> <p style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.7999992370605px;"><br /> Pius Free Upgrade on CD for Notification / Circulars / Directions issued in 2003/04.</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /10 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2010
    Pages: 290
    ISBN 9788171888115
    INR 895
    For Sale in South Asia Only
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Banking Services for the Poor

    Managing For Financial Success

    Robert Peck Christen

    About the Book

    <p>Today more than ever it is evident that financial organizations that fail to heed the principles of sound financial management will rapidly find themselves in trouble. Over ten years ago, Robert Peck Christen observed this in the context of microfinance programs burgeoning in the late 1990's. His concern spurred the writing of this manual.</p> <p><br /> Developed to help microfinance program administrators manage for financial success, this best-selling manual today still offers practical and clear applications of traditional financial topics to microfinance institutions.</p> <p><br /> In this manual, Christen addresses interest rate policy, management of assets and liabilities, capital and portfolio risk, and strategic financial planning—all key issues for microfinance institutions and all important for the donors, consultants, and regulators who work regularly with microfinance institutions to understand. The manual presents the theoretical framework along with numerous examples, allowing the reader to deepen his or her understanding of the subject matter.</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /11 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2008
    Pages: 280
    ISBN 9788171886357
    INR 795

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Commercial Banks and Monetary Policy in India

    Partha Ray

    About the Book

    <p>In conducting monetary policy, a Central Bank primarily tries to influence behaviour of the commercial banks. The response of commercial banks to monetary policy actions is, thus, a key element of monetary policy. In view of the resurgence of the credit channel of monetary policy and episodes of credit crunch, world-over the issue has gained currency.</p> <p><br /> Against the backdrop of financial sector reforms in India, this book looks into the theory, stylised facts and empirical evidence on the relationship between commercial banks’ behaviour and monetary policy. The book presents an analytical account of the credit channel of monetary transmission and looks into the modified IS-LM model with an independent banking sector. Econometric evidence of the book is pointer to the fact that not all the banks respond uniformly to monetary policy. Attributes like ownership, size, liquidity, or capitalisation play important roles in determining the nature of response. The book also examines futuristic issues like consolidation of the banking sector in light of the evidence.</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /12 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2003
    Pages: 270
    ISBN 8171882811
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Central Banking for Emerging Market Economies

    A. Vasudevan

    About the Book

    <p>“This book is undoubtedly a work of encyclopædic proportions, which only a master of the subject will dare to undertake. We central bankers owe a deep debt of gratitude for Vasudevan's efforts. Virtually no important aspect of central banking is left out...</p> <p><br /> “...Vasudevan's tantalising voyage through the theory and practice of central banking is a path-breaking and salutary effort. It deserves to be a manual for the modern central banker and those outside who wish to unravel the traditional mystique of monetary or economic policies....</p> <p><br /> “...Vasudevan's treatise is a delightful read for all who are seriously interested in central banking. I enjoyed the intellectual prowess of the writer.”</p> <p><strong>— A.S. Jayawardena</strong><br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; GOVERNOR<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Colombo</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /13 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2022
    Pages: 135
    ISBN 9789332705937
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Veterans of The Reserve Bank

    P.P. Ramachandran

    About the Book

    <p>The book deals with the Reserve Bank’s Economic Department which was conceived to undertake research work and provide guidance to the authorities not only in the narrow sphere of money and banking but over a broad spectrum of economic problems. The Department was organised into three major divisions, the Division of Monetary Research, the Division of Rural Economics and the Division of Statistics, the first Directors of the Division being&nbsp;Dr. B.K. Madan, Dr. B.R. Shenoy and Dr. N.S.R. Sastry, respectively.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book deals with a number of great personalities who left a lasting impression on the Economic Department which is the “Brain” of the Reserve Bank of India.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>After covering the founding fathers like Dr. P.S.N. Prasad, Dr. K.N. Raj, Dr. Dharma Kumar, the book leads us on to the intellectuals like Shri M. Narasimham, Dr. A.G. Chandavarkar, Dr. V.V. Bhatt, Dr. Deena Khatkhate and Dr. K.S. Krishnaswamy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Their glorious period was succeeded by the electrifying presence of highly regarded economists like Shri S.S. Tarapore, Dr. N.A. Mujumdar and Dr. Meenakshi Tyagarajan.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book is replete with hilarious anecdotes which impart an air of levity to a highly charged department.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The reader will get an inkling of how the Brains Trust of a Central Bank works.</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /14 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Paperback • 2023
    Pages: 236
    ISBN 9789332706224
    INR 2495

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India Banking and Finance Report 2022

    Partha Ray‚ Arindam Bandyopadhyay‚ Sanjay Basu (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p><span style="font-size: 12px;"><em>The India Banking and Finance Report (IBFR) 2022</em> is a comprehensive anthology of articles on the domestic and global financial sector. The report covers a wide vista of important subjects, from recent macro-financial developments to green finance, model risk to people risk and CBDCs to loan melas. Each issue is addressed with cogent and incisive theoretical and data analysis. While the observations and recommendations are factual, the style is crisp, clear and simple. The report highlights the challenges and opportunities in the banking and financial sector in an integrated and turbulent world, necessary reforms and prudential measures to ensure sustainable growth and financial stability, as well as lessons for the future. Hopefully, IBFR 2022 will motivate informed discussions on the BFSI sector among practitioners, regulators and policymakers.&nbsp;</span></p>

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  • Banking & Finance /15 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Hard-cover • 2016
    Pages: 400
    ISBN 9789332701984
    INR 1595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Emerging Trends in Banking

    R.K. Mishra‚ S. Sreenivasa Murthy‚ J. Kiranmai (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>Banking sector plays a dominant role in building the economy of a nation. It is necessary for growth, generation of wealth, creation of jobs, eradication of poverty and increasing the gross domestic product. The research articles in this edited volume cover a wide spectrum of emerging trends in the banking. The contents of the book have been divided into three parts. Part I deals with economic reforms and trends in financial intermediation; Part II deals with technology, innovation and CRM issues in banking and Part III deals with performance evaluation, rural credit, financial inclusion and other issues. The book would be a very useful collection for banking and finance professionals, researchers, academicians and management students.</p>

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  • Banking & Finance /16 of 16
    Banking & Finance

    Paperback • 2024
    Pages: 246
    ISBN 9789332706552
    INR 2595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India Banking and Finance Report 2024

    Partha Ray‚ Arindam Bandyopadhyay‚ Sanjaya Baru (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p><em>The India Banking and Finance Report (IBFR) 2024</em> is a compendium of articles on the Indian and global financial landscape. The report covers a wide spectrum of topics, across sixteen chapters: from latest macro-financial developments to ECL provisioning, ESG to Digitalization of Trade and regulatory contours after Silicon Valley Bank meltdown to credit guarantees for MSMEs. The discussion, in each chapter, is buttressed with theoretical and empirical analysis. However, like the earlier editions, the style remains lucid. The report presents the challenges and opportunities in an integrated and volatile world of banking and finance, the need for appropriate reforms and regulations, and the key lessons for the future.&nbsp;</p>

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