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About the Author


Shashanka Bhide

Shashanka Bhide is currently Director, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai. He was earlier Senior Research Counsellor at National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi. He was also Professor and RBI Chair at the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore in 2003-04. He has published widely in academic and professional forums. His research interests have included issues relating to agriculture, infrastructure and macroeconomic modelling. While at NCAER, he led a major study on land pooling and development models for Delhi.

The Land Question in Urban Development

The Land Question in Urban Development

Shashanka Bhide‚ Devendra B. Gupta (Eds.)•

Hardcover • 2018 • 346 • 6.25 x 99.25 (inch)
ISBN 9789332704473 • INR 1495

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