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• 2015

Pages: 224

ISBN: 9789332703148

INR 995

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Mainstreaming the Marginalised

Reflections on Poverty and Developments in the Rural India

Vijay Shankar Vyas


Some of the questions asked in the context of contemporary economic development in India are: Why despite high rate of growth for nearly a decade there has not been any major reduction in the number of the poor households? Why despite high growth, dependence on the agriculture has not declined in any measurable way? Why the country with burgeoning stocks of food- grains, not able to eliminate hunger and reduce malnutrition? Why with all the relevant institutions in place the delivery systems are not able to reach the ‘last man’? Why country’s democratic institutions are faltering? In various essays collected in this book, attempt is made to answer some of these questions. 

Praise for this book

Prof. Vyas has in this book rightly chosen land relations, input subsidies, agricultural marketing and risk mitigation for special consideration. He has emphasised the need for integrating natural and social sciences and humanities. He has also urged that innovations should help to manage risk and not merely avoid it. The book helps to bring science and society together. The views of Prof. V.S. Vyas based on life time experience are exceedingly important to achieve the present goal of accelerated, but inclusive growth.
—    M.S. Swaminathan 
       Founder Chairman and Chief Mentor, M S Swaminathan

       Research Foundation, Chennai.


Vijay Vyas is clearly a leading thinker on rural India. The plight of the small farmer, the pressure of demography on the rural labour force, inadequate and poor quality infrastructure, are balanced with a nuanced setting out of technology, the rural-urban continuum, diversification within agriculture and the demands of a fast growing economy. While not mincing words on describing the present, Vyas in each essay is showing the reader the art of the possible.
—    Yoginder K. Alagh 
       Chancellor, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar;

       Vice-Chairman, Sardar Patel Institute of Economics and

      Social Research, Ahmedabad.


This compilation of erudite lectures by Prof. Vyas is easily the best I had ever read on the evolution, challenges and prospects for rural and agricultural economy of India This book should be a compulsory reading for academics and policy-makers alike, interested in the compelling need for comprehensive reform agenda for agriculture  in Indian economy and society.
—    Y. Venugopal Reddy 
        Former Governor, Reserve Bank of India

About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

V.S. Vyas (PhD Economics) is currently Professor Emeritus in the Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur. He has taught in prestigious universities and institutions in India and abroad and worked with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and FAO, in different capacities. He served as a Member of the Central Board of the Reserve Bank of India and the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India. He is the author of several books and articles in the areas of agricultural policy and rural development. He has been honoured by the academic community in India and abroad and was awarded one of the highest national awards, the Padma Bhushan, by the President of India.

Contents in detail: