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Hard-cover • 2023
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9789332706170
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Academic Foundation


Mehar Brar

About the Book

<p>From the Author:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The word <em>worldness</em> means the quality of being a world; existence as a world. Which as a definition actually sums it up pretty nicely.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I composed these poems between the age of 10-13 years. Some poems which were written&nbsp;at a younger age were added to include their rawness. In all of the newer ones&nbsp; too there is a straight forwardness which is much like the surface view of a world in which if you were to dive deeper into, there’re always many different sides.</p>

About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

Tasked with typing this text I felt at a loss of words. Who am I? Do I write a list of accomplishments like other "about the author" sections? Although a person can’t genuinely be defined by what they have done, nor what they are good at either, since it is ever evolving. As a young author l am still discovering what defines me as a writer. Like in this book itself there is no real theme, nor something more substantial than a feeling. Moreover just a concept in itself. So all I know is that I am the concept, of Mehar Brar.

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