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Hard-cover • 2022
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9789332705807
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Academic Foundation
The China Scare
Why the New Cold War is Unnecessary
Ajay Reddy
About the Book
The American and European elite assumed in the twenty-first century that a “containment” policy was required with regard to Russia, Iran, and China for all time to come. This book starts from the ground level and explains for those with no previous exposure to the topic how the different phases of European history are connected to the different phases of Chinese history and how, especially, Russian history explains why the Chinese communist state in the twenty-first century was not strong and expanding but weak and desperate, on the verge of a disintegration in which it would lose half of the territory it claimed. To this effect, The China Scare: Why the New Cold War is Unnecessary promises to be an enlightening read.
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
Ajay Reddy is an independent scholar of the history of international politics. His special interest is the impact of historical events on current policy and ethical and moral dimensions of statecraft. He references not just scholarly works but also popular culture to frame his historical research in the contemporary context.
He studied at the University of Illinois and now lives in Urbana Champaign.