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Hard-cover • 2019
Pages: 312
ISBN: 9789332704794
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Academic Foundation
Essays on Indian Economy
R. Radhakrishna
Editorial Team: S. Galab, Brajaraja Mishra, Ram Kumar Mishra, G. Swaroopa Rani and N. Krishnaiah
Praise for this book
<p>Professor R. Radhakrishna’s life-long research work on Growth, Inequality, Food Security, Poverty and Well-Being is widely recognized as illuminating, authentic and credible. The present volume contains his lectures delivered on important occasions on these themes. They capture the essence of his findings which are presented in a lucid and readable form. These would equally interest academic community, policy-makers and general readers. <br />
<strong>—C.H. Hanumantha Rao,</strong> <em>Founder Member & Honorary Prof., Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p>These essays are the culmination of decades of empirical research by a pre-eminent scholar on a subject of great contemporary interest. Professor Radhakrishna has brought to bear on these essays the outstanding research output of global best standards on the most pressing problem of India, namely, inclusive growth. The essays reflect total mastery of the author over the complex issues of multi-dimensional poverty, equity and evolving challenges. The book combines accumulated wisdom and outstanding knowledge on the issues of equity in India and offers a mix of bold recommendations. The compilation of the essays is easily one of the most scholarly analyses on the subject. <br />
<strong>—Y.V. Reddy,</strong> <em>Former Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p>These essays reveal the multi-dimensional nature of Professor Radhakrishna’s intellectual activity. Unlike many other economists, he was never a growth fetishist. He always wanted to know whom the growth would benefit. His particular interest was in seeing whether the poor would benefit from growth. Concerned with such issues, he emerged as one of the top experts on Indian nutrition and food security. As a keen student of agriculture and food security, he always recommended policies that would raise the food security and well-being of the common man, and not just the elite.<br />
<strong>—Amiya Bagchi,</strong> <em>Emeritus Professor, Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p>The range of issues covered in the volume: from agriculture to non-banking sector, from poverty and malnutrition to Human Happiness, from welfare function to food security, reflects incredible diversity of scholarship, an enquiring mind, relentlessly trying to grasp complex issues of India’s economic development. At the root, there is concern for building robust database for informed policy-making. Treading the difficult terrain of scientific enquiry, meticulously avoiding the left and right conundrums, Prof Radhakrishna is a humanist, deeply concerned about the impact his ideas will have on the poor and vulnerable. <br />
<strong>—Amitab Kundu,</strong> <em>Distinguished Fellow, Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi</em></p>
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
<p>About the Author<br />
<strong>Prof. R. Radhakrishna</strong> is recognized as one of the most influential applied economists of India. Known both nationally and internationally for his immense contributions to literature and policy in the areas of development economics, welfare analysis, and applied econometrics, Prof. Radhakrishna is a prolific researcher, respected teacher, able academic administrator, and notable institution builder. He led a number of institutions in their formative years, including the Department of Economics of the Central University of Hyderabad and Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, and Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai. He has also held many distinguished positions, such as the Chairman, National Statistical Commission; Member Secretary, ICSSR; and Vice Chancellor, Andhra University; among others. Over the years, he has also been bestowed with several academic and public awards.</p>
<p><br />
Editorial Team:<br />
<strong>S. Galab</strong> is Director of Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad.<br />
<p><strong>Brajaraja Mishra</strong> is an Assistant Professor at CESS, Hyderabad.<br />
<p><strong>Ram Kumar Mishra</strong> is Director of Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad.<br />
<p><strong>G. Swaroopa Rani</strong> is a former Dean and Department Head at St. Francis College for Women, Hyderabad.<br />
<p><strong>N. Krishnaiah</strong> is a former Deputy Director at Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.</p>
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