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Hard-cover • 2014
Pages: 260
ISBN: 9789332701540
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Academic Foundation
Exploding Aspirations
Unlocking India’s Future
Rajiv Kumar
About the Book
The book is a collection of Rajiv Kumar’s widely read and appreciated columns in some of India’s leading newspapers over the last two years. The volume includes a specially written Introduction that provides a sharp and candid insight into multiple policy failures of the UPA II government and lays out the reform agenda for the incoming BJP government. The articles provide an incisive analysis of India’s turbulent economic journey over the last three years as the country lost both its policy direction and economic momentum. The short essays provide a rare ringside view of policy making and all its frailties from an author who has established himself as one of the most widely read columnists in India.
Praise for this book
<p>“Rajiv Kumar is a true all-rounder in the field of economic policy, having occupied senior positions in government, in the private sector and in economic policy think tanks. His is an important voice that India’s policymakers must pay attention to. This collection of essays offers a critique of what went wrong with UPA-2 and ideas for returning India back to the high growth years of UPA-1.” <br />
<strong>Sanjaya Baru</strong>, <em>Honorary Senior Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi</em></p>
<p><br />
“Rajiv Kumar is one of the leading columnists in the country today whose writings on different dimensions of India’s political economy reflect a deep and multidimensional understanding of the issues facing the country. He is candid without being arrogant and writes with a flourish without bring verbose. And quite unlike other columnists, his writings are both relevant for the serious policy makers and informative for the common reader.” <br />
<strong>Vinod Rai</strong>, <em>former Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India</em><br />
<p>“Rajiv Kurmar’s columns demonstrate his economic prescience and provide a fair critique condemnation of the previous government’s economic policies along with a clear and doable agenda for the new government.”<br />
<strong>Sir Mark Tully</strong>, <em>author and journalist</em></p>
<p><br />
“For over a decade now, Rajiv Kumar has been educating a nation. Translating the abstruse discipline of economics in columns that can be easily read, understood and digested by the layperson—but without either sacrificing analytical rigor or descending into condescension—Rajiv has laid bare India’s economic challenges while contributing simultaneously to its policy debates. His has been a strong voice of reason for effective markets and sensible government policies that are at once true to India’s unique circumstances. This volume will give his analyses a wider readership and contribute towards creating the better informed populace that is so essential to the success of the grand experiment that is India.” <br />
<strong>Ashley J. Tellis</strong>, <em>Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace </em></p>
<p><br />
“I find Rajiv Kumar’s columns, to be insightful and incisive and yet lucid and easy to grasp the core message. I recommend the volume to all those who want to get a glimpse into India’s policy making and its frailties. The introduction specially written for the volume is in itself a good analysis of what went wrong and the way forward.”<br />
<strong>Harsh Mariwala</strong>, <em>Executive Chairman, Marico Ltd.</em> </p>
<p><br />
“The wide ranging essays in this book provide not only an incisive analysis of the challenges facing the Indian economy but also bold prescriptions ranging from sectoral to macroeconomic and from regional to the global economy. An essential read for policy makers in the new government.”<br />
<strong>Devesh Kapur</strong>, <em>Director, Centre for the Advanced Study of India, University of Pennsylvania</em></p>
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
<p><strong>Rajiv Kumar</strong>, one of India’s most recognised economists, regularly advises the government on policy issues. He is India’s leading public intellectual whose widely read columns in major Indian newspapers offer candid and sharp insights into India’s evolving political economy. They are also read by leading policy makers.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>He brings to his writings his vast and varied experience having worked in the Indian government as head of an economic policy think tank; in the ADB in Manila; and in India’s two largest national apex business associations. He has a DPhil in Economics from Oxford and PhD from Lucknow University.</p>
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