Pages: 766
ISBN: 9789332703711
INR 1495
Eleventh Five Year Plan laid special emphasis on inclusive growth with social justice and empowerment of weaker sections. This resulted in introduction of several flagship programmes with focus on welfare of the poor. This volume is an outcome of the national seminar organised by National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad, to understand the efficacy of flagship programmes and to improve the process involved in their planning and implementation. Most of the papers in this volume relate to 15 individual flagship programmes. These are intensive studies of the individual programmes using field level primary data to evaluate their impact on the target groups. The broad message that has emerged from these papers is loud and clear—these schemes have made positive impact even if fallen short of the desired extent.
This volume will enhance our understanding of the working of flagship programmes in their various complexities and dimensions, and provide useful insights. The publication will be beneficial for both researchers and policy makers—researchers for pursuing more intensively the issues raised and policy makers for learning lessons for policy corrections.
K.P. Kumaran has more than three decades of professional experience in research and training in the field of rural and urban development. He has to his credit several articles and books published both by the national and international publishers. Currently, he is working as consultant to Centre for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (CPME) at National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), Hydera-bad. Prior to this, he held important positions like Prof & Head, CPME and Prof & Head, Centre for Media and Rural Documentation, NIRD&PR, Hyderabad. He has also worked as Professor-Urban Basic Services for the Poor at the Institute of Management in Government, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
P.K. Nath, trained in Economics, was an Administrative Service Officer in Odisha. Since 2008, he has been a Faculty in NIRD&PR. He has contributed in the areas of regional disparity, problems of the marginal (SC/ST and minorities), folklore, monitoring and evaluation of rural development programmes. He has also been a regular columnist in different Oriya dailies and some leading journals like Mainstream, Vidura, Grassroots and others.
K. Prabhakar is Assistant Professor, Centre for Good Governance & Policy Analysis (CGGPA) at NIRD&PR, Hyderabad. His research interests lie in the area of planning, monitoring, evaluation, governance, service delivery, decentralisation, and budget and policy analysis. He is involved in using different social accountability tools like Community Score Cards (CSC), Social Audits, Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS), Citizen Report Cards (CRC) and CRC+ for different contexts. He is associated with various international and national premier institutes.
N. Kalpalatha is currently working as cartographer in NIRD&PR, Hyderabad. She holds a Master degree in Regional Planning from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and Doctoral degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.
Nilachala Acharya
Michael S. Andrew
Madhusudan Bhattarai
Sumit Dadasaheb Bhandari
Narayana Billava
Richa Chintan
Sabitribala Das
Sanjukta Das
Tushar Kanti Das
Koushik Kumar Hati
S. Indrakant
K. Jafar
Rajesh Parbhatrao Kadam
T. Sarah Kamala
K. Keerthi
M.S. Khan
Veeraiah Konduri
P.K. Kulkarni
Nomita P. Kumar
V. Mathew Kurian
Aruna Kumar Malik
A.D. Manikandan
Muktarani Mishra
Nihar Ranjan Mishra
Rudra N. Mishra
Soumya Mohanty
Krishna Prasad Mukherjee
Anish Nair
Nayanatara S. Nayak
S.K. Nayak
Srikantha Nayaka
Bhagabata Patro
Godawari Shivaji Pawar
Floyd Peters
Kiran Prasad
R.M. Prasad
V. Ramakrishnappa
Ch. Shankar Rao
P. Punna Rao
Gaurav Singh
Mrityunjay Kumar Singh
Rajani V. Sontakke
Mamata Swain
K.K. Tripathy
U.R. Rajeshwari
Saraswati Unni
P.K. Viswanathan