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Paperback • 2023
Pages: 649
ISBN: 9789332706248
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Academic Foundation
Indian Economy (24th Edition)
Performance and Policies
Uma Kapila
About the Book
HERE’s the new, 24th Edition of the widely accepted textbook on Indian Economy for undergraduate students (BA /BCom/Hons) incorporating the latest recommended readings. The book provides a comprehensive coverage of Indian economy under five sections:
I. basic issues in economic development: institutional framework and policy regimes;
II. growth and distributional issues: poverty, inequality and employment;
III. current perspectives in Indian agriculture: growth, productivity, constraints and pricing;
IV. industry and services sector;
V. financial sector and the external sector.
The author Dr. Uma Kapila has specially designed this book based on the latest original readings recommended for the undergraduate courses, some of these being available in her edited books: Indian Economy Since Independence, 34th Edition (2023-24), Indian Econo-mic Development Since 1947 (2016-17 Edition) and Indian Economy: Economic Development and Policy (3rd Edition 2021).
In the present volume, author has made an effort to keep the language simple without compromising the effectiveness of the argument or diluting the analyses. The book also carries a comprehensive Glossary.
Apart from undergraduate students, the book is widely used by students preparing for the IAS and other competitive examinations.
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
Dr. Uma Kapila, author/editor of several books on Indian economy, retired as Reader, Department of Economics, Miranda House, University of Delhi. She has taught Indian economy to undergraduate students for more than 42 years. Currently, she is Editorial Director, Academic Foundation.
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