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Hard-cover+CD • 2002
Pages: 320
ISBN: 8171882773
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Academic Foundation

Economic Developments in India : Volume - 54

Analysis, Reports, Policy Documents

Raj Kapila‚ Uma Kapila (Eds.)

About the Book

Launched in 1998, Economic Developments in India (EDI) was, until now, a unique monthly publication in hard-bound book format, and contained analytical articles by eminent economists/experts, along with important Reports / Documents prepared by government/non-govt. organisations in India and abroad. The enhanced version of EDI, while retaining all the existing features, now adds another dimension to the range and depth of economic information published in a single monthly issue. From volume-31, every monthly hard-cover volume of EDI is also carrying a Compact Disc (CD). Thanks to the high storage capacity of the digital media, this has enable us to give a whole lot of additional important information. So far, in case of very large documents, the hard-copy carries the executive summary only. From volume- 31, the user-friendly CD stores the full-text of the documents and a host of other supplementary reference material.

About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

<p><strong>Raj Kapila</strong> is the Director and Chief Editor of Academic Foundation, Delhi. He has written extensively and is also the author of the following publications: The Story of Industrialisation: Industries the World Over (1962), The Time Demands: A Politico-Economic Analysis of Present-day India (1966), India at Cross : After 25 years of Independence (1972). He co-edited with Dr. Uma Kapila, a six volume study entitled Understanding India’s Economic Reforms (AF, 1996). This was very well received and consequently led to the evolution of the concept of ‘‘Monthly Updates’’ on Indian Economy that eventually took the form of the present EDI series. Together, they have also edited Banking and Financial Sector Reforms in India (6 vols., 1998) and subsequently: Ongoing Developments in Banking and Financial Sector in India (4 vols., AF, 2000). Most recently, they have co-edited a book: India's Economy in the 21st Century (Academic Foundation, 2001) --- a collection of select articles by eminent economists.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Uma Kapila</strong> is Reader in the Department of Economics, Miranda House, University of Delhi. She has been a keen student of current Indian economic problems and has been teaching this subject to undergraduate and post-graduate students for the last forty years.</p> <p><br /> As a teacher-fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies, Delhi School of Economics (1976-79), Mrs. Kapila completed her Ph.D. on "Oilseeds Economy of India." She has also served on the Planning Commission Study Group on "Agricultural Strategies in the Eastern Region of India for the Seventh Five Year Plan" (Perspective Planning Division).</p> <p><br /> Dr. (Mrs.) Uma Kapila is the author of the book Oilseeds Economy of India (1982) published by the Institute of Economic Growth under their series "Studies in Economic Development and Planning." She is the editor of the widely read book entitled Indian Economy Since Independence, currently into its eleventh edition. Dr. Uma Kapila has, to her credit, well known textbooks on Indian economy that have been designed speci-ally keeping in mind the interests of university students. She is also the co-editor (along with Mr. Raj Kapila), of a number of publications mentioned earlier, that are focussed on current developments in Indian economy, banking &amp; finance.</p>

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