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Hard-cover • 2011
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9788171888740
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Academic Foundation
Many Futures of India
Rajiv Kumar
About the Book
<p>The first decade of the new century has seen global attention turn to India and thankfully largely for positive reasons. The world seems to have recognised that 'Incredible India', the catchy byline propagated by the country's Ministry of Tourism, is not just a hyperbole but reflects the multifaceted achievements and features of this enigmatic country. The elephant it seems can dare to dance.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The set of essays in this volume by Rajiv Kumar, one of more established and appreciated economic columnists in the country, explore the different aspects of this theme of India's future prospects. The essays written in a crisp and readable style provide unique insights in the on-going transition in India from a person who has observed it at close quarters over the last three decades from several different perspectives.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The illustrations by Jennifer Williams offer another set of insights from a socially engaged artist who has used the sketches to highlight the complexity and diversity of the changing Indian reality.</p>
Praise for this book
<p>Several reputed Indian economists have taken to writing columns on current economic issues. Among them, Rajiv Kumar is one of the best. His analysis is invariably acute and insightful. This collection of his writings is an excellent guide to the many issues that have engaged policymakers in India and indeed elsewhere in recent years. Read and enjoy.<br />
<strong>— Jagdish Bhagwati</strong><br />
<em>University Professor, Economics and Law, Columbia University</em>.</p>
<p><br />
Rajiv Kumar writes with insight and a depth of experience that is unusual, about the complex challenges and transitions that go along with India's breakout growth. He questions and refines conventional wisdom, and makes use of his broad knowledge of relevant external and international experience to provide policy perspectives that are balanced, informed by India realities and that contribute greatly to the ongoing policy debates in the country.<br />
<strong>— A. Michael Spence</strong><br />
<em>Nobel Laureate; Professor, Stanford University, USA</em>.</p>
<p><br />
Applying scenario planning in the context of a highly dynamic and rapidly growing country such as India requires skill, insights and dexterity. Supported by data, research and simulation models, Rajiv Kumar brings to life the many possibilities that future may hold for India. Young leaders should review these scenarios and deliberate the alternatives as they visualize the future that they would like to create for India<br />
<strong>— N.R. Narayana Murthy</strong><br />
<em>Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor, Infosys Technologies Ltd.</em></p>
<p><br />
In these perceptive essays, Rajiv Kumar, one of India's talented economists, makes a powerful case for undertaking energetic reforms. He also lucidly explains how with these reforms India can successfully complete the ‘Triple Transition’ and thus occupy her rightful place in the world economy.<br />
<strong>— Vijay Kelkar</strong><br />
<em>Chairman, National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Mumbai.</em></p>
<p><br />
Success always comes with challenges; and especially in circumstances like India's where so much has been accomplished but there is so much more to do. Rajiv Kumar's essays provide an excellent analysis of the distance covered and the distance yet to go. The vision of India being a rich country by 2040 is clearly feasible. Dr. Kumar summarizes the accomplishments to date and shows many of the issues that must be addressed for India to reach that goal.<br />
<strong>— Anne O. Krueger</strong><br />
<em>Special Professor of International Economics, Johns Hopkins University, USA.</em></p>
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
<p><strong>Rajiv Kumar</strong> is Director General, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), New Delhi. He is the former Director and Chief Executive, ICRIER, one of India’s leading economic policy think tanks.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>He has previously worked with the Government of India, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). He was also member of the National Security Advisory Board. Dr. Kumar is a D.Phil. in Economics from Oxford University and has several publications to his credit. He is also an active columnist.</p>
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