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Hard-cover • 2012
Pages: 162
ISBN: 9788171889686
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Academic Foundation
The Global Economic Meltdown
Perspectives from India and EU
Jayshree Sengupta (Ed.)
About the Book
<p>The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 is widely recognised across the globe as the most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression. The prolonged global economic slow-down has stymied the US economy, brought the Eurozone to the precipice, and continues to retard growth momentum throughout the world. Even developing economies that were previously thought to be crisis-averse are now experiencing the rough waters after an economic tsunami.</p>
<p><br />
The writers in this compendium address the many complexities of the GFC and present a holistic overview of its background, how it unfolded and how many of the nations sought to respond to it. This publication is unique in its approach of the crisis from a global perspective, with pieces focussing on India, Europe and the United States. Furthermore, the book provides a thorough examination of the economic, political, environmental and social implications of the crisis and offers glimpses of the road ahead, replete with policy recommendations for a more stable and prosperous future.</p>
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
Jayshree Sengupta is a Senior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, Delhi, India. She was a consultant for World Bank (1985-1990) and OECD (Paris) (1991). She coauthored a book with Prof S. Sideri of ISS (Hague) on ‘The 1992 Single European Market and The Third World’ (Frank Cass, London, 1992). She was a lecturer at Miranda House and Indraprastha College (Delhi University) from 1970 to 1977. She has also served as the Programme Coordinator at Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) from 1981-1985. She studied at the London School of Economics where she completed MSc (Economics) and MPhil (Economics).
Mario Candeias is the Co-Director of the Institute for Critical Social Analysis at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. |
Judith Dellheim is an economist working as Research Associate for Solidaric Economy. |
Hansjörg Herr is the Professor for Supranational Integration at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany. |
Fabio De Masi is currently working as freelance journalist and pursuing a Masters Degree in International Economics at Institute of Management Berlin, Berlin School of Economics and Law. |
Samir Saran is a Senior Fellow and Vice President at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, India. |
Vivan Sharan is an economist, educated at the University of Edinburgh, and St. Stephens College, University of Delhi. |
M.K. Venu is Managing Editor and heads a team of editorial writers that articulate the views of the Financial Express on all important economic and political issues. |
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