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Hard-cover • 2013
Pages: 414
ISBN: 9789332700079
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Academic Foundation
Indian Financial Reforms
Priorities and Policy Thrust Post Global Financial Crisis
Uma Kapila (Ed.)
About the Book
The Indian financial sector has seen wide ranging reforms during the last two decades. This edited volume comprising the writings of eminent economists, financial experts including top bankers, brings together at one place the story of India’s financial sector reforms—focusing on the unfinished agenda; the need for next generation of reforms; lessons and new responsibilities for central banks in view of the global financial crisis; the policy challenges arising from the new trilemma, that is, price stability, financial stability and sovereign debt sustainability; implications of Basel III and G-20; and, the issues and challenges pertaining to financial inclusion.
“Uma Kapila has brought out a very nice compilation of interesting articles and views that should keep us thinking. This is a superb update on everything one wants to know about the financial sector of India, coming as it is from some of the best minds in this segment”
— The Financial Express
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
Uma Kapila, PhD, retired as Reader, Department of Economics, Miranda House, University of Delhi. An alumna of Miranda House and Delhi School of Economics, she has taught Indian economy to undergraduate students for 42 years. She has authored/edited numerous books on the subject, including some the most widely acclaimed textbooks on Indian economy. She is also the co-editor (along with Raj Kapila) of the ongoing series Economic Developments in India, a monthly update published by Academic Foundation in the form of a book accompanied by a CD-Rom. Presently, Uma Kapila is Senior Editor, Academic Foundation.
Ashok Lahiri Member, Board of Directors, Asian Development Bank, Constituency Office of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Lao PDR, Tajakistan, Turkmenistan |
C. Rangarajan Chairman, Prime Minister Economic Advisory Council, Government of India, New Delhi |
Y.V. Reddy Chairman, Fourteenth Finance Commission, Government of India, New Delhi |
Joseph E. Stiglitz Nobel Laureate (2001), University Professor, Columbia Business School; The Graduate School of Arts and Science (Department of Economics) and the School of International and Public Affairs |
Duvvuri Subbarao Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai |
N.A. Mujumdar Editor, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Mumbai |
K.C. Chakrabarty Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai |
Deepak Mohanty Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai |
Anand Sinha Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai |
H.R. Khan Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai |
B. Mahapatra Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai |