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Hard-cover • 2014
Pages: 480
ISBN: 9789332701274
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Academic Foundation
India's Policy Milieu
Economic Development, Planning and Industry
S.K. Goyal
About the Book
This book comprising a collection of articles written by the eminent economist Prof S.K. Goyal under a different political-economic context of planning era, is of continuing relevance to the on-going debate on issues like the vastly increased role of foreign capital, restructuring of public sector, financial sector transformation, crony capitalism, endemic trade imbalances and functioning of new regulatory bodies which characterise India’s transition to the new economic policy regime.
About the Author(s) / Editor(s)
<p><strong>S.K. Goyal</strong>, after obtaining doctoral degree from Delhi School of Economics (1961), taught in Deshbandu College, Kirori Mal College and subsequently at the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), where he was Professor of Economics and Public Policy. He founded the Corporate Studies Group at IIPA, which was later transformed into the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi. He steered ISID as its Founder-Director during 1986-2003. He is currently Emeritus Professor and Vice-Chairman of ISID. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>His intellectual journey covered a vast area specifically industrial and trade policies, planning, public sector, monopolies, foreign capital and the corporate sector. He directed a number of research projects relating to the functioning of industrial regulations, public sector, Indian big business, multinational corporations and foreign investments. He has many publications to his credit and has pioneered the building of extensive databases on the Indian corporate sector and Indian social science literature and a Press Clippings Archive. He was also associated with a number of important official committees: Study Team on Machinery for Planning at the Central and State Levels (1966-67), Industrial Licensing Policy Inquiry Committee (1967-1969) and the Research Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, Government of India, in the rank of Cabinet Minister (1991).</p>
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