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Hard-Cover • 2013
Pages: Part-A (680), Part-B ( 712)
ISBN: 9788171889860
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Also available as e-book
The Reserve Bank of India (Part A & Part B)
Volume 4: 1981–1997
Reserve Bank Of India (rbi)
About the Book
Praise for this book
“This [the period from 1981 to 1997] was by far one of the most challenging periods for the economy. This volume of history takes us through the difficult times when the Reserve Bank and the Government had to contend with unprecedented strains on the external payments situation. In response to the balance of payments crisis, the Government embarked on a wide-ranging programme of economic reforms that defined a marked reorientation of the philosophy of economic management of the country. The Reserve Bank was a partner in this exciting process, generating ideas, processing proposals and implementing reform initiatives.”
— Dr Duvvuri Subbarao
“The comprehensive economic reforms, mostly home-grown, that were launched in 1991, with support from multilateral institutions and implemented in a gradual and cautious manner enabled India to gain international credibility. The devaluation of the rupee in 1991 gave a fillip to exports. This, combined with wide-ranging liberalisation efforts in various sectors, helped rather quickly to restore macroeconomic balance in the economy. Policy measures such as the institution of the Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System (LERMS) as a prelude to current account convertibility in 1994, the switch from direct to indirect instruments to improve the efficacy of monetary policy, and developing financial markets for greater market integration facilitated the smooth transition of the economy towards a more dynamic and liberal regime.”
— Dr Bimal Jalan
Chairman, Advisory Committee, RBI History