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  • State Development Studies /1 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2013
    Pages: 232
    ISBN 9789332700864
    INR 995
    Two Color Interior
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    Delhi Human Development Report 2013

    Improving Lives, Promoting Inclusion

    Institute For Human Development /government Of Nct Of Delhi

    About the Book

    <p>During the last few years, Delhi has experienced significant prosperity and expanding employment opportunities along with considerable improvements in infrastructure, basic services and amenities. Home to about 17 million people, the city attracts thousands of migrants every year, who arrive in search of livelihoods and educational opportunities. Delhi has emerged as a sort of microcosm of the entire country, unmatched in characteristics and spirit by any other city of India.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Delhi Human Development Report 2013 discusses the various aspects of the prevailing human development scenario in Delhi, including employment, livelihood, educational opportunities, healthcare, basic services and amenities, as well as the issue of public safety that has been a source of widespread concern in the recent past.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>While encompassing both the achievements and emerging challenges that constantly confront this vibrant city, the Report not only relies on the latest statistics and available information, but also analyses the findings of a large survey of about 8000 households. This was carried out to identify the perceptions and aspirations of the citizens belonging to various groups. The Report documents the tremendous positive changes taking place in Delhi in numerous spheres, signifying the dynamics of its socio-economic development along with the monumental task of ensuring that the benefits of prosperity accrue to all, especially the less privileged sections of its society. In essence, therefore, this Report is both a mirror to the city and an endeavour to promote inclusion and equity at various levels. &nbsp;</p>

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  • State Development Studies /2 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 468
    ISBN 9789332701229
    INR 1395

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Development Narratives

    The Political Economy of Tamil Nadu

    V.K. Natraj‚ A. Vaidyanathan (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>Tamil Nadu projects several important positive dimensions. Among them, from a development perspective, stand out: dynamic entrepreneurial class; well developed educational system; efficient administrative system; impressive and long history of advancement of the backward classes; continuing emphasis on social safety nets for the people; spread of industries in clusters and avoidance of concentration in a few locations; close attention to state autonomy and adherence to the federal principle especially after the mid-sixties.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As a result of industries getting spread—including most recently the IT sector—Tamil Nadu has avoided the diseconomies of concentration in a few locations. Also being a highly urbanised state, this has provided the poor with a supplement to other social safety nets. It should cause no surprise that Tamil Nadu is a front ranking state in terms of economic growth as well as concern for social welfare. And in this respect upholds the legacy it has as one of the pioneers in the uplift of the weaker sections.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The papers in this volume highlight significant trends and development in: population, labour force and employment, agriculture and irrigation, industrial development, social sectors and environment. The papers are a mix of the descriptive and the analytical. This collection, like most research, raises more questions than it offers solution for. If it provokes further thought and hopefully results in some pointers for future policy, the effort to put it together would not be unrequited.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /3 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 134
    ISBN 9789332701069
    INR 795

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Vulnerability and Risk Measurement of Climate Induced Disasters in Gujarat

    Shital Shukla

    About the Book

    <p>Risk and vulnerability measurement is the first necessary step for any serious contemplation of disaster reduction strategies as well as climate change policies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Measuring vulnerability risk is an emerging technique which can systematically assess and analyse vulnerability and risk due to future possible climatic hazards. It can reveal many adverse effects which are led by climate induced disasters on society. Therefore, it helps state as well as society for preparing and adopting adequate and successful measures for reducing the risk factors. In other words, measuring vulnerability and risk can show direction for preventing losses. It leads towards preparedness to reduce recovery time rather than dependence on relief and reconstruction and can help decision-makers in prioritising their intervention for proactive disaster mitigation strategies and climate change policies.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book has assessed the pattern of climate induced disaster in Gujarat. It argues that disasters and develop-ment are mutually related. Disasters can create a setback in a process of development. At the same time, the type of development can increase or reduce the risk due to disaster. Therefore, the risk due to climate induced disasters also depends on vulnerability pattern on the state. This book has explored a regional model for assessing the pattern of vulnerability within the state by identifying the determinants of vulnerability existing &nbsp;in the state. It has finally provided the ways and means of integrating risk reduction strategies into development planning and climate change policies. &nbsp;</p>

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  • State Development Studies /4 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 166
    ISBN 9788171889815
    INR 795
    Four Color Interior
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation


    Governance for Growth and Development

    Bibek Debroy

    About the Book

    <p>Gujarat's macroeconomic growth story has been commented upon. This is not just about a double-digit GSDP growth in the last 10 years. It is also about an even more remarkable double-digit growth in agriculture. However, questions are often raised about this growth. Isn't this just about industry and manufacturing? What about the social sectors? What about deprived segments of the population and deprived geographical areas? Haven't they been bypassed ?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Growth &nbsp;isn't &nbsp;the &nbsp;same &nbsp;as &nbsp;development.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book isn't about Gujarat's growth alone. It is about development too. It isn't just about vibrant industry. It is also about the perceptible improvement in social sectors, especially noticeable after 2007. It is a story of education and health, water, electricity and roads. It is a story of how these benefits have trickled down and how deprived segments have been main-streamed. That Gujarat model, so to speak, has implications for other States too, since it is about governance, efficient public expenditure, decentralisation and participatory planning. The focus of this book, deliberately not written in an academic style, is to draw attention to that development template. While there can be disagreement about what the Gujarat model represents, and what it does not, and about what made the Gujarat model work, before any debate, there ought to be a statement of the facts. That's what this book sets out to do.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /5 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 558
    ISBN 9788171889464
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Population, Health and Development

    Perspectives on Uttarakhand

    T.V. Sekher‚ Abhishek Singh‚ Sulabha Parasuraman (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>The population–health–environment approach to development recognises the interconnectedness between people and their environment. Population growth, size, fertility, mortality, migration, settlement patterns and resource availability—all influence the environment and development. Solving the complex challenges we face today demands a better understanding of how these aspects of population impact the environment, how the environmental change impacts our health and well-being, and what can be done to address these issues. If we are able to successfully integrate these aspects effectively, then a range of development goals, from poverty reduction to health security to gender equity can be achieved.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book examines the population and development issues, its relationships with supportive evidence and also identifies thrust areas of further research and action. The papers in this volume provide comprehensive analysis by utilising the most recent data and information. This book will be a ready reference material for demo-graphers, social scientists, policy makers, programme managers and NGOs and those interested in population, health and developmental issues.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /6 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 428
    ISBN 9788171887866
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Kerala's Demographic Future

    Issues and Policy Options

    S. Irudaya Rajan‚ K.C. Zachariah (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>The demographic transition in Kerala has reached its final stage with low levels of fertility and mortality, comparable to any part of the developing world. The infant mortality rates hovering around 10 to 15 for the last two decades enable the average Keralite to live beyond 72 years at the time of birth—the highest among the Indian states and union territories.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Could Kerala reap benefits from the demographic windows of opportunities? What are the emerging health threats? Is Kerala able to provide pensions and social security for the growing number of elderly? In this context, this book take stock of the demographic situation during the past 50 years and to predict the demographic future for the next 50 years, with focus on three emerging demographic-induced issues which will continue to occupy the debate in Kerala economy and society in the coming decades—migration, unemployment and ageing.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /7 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 176
    ISBN 9788171889242
    INR 695

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Structural Innovation for Inclusive Development in Bihar

    The Navodaya Shahar Model

    Harsh Singh

    About the Book

    <p>Under the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) rule led by the charismatic Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Bihar, one of the poorest states in India has seen a spectacular turnaround since 2006 so much so that some see the potential of the next green revolution in India sprouting from this Gangetic plain.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book, Structural Innovation for Inclusive Development in Bihar: The Navodaya Shahar Model explores this recent resurgence in Bihar and shows that policy options in the medium term are highly limited. The usual route of rural-urban transformation stands blocked and the vast rank of the rural landless continues to swell in this second most populous state in India. Floods of outmigration have provided a safety valve. But unless internal mobility is generated through rapid structural transformation, the human development baseline will not budge, nor will the specter of mass poverty begin to thaw.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book outlines the concept of Navodaya Shahars (new age rur-ban habitats) based on a new ‘land reform plus’ agenda to converge ownership of assets by poor households and feasible solutions for services, and lay a solid foundation for identity and livelihood with dignity. Could Navodaya Shahars be the Twenty-first Century incarnation of Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘Gram Swaraj’ vision?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This question is likely to engage scholars, policy makers and the common man alike. This book belongs to the category of ‘game-changers’.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /8 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 298
    ISBN 9788171889389
    INR 1095

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Organising Poor Women

    The Andhra Pradesh Experience

    S. Mahendra Dev‚ Ravi Kanbur‚ S. Galab‚ G. Alivelu (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>Why does poverty, particularly poverty among women, persist? One reason might be that we do not have the appropriate knowledge on which to base policies and interventions. But even if there was technical consensus on how to reduce poverty, the real issue is whether the power structures in society will allow interventions that reduce the advantages of the wealthy. Without power, the poor in general and poor women in particular, will not be able to argue for and to force the introduction of policies and interventions that improve their well-being.</p> <p>Hence, the need for empowerment. Organisations of the poor are central to inclusive growth. Andhra Pradesh has been in the forefront of promoting these organisations, especially for poor women. This volume assesses and analyses the Andhra Pradesh experience. The papers in the volume will be useful to researchers and policymakers alike since they chart a specific and concrete experience in enhancing organisations of poor women.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /9 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 146
    ISBN 9788171888979
    INR 595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    A State in Periodic Crises

    Andhra Pradesh

    B.P.R. Vithal

    About the Book

    <p>Agitations and political crises are not new to Andhra Pradesh, India's first linguistic state. The state was born as a result of an agitation, resulting in the first fast-unto-death that ended in a death, and its very existence has been challenged by repeated agitations. The more recent phase of separatism in the Telangana region has its origins in the unwillingness of the state's leadership to address the roots of an earlier agitation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book is a compilation of essays, speeches and an official note prepared by someone who has been intimately associated with the state's development from its very formation and, more importantly, played a key role in trying to address the problem of Telangana's grievances when they were first articulated in the late 1960s. Without taking sides on the question of the state's future, this book examines dispassionately the basis of the persistent sentiment of neglect in Telangana and examines the social, political, economic and emotional foundations of Andhra Pradesh's statehood.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /10 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 70
    ISBN 9788171889211
    INR 495

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Switching Tracks for a New Uttar Pradesh

    Strategies Revised

    Saurabh Johri

    In association with ORF, New Delhi

    About the Book

    <p>Uttar Pradesh, the largest state in India, is one of the most important states in the country. The state not only impacts national economy and politics but also has international overtures due to its culture, demographics and geography.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Switching Tracks for a New Uttar Pradesh is a unique book which analyses the situation in Uttar Pradesh not limiting its scope to just 'what needs to be done' but goes on to the next level of 'how it needs to be done'. The book has prioritised some key areas of reforms and has suggested models to trigger large scale reforms in the state; many of the models suggested in the book are universal in nature. It has also incorporated ideas from some of the most experienced officers who have served Uttar Pradesh<br /> in the past, academicians who have deep understanding of the state and politicians of national and regional parties who have worked closely with the people of the state.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book would be of interest to politi¬cians and bureaucrats within the state and nation, who want to make an impact in public service not only in Uttar Pradesh but in other states as well. It would also be helpful to national and international researchers who want to understand deeper issues in economic development and governance reforms.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /11 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 218
    ISBN 9789332701410
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Performance Evaluation of SLPEs in Karnataka

    R.K. Mishra‚ S.S. Subrahmanyam (Eds.)

    In association with IPE, Hyderabad

    About the Book

    <p>State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) contribute 11 per cent to India’s GDP and occupy a central place in the economic reforms process of the country. As per the Medium Term Fiscal Plan of the Government of Karnataka, performance measures identified to improve the performance of the SLPEs include phasing out revenue deficit, reducing fiscal deficit and budgetary support, restructuring the enterprises to generate more profits, etc.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The policy framed by the Department of Public Enterprise, Government of Karnataka, to sustain economic growth through private partnerships and to reduce financial burden on the state exchequer on account of the SLPEs has been discussed in this volume. Eight case studies in the book present a balanced view of the theory and practice of the SLPEs in Karnataka.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /12 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2011
    Pages: 250
    ISBN 9788171887880
    INR 895

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Goa Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective in bringing out these reports is to provide a credible independent quality reference document on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating the growth rate of States, lessen disparities and reduce poverty. The SDR is meant to discuss the constraints and challenges faced by a State and provide a vision, blueprint or a roadmap for its socio-economic progress.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed expert national-level agencies, under the supervision of a Core Committee, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including a senior representative of the State Government. The publication of the Goa Development Report follows the earlier published SDRs of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Lakshadweep, Maharashtra, Puducherry, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh, while SDRs of many other States and Union Territories are under various stages of preparation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The <strong>Goa Development Report</strong> reviews the experience of Goa and highlights issues critical for the State's development in the years ahead. The report is expected to be an important document and will impart value for accelerated growth in the future.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /13 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2009
    Pages: 208
    ISBN 9788171887835
    INR 595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Uttar Pradesh

    The Road Ahead

    Venkitesh Ramakrishnan (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>The importance of Uttar Pradesh in India's socio-political firmament is never overstated. That evolves naturally on account of a variety factors, which includes its position as the most populous State in the country and the consequent influence wielded by its people and their leadership in the nation's polity. This unique status has been the subject of consistent debate among the political class as well as the academia. The studies and reflections in this volume, Uttar Pradesh: The Road Ahead, advances this debate addressing a number of specific issues from historical, contemporary and futuristic perspectives. The components of the volume were first presented in a two-day national seminar conducted by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in 2008.</p> <p><br /> Central to this volume is the churning that manifold manifestations of identity politics brought to Uttar Pradesh since the mid-1980s, the seemingly never-ending political instability that it imposed as well as the possibilities and problems that the stability verdict of 2007 offers to the State. These issues are addressed by experts in the fields of politics, economics, sociology, governance and public administration.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /14 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2010
    Pages: 150
    ISBN 9788171888269
    INR 495

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Regional Disparities, Smaller States and Statehood for Telangana


    About the Book

    <p>The essays in this book, Regional Disparities, Smaller States and Statehood for Telangana, written on different occasions over a period of four decades reflect the understanding and vision of the author with regard to the complex issues of regional disparities and emerging regional tensions, and the revival of the demands for the creation of smaller states.</p> <p><br /> The author observes that inter-state and intra-state disparities in development have not only persisted but have even increased in certain cases especially where backward regions do not have the necessary political clout in decision-making regarding public investment and provision of jobs. This has led to regional tensions and persistent demands for carving out separate states consisting of such backward areas. Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh are some recent examples.</p> <p><br /> The need to reduce regional disparities in development has emerged as one of the biggest challenges in the post-reform period. According to Professor Rao, to ensure greater accountability for the development of backward regions in bigger states, it may be desirable to constitute Regional Development Boards and, where necessary, to carve out separate states comprising some of the backward regions. As early as 1969, he had argued for the economic viability of a separate Telangana state, “There is every reason to believe that separation would create conditions for the proper development of material as well as human resources of the region.”</p> <p><br /> The book is of great relevance today in view of the renewed interest in the subject.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /15 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2008
    Pages: 358
    ISBN 9788171885954
    INR 895

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Gujarat: Perspectives of the Future

    R. Swaminathan (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>A path-breaking book which examines India’s highly controversial yet most successful state: Gujarat.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It is difficult to argue with Gujarat’s success— a consistently growing state income, massive contribution to India’s coffers, and high marks in industry, agriculture, and higher education.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>How did Gujarat come to be India’s second most industrialised state, a toast among experts on economic development? And what lies ahead? In 11 well-researched, well-thought-out essays, some of the country’s leading experts on Gujarat give you the answers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Convincingly woven by editor, R. Swaminathan, Gujarat: Perspectives of the Future takes more than a cursory look at the industrial development that has swiftly taken place in the state. The volume goes deep into the phenomenon, providing analyses for various issues such as the macroeconomic framework for Gujarat’s industrialisation and the dynamics of its corollary urban development. More importantly, the book examines the way forward: what challenges await Gujarat?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book makes a compelling argument for a blueprint that will address the state’s serious problems including environmental degradation, discrimination against women, poor health care and nutrition, and lack of quality basic education. A blueprint which will then, make Gujarat’s remarkable development truly sustainable.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /16 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2008
    Pages: 432
    ISBN 9788171886197
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Development in Karnataka

    Challenges of Governance, Equity and Empowerment

    Vijayendra Rao‚ Ravi Kanbur‚ Gopal K. Kadekodi

    About the Book

    <p>Karnataka was founded 50 years ago and in those decades has embodied the challenges and contradictions that are faced by the rest of India—spectacular technology-led growth in Bangalore tempered with an abiding sense of the city's ungovernability, enduring gender inequity and regional disparities, and a visibly increasing gap between urban and rural areas. Yet, Karnataka is also increasingly being seen as a model of development. Bangalore's metamorphosis from a noun to a verb is the archetypical symbol of an India "unbound", and Karnataka's pioneering experiment with Panchayati Raj reform under the Hegde government in the 1980's sparked the 73rd amendment to the Indian Constitution and the consequent and continuing wave of devolutions in finance and power to panchayats. This emphasis on technology-led growth coupled with local government reform is, at least in theory, a singularly innovative strategy to address the challenge of generating growth with equity and can be described as the "Karnataka Model" of development.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This volume brings together contributions from leading national and international scholars to examine this model of development in detail. It covers politics and policy, civil society and governance, and a wide range of sectoral perspectives and interventions. It highlights the many challenges that confront Karnataka as it enters the second half century of its existence as an Indian state. The analysis and perspectives in the volume, and the lessons that can be learned from the Karnataka experience, will be useful to students, researchers and policy makers in India and across the world.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /17 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2003
    Pages: 193
    ISBN 8171883060
    INR 995

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    Successful Governance Initiatives and Best Practices (Experiences from Indian States)

    A Co-Publication of Academic Foundation, New Delhi and Planning Commission, Govt. of India in association with UNDP

    About the Book

    <p>This document has been prepared by the State Plans Division of the Planning Commission (Government of India) in collaboration with the Human Development Resource Centre (HDRC), United Nations Development Programme, (UNDP) New Delhi. It is a compilation of successful Government initiatives from across the country. This volume contains cases under three sections — Land, Water and Livelihood; Human Development and Social Services; and Public Interface with Government.</p> <p><br /> An attempt has been made to highlight the operating mechanisms and the key strengths that have contributed towards their success. The objective of this document is to facilitate inter-state comparisons and encourage the replication of these initiatives in other parts of the country.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /18 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2007
    Pages: 380
    ISBN 8171886213
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation


    The Quest For Sustainable Devlopment

    Vijay Shankar Vyas‚ Reidar Dale‚ Surjit Singh‚ Vidya Sagar

    About the Book

    <p>Rajasthan, the largest state in India, started its quest for development with several handicaps and a few advantages. Nearly two-third of its area is arid or semi-arid, with low and irregular rainfall characterised with extremes of climate. For a predominantly agrarian economy these conditions prove a major handicap in ensuring sustainable growth.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>If geography of the state is proving a stumbling block, its history—especially, recent history— makes the task of sustainable growth all the more daunting. The feudal tendencies had a deep sway over social organisation, which was characterised by hierarchical outlook, paternalistic institutions, low status of women and sharp social and economic discrimination against certain sections of population.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The state has some favourable ‘initial conditions’ as well. Its hardy stock of peasantry is capable of facing adversities. Its agriculture is diversified, with animal husbandry occupying an important place. It has vast mineral resources and enviable tourist potential. Its feudal past has also contributed to the inculcation of values of bravery, fortitude and charity among the people. Above all, it encouraged spirit of adventure and entrepreneurship.<br /> Transforming such a state to a modern, egalitarian and democratic state, and to place it on a path of sustainable development is not easy. Essays in this volume address this task in all its complexities.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /19 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2008
    Pages: 222
    ISBN 9788171886685
    INR 695

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Sikkim Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective in bringing out these reports is to provide a credible independent quality reference document on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating the growth rate of States, lessen disparities and reduce poverty. The SDR is meant to discuss the constraints and challenges faced by a State and provide a vision, blueprint or a roadmap for its socioeconomic progress.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed national-level agencies, under the supervision of a core committee, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including a senior representative of the State Government. The publication of the Maharashtra Development Report follows the recently published SDRs of Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, while SDRs of many other States and Union Territories of India are under various stages of preparation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Sikkim Development Report attempts to assess the main strengths and weaknesses of the state in achieving a high level of development. Based on the analysis of the economy's fundamentals, it recommends a development strategy that takes into account the state's potential and builds on its strengths: a peaceful environment, diverse agro-climatic topography, supply of cheap labour and vast potential in tourism, hydro-power, and horticulture. The sustainable developmental strategy recommended will seek to (i) empower people by strengthening the social infrastructure, in the form of education and skill formation and easy access to good health systems, and physical infrastructure, such as a good connectivity and communications network, quality energy supply, and (ii) vastly changed role for the government as an enabler rather than a direct participant in the production-distribution processes.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /20 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2007
    Pages: 720
    ISBN 8171885799
    INR 1495

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Karnataka Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective in bringing out these reports is to provide a credible independent quality reference document on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating the growth rate of States, lessen disparities and reduce poverty. The SDR is meant to discuss the constraints and challenges faced by a State and provide a vision, blueprint or a roadmap for its socioeconomic progress.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed national-level agencies, under the supervision of a Core Committee, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including a senior representative of the State Government. The publication of the Karnataka Development Report follows the recently published SDRs of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, while SDRs of many other States and Union Territories of India are under various stages of preparation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Karnataka Development Report dwells upon the entire gamut of the State, across sections ranging from real and financial sector, regional disparities, human and social development, environmental sustainability, governance and service delivery. Karnataka's strength lies in four major areas viz., good governance (transparency and accountability), solid resources (i.e. a good accumulation of human capital), near absence of communal conflicts and a good track record of management. The State however needs to address the stagnancy in agriculture, persisting regional disparity in respect of industrial development, income inequality, and levels of living related issues and social security.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The report brings together exclusive chapters dedicated to the statement of a vision for future development in all these while also prescribing policy directions and ‘drivers'.</p>

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  • State Development Studies /21 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2007
    Pages: 248
    ISBN 8171886523
    INR 695

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Andaman and Nicobar Islands Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective in bringing out these reports is to provide a credible independent quality reference document on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating the growth rate of States, lessen disparities and reduce poverty. The SDR is meant to discuss the constraints and challenges faced by a State and provide a vision, blueprint or a roadmap for its socioeconomic progress.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed national-level agencies, under the supervision of a core committee, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including a senior representative of the State Government. The publication of the Maharashtra Development Report follows the recently published SDRs of Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, while SDRs of many other States and Union Territories of India are under various stages of preparation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Development Report highlights issues related to the development priorities of the islands and the road ahead in health, &nbsp;education, tribal development, environment, agriculture, ports, shipping and air connectivity. The report suggests a long-term plan to restore the livelihoods, adversity affected by the Tsunami in December 2004. It is expected to serve as a useful reference material and stimulate informed debate on the policy issues faced by the Union Territory.</p>

    About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

    Contents in detail
  • State Development Studies /22 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2007
    Pages: 184
    ISBN 817188623X
    INR 595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Lakshadweep Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective in bringing out these reports is to provide a credible independent quality reference document on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating the growth rate of States, lessen disparities and reduce poverty. The SDR is meant to discuss the constraints and challenges faced by a State and provide a vision, blueprint or a roadmap for its socioeconomic progress.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed national-level agencies, under the supervision of a core committee, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including a senior representative of the State Government. The publication of the Maharashtra Development Report follows the recently published SDRs of Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, while SDRs of many other States and Union Territories of India are under various stages of preparation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Lakshadweep Development Report highlights issues related to the development of small islands and the road ahead for the progress of the Union Territory. Lakshadweep's potential in tourism, coconut development and its transformation in social sectors are well documented in the report. Infrastructure, human development, biodiversity and environment protection, governance and economic issues of Lakshadweep are adequately addressed in the report. The report is expected to serve as a useful reference material and stimulate informed debate on the policy issues facing the Union Territory.</p>

    About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

    Contents in detail
  • State Development Studies /23 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2007
    Pages: 408
    ISBN 8171885403
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Maharashtra Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective in bringing out these reports is to provide a credible independent quality reference document on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating the growth rate of States, lessen disparities and reduce poverty. The SDR is meant to discuss the constraints and challenges faced by a State and provide a vision, blueprint or a roadmap for its socioeconomic progress.</p> <p><br /> Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed national-level agencies, under the supervision of a core committee, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including a senior representative of the State Government. The publication of the Maharashtra Development Report follows the recently published SDRs of Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, while SDRs of many other States and Union Territories of India are under various stages of preparation.</p> <p><br /> The Maharashtra Development Report reviews the State's development experience and highlights issues critical for its future progress. The report is expected to serve as a useful reference and stimulate informed debate on the policy issues facing the state.</p>

    About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

    Contents in detail
  • State Development Studies /24 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2009
    Pages: 312
    ISBN 9788171887132
    INR 895

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Haryana Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective of bringing out these reports is to provide a credible independent quality reference document on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating economic growth, lessen regional disparities and reduce poverty. The SDR is meant to discuss the constraints and challenges faced by a state and provide a vision, or a road map for its socio-economic development.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed national-level agencies, under the supervision of the core committee, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including a senior representative of the state government.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Haryana State Development Report reviews the State's development experience and highlights issues critical for its future growth. Haryana's potential in horticulture, livestock, tourism, pharmaceuticals, IT and its rapid structural change is well documented in the report. The report is expected to serve as a useful reference and stimulate informed debate on the policy issues facing the state.</p>

    Contents in detail
  • State Development Studies /25 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2005
    Pages: 330
    ISBN 8171884652
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Tamil Nadu Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of the country. The purpose for bringing out these reports is to provide credible independent quality reference documents on the development profile of the States. The SDRs aim at spelling out the constraints and challenges facing the States and suggest blueprints for their overall progress and prosperity.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed national level-agencies under the supervision of a Core Group, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission as Chairman and a representative of the concerned State government as a member. So far the SDRs for Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu &amp; Kashmir, Orissa and Punjab have been released.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Tamil Nadu Development Report highlights that the State economy is now driven largely by industry and services, with agriculture accounting for less than 20 per cent of State Domestic Product. However, traditional sectors like agriculture and small industries cannot be neglected since they provide employment opportunities to a large number of population. Diversification of the rural economy to horticulture, dairy, fisheries, poultry and agro-processing has provided employment opportunities and reduced poverty.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The high level of urbanisation of the State requires massive investments in all the infrastructure areas - power, roads, ports, water supply and sewerage, and telecom. Reforms in these sectors, including public-private partnership are needed for future growth of the economy. The service sector, particularly Information Technology Services, Financial Services and Tourism have immense potential in Tamil Nadu.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>While power is no longer a serious constraint, the scarce water resources of the State limit the growth of the economy in many areas. The finances of Tamil Nadu are better managed than most other States. The State is no longer on the verge of serious financial crisis, but still requires to take several reform measures including the implementation of the Value Added Tax. While the State is known for comparatively good administration, there is need for greater transparency and accountability. Local government institutions which are closer to the people need to be strengthened.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Tamil Nadu Development Report lays out the past achievements as well as potential in various sectors of the State economy. The report also suggests policies and strategies that should be followed for future development of the State.</p>

    About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

    Contents in detail
  • State Development Studies /26 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2007
    Pages: 162 + 540
    ISBN 8171885411
    INR 1595
    (Set of 2 Vols.)
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Uttar Pradesh Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective in bringing out these reports is to provide a credible independent quality reference document on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating the growth rate of States, lessen disparities and reduce poverty. The SDR is meant to discuss the constraints and challenges faced by a State and provide a vision, blueprint or a roadmap for its socio-economic progress</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed expert national-level agencies, under the supervision of a Core Committee, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including a senior representative of the State Government. The publication of the Uttar Pradesh Development Report follows the recently published SDRs of Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, while SDRs of many other States and Union Territories of India are under various stages of preparation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Uttar Pradesh Development Report reviews the State's development experience and highlights issues critical for its future progress. Uttar Pradesh's latent potential in irrigation, power, transport, agriculture, and tourism is well documented in the report. The report is expected to serve as a useful reference and stimulate informed debate on the policy issues facing the most populous state of the country.</p>

    About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

    Contents in detail
  • State Development Studies /27 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2006
    Pages: 306
    ISBN 8171884644
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Rajasthan Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective in bringing out these reports is to provide a credible independent quality reference document on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating the growth rate of States, lessen disparities and reduce poverty. The SDR is meant to discuss the constraints and challenges faced by a State and provide a vision, blueprint or a roadmap for its socio-economic progress.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed expert national-level agencies, under the supervision of a Core Committee, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including a senior representative of the State Government. The publication of Rajasthan Development Report follows the recently published SDRs of Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, while SDRs of many other States and Union Territories of India are under various stages of preparation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Rajasthan Development Report analyses the entire gamut of development issues concerning a drought prone and arid state. It contains rich state and sub-state level data on various sectors and issues. Five decades of planning in Rajasthan has brought a miraculous change in the potential of development across the state. The report reviews Rajasthan’s experience in the important sectors in the state’s economy and the objective of its publication is to stimulate debate on growth strategies appropriate for development in the years ahead. The roadmap indicated in the report is expected to create broader awareness of the critical policy issues and assist Rajasthan to move to a high growth path and achieve all round human and economic development.</p>

    About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

    Contents in detail
  • State Development Studies /28 of 28
    State Development Studies

    Paperback • 2005
    Pages: 450
    ISBN 8171884458
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Himachal Pradesh Development Report

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p>The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDR's) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective in bringing out these reports is to provide a credible independent quality reference document on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating the growth rate of States, lessen disparities and reduce poverty. The SDR is meant to discuss the constraints and challenges faced by a State and provide a vision, blueprint or a roadmap for its socio-economic progress.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed expert national-level agencies, under the supervision of a Core Committee, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including a senior representative of the State Government. Forthcoming after Himachal Pradesh, are the SDRs of Rajasthan and Taiml Nadu.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Himachal Pradesh Development Report reviews the State's development experience and highlights issues critical for its future progress. Himachal Pradesh's latent potential in hydel power, tourism, bio-business and its transformation in social sectors is well documented in the report. The report is expected to serve as a useful reference and stimulate informed debate on the policy issues facing a hill state.</p>

    Contents in detail