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  • Development Studies /1 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 364
    ISBN 9789332700833
    INR 1195.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    The Living Tree

    Traditional Medicine and Public Health in China and India

    Krishna Ravi Srinivas‚ Guo Lifeng‚ Sachin Chaturvedi‚ Miltos Ladikas (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p><br /> This volume examines the various issues in access to health issues and the role of intellectual property rights in access to drugs and the scope for using traditional medicine in public health. A team of experts from China, India, UK, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway and the Philippines have contributed to this volume. The volumes examines Health Impact Fund, a mechanism that is proposed to incentivise R&amp;amp;D in neglected diseases and enhance access to drugs, and analyses how China and India can cooperate in traditional medicine sector besides providing reviews on the status of traditional medicine in both countries and the challenges before that sector in China and India in regulation, intellectual property rights and industrial policy. This is a unique volume that makes a significant contribution to the debates on access to medicine and role of traditional medicine in public health.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /2 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 230
    ISBN 9789332700130
    INR 895.00

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    Global Urbanisation Experiences

    Rumi Aijaz (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p><br /> Urban experts from Austria, China, Colombia, Germany, India, UK and USA, share in this book, practical knowledge and experience of urbanisation.</p> <p><br /> The volume comprises an editorial introduction followed by 10 papers contributed by experts on important urban topics such as city planning and design, transport system, world city network, energy management, and social exclusion. The book also features a concise bibliography of urban studies.</p> <p><br /> It is expected that the information provided in this publication would help in exploring options and opportunities for the creation of habitable and sustainable urban centres. &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /3 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 230
    ISBN 9789332700086
    INR 995.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    United Nations Development Aid : A History of UNDP

    Digambar Bhouraskar

    About the Book

    <p>Little is known about UNDP whose stellar achievements have been overshadowed by political and other activities at the United Nations. Set up in 1966, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), financed by voluntary contributions from its members, is a pre-eminent, universal and neutral organisation which provides Grants-Aid in the form of Technical Assistance to developing countries to foster institution building, capacity building, sustained human development, and eradication of poverty, especially in low income and least developed countries.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book provides a simple, coherent and richly rewarding narrative of UNDP’s evolution since its inception. It explains major changes in policies and trends in performance. It highlights strong head winds encountered in resource mobilisation from major donor countries and discusses how these have transformed UNDP today. This pioneering book is an indispensable guide to comprehend the history of UNDP.</p> <p>The present volume is a sequel to the author’s much acclaimed earlier work, United Nations Development Aid: A Study in History and Politics, published in 2008 by Academic Foundation, New Delhi.</p>

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  • Development Studies /4 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 528
    ISBN 9789332700345
    INR 1495.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Cultural Diversity and Common Humanity

    N. Subba Reddy

    About the Book

    <p>This volume comprises the collected work of the noted anthropologist, Professor N. Subba Reddy. At the end of 60 years of academic life, during which the author attended or organised a number of conferences and symposia—both at the national and international levels, delivered some endowment lectures and key-note addresses, and published a number of papers at home as well as abroad, he chose to bring out this collection of 30 papers, organised into three sections.&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> The first section reflects on what light anthropology can throw on the larger concerns about humanity as a whole, such as:<br /> – &nbsp;the interactions between biological and cultural processes,<br /> – &nbsp;human motivations and their socially approved fulfilment,&nbsp;<br /> – &nbsp;the widening of human horizons culminating in globalisation,<br /> – &nbsp;common human rationality in the midst of cultural diversity, and&nbsp;<br /> – &nbsp;interactions between generic human nature and environmental<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;forces.&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> The second section comprises critical essays on some important theories and issues which no student of anthropology or sociology can afford &nbsp;to overlook.&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> The third section looks at certain ethnographic studies conducted by &nbsp;the author, each representing an important facet of social, economic, political or religious life among the tribal and rural communities. They combine sound field observations with an appropriate theoretical analysis.&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /5 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 132
    ISBN 9789332700154
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Towards A Local Livelihood Security Framework

    Evidence from Small and Marginal Women Farmers in Dungarpur

    Harsh Singh‚ Vinayak Vishnu Damle‚ Devilal Vyas‚ Ramila Vyas‚ Vishnu Bhagwat Khedkar

    About the Book

    <p>The voices from the small and marginal women farmers captured in a village survey in the tribal-dominated Dungarpur district of Rajasthan show that the populace even in a remote and backward area stands ready to embrace a self-help based approach in favour of alternatives that smack of charity. But such innate dynamism at the grassroots is seldom noticed or nurtured. This stakeholder group capable of leading the transformation process is clubbed into an omnibus category of ‘the poor’ and slotted for a bewildering array of social welfare measures which either do not reach or end up creating a dependency syndrome. This is the root cause of endemic backwardness in as many as 250 districts in the country.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The goal of universal social security and safety net underlying the recent policy initiatives is unquestionable to most. However, there is considerable difference of opinion with regard to the strategies for realising such rights. By their very nature, these rights require local empowerment and local solutions. Thus, the book argues for reviving and resurrecting a genuine initiative in the area of decentralisation and building the blocks of a local livelihood security framework.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The evidence emerging from this modest survey in Dungarpur has special significance in the context of the current debate on strategies for poverty alleviation, social security and growth in face of a fast deteriorating international economic environment, unabated domestic inflation, rising fiscal deficit and a sharp dip in the overall growth rates.</p>

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  • Development Studies /6 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 390
    ISBN 9788171889884
    INR 1095

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Financing Patterns for Infrastructure Projects

    Amareshwar Mishra‚ R.K. Mishra

    In association with IPE, Hyderabad

    About the Book

    <p>This publication, a compendium of analytic information on infrastructure finance, is about up-to-date treatment of deployable tools and techniques in accessible manner, and at an appropriate level, practical applications of guidelines of Reserve Bank of India and policies of Government of India on financing pattern to be selected for infrastructure projects.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It presents detailed financial methodologies to evaluate infrastructure projects in a lucid manner which will help professionals, credit personnel, lead arrangers and students of business school, and banks and financial institutions to understand the fundamental principles, their applications and implications, their concerns and inevitable grey areas, related risks and their mitigating strategies behind assessment of such projects. The book will be useful to professionals engaged in various infrastructure sector projects such as roads and transportation, power, ports, airports, oil and gas pipelines, warehousing, urban infrastructure, water and sanitation, etc.</p>

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  • Development Studies /7 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 254
    ISBN 9789332701564
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    State Level Public Enterprises in India

    Performance and Prospects

    R.K. Mishra‚ Ch. Lakshmi Kumari‚ K. Srinivas

    In association with IPE, Hyderabad

    About the Book

    <p>The state level public enterprises (SLPEs)&nbsp;were set up specially to meet the gaps in&nbsp;the social and economic development,&nbsp;especially industrial growth, employment&nbsp;creation, health, education, and provision&nbsp;of amenities. Services like electricity, medical&nbsp;care, transportation, irrigation, tourism,&nbsp;warehousing and water facilities reached&nbsp;people in far-off places due to the setting&nbsp;up of the SLPEs. Over the years, the central&nbsp;enterprises have been subject of study&nbsp;and discussion, however, the SLPEs have&nbsp;remained unexplored. The present volume&nbsp;analyses the various facets of functioning of the SLPEs in India. Based on primary as&nbsp;well as secondary data sources, it covers&nbsp;both the macro view and the state-wise&nbsp;scenario. The book highlights the gap&nbsp;between expectations and achievements.&nbsp;It suggests that to develop a greater understanding&nbsp;of the potential, problems, and&nbsp;prospects of the SLPEs, more information&nbsp;should be generated and focused research&nbsp;needs to be undertaken.</p>

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  • Development Studies /8 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 334
    ISBN 9788171889471
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Technology Mapping in Indian Central Public Sector Enterprises

    Challenges of Heightened Competition

    R.K. Mishra‚ Srinivas Kolluru‚ Jayasree Raveendran (Eds.)

    In association with IPE, Hyderabad

    About the Book

    <p>Having gained a noticeable integration into the global marketplace, there is a need for the Indian CPSEs to benchmark their management functions with the best practices in the world. Investment in R&amp;D, infusion of technology and innovation are seen as crucial elements in continuing advancement of businesses all over the world. Against this backdrop, this book takes the reader through the presence and performance of CPSEs in India, reflects India's position in the international scene and also presents the related literature on technology mapping drawing various perspectives. Mainly, the book is focussed on technology mapping of the CPSEs in India and has dwelt exhaustively on the R&amp;D scenario in India.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>R&amp;D functions and technology requirements are unique for every CPSE and the technology management process pertaining CPSEs representing the oil and gas, heavy engineering, medium and light engineering, minerals and metals, electricity transmission, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, fertilisers, contract and construction services, transport and financial services are studied. A reporting framework for technology mapping is also put forth that captures the various elements involved in technology mapping activity.</p>

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  • Development Studies /9 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 242
    ISBN 9788171889600
    INR 795

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    An Institutional Perspective on Provision of Primary Health Care in India and Bangladesh

    Alia Ahmad‚ N. Lalitha (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>Primary health care is a public sector responsibility in most countries, and it is a challenging task for any government to ensure its universal access and good quality. The problems arise not only due to lack of financial resources but also poor organisation and management at different levels of service delivery.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This volume, taking examples from India and Bangladesh, investigates the role of the central government in delegating the responsibility of primary health care services to local level bureaucracy and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). It also emphasises the importance of social accountability/client participation in improving the quality of care in which both India and Bangladesh have poor records.</p>

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  • Development Studies /10 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 166
    ISBN 9789332701526
    INR 895
    In association with ORF, New Delhi
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Transportation Sector in India and EU

    Problems, Prospects and Opportunities for Development

    Rumi Aijaz (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>The manner in which the transport sector has been developed and is being maintained in some countries is widely criticised. Negative opinions are often formed about the government’s capability in handling the sector due to the persistent presence of numerous mobility-related problems and the weak response to challenges and needs.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This edited volume presents a collection of eight papers which provide information on various dimensions of the transport sector in India and EU, including pedestrian and eco-friendly systems of travel, private sector participation in railways, railways’ share in transport market and the economic impact of railways, rail signaling and telecommunication systems, road traffic and air pollution scenario, inland waterways, and energy consumption and CO<sub>2</sub> emissions from road transport. The contributing authors have explained how improvements can be achieved in rail, road and waterways sector, and proposed measures for building enhanced mobility systems which are environment friendly and sustainable.</p>

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  • Development Studies /11 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 112
    ISBN 9789332701687
    INR 795
    In association with HBF
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation


    Gender, Identity and Development

    Govind Kelkar‚ Dev Nathan‚ E. Revathi‚ Swati Sain Gupta

    About the Book

    <p>In 2006, the Government of India promoted Aadhaar, a biometric identification system, which has now reached 650 million people. The aim&nbsp;of the scheme was to establish a biometric registry to provide a unique identity to all individuals, women and men, in the country.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It was expected that this biometric identity would help poor women and men establish their identities so as to access various benefits provided by the government. In conjunction with frugally engineered mini-ATMs (automated teller machines), it was expected to promote financial&nbsp;inclusion. The book looks at the gender dimension of Aadhaar, studying the (current and potential) impact of the scheme especially on women and gender relationships with the household, and on changing patriarchal social norms. This volume explores: Would Aadhaar help poor women establish their identity and, through that, secure their entitlements due in various schemes of the government?</p>

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  • Development Studies /12 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2011
    Pages: 192
    ISBN 9788171888603
    INR 695

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Changing Minds

    A Guide to Facilitated Participatory Planning

    Cole P. Dodge‚ Gavin Bennett

    About the Book

    <p>THIS book draws on the work of thinkers and doers throughout the world who have grappled with the challenge of planning complex institutions, especially health systems and development projects. Their problem: Conventional planning methods often do not work. The solution: Involve all the key stakeholders in making the plan. The challenge: Devise a planning system that the principals and stakeholders can trust, and that is inclusive, balanced and dynamic.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Facilitated participatory planning (or FPP) is a new way of planning for a world that is complex, competitive, and fast-changing; a world where managers, staff and other stakeholders must have their say and own the ideas for any plan to work. This book charts the evolution of FPP from pioneer concepts of awareness, empowerment, learning-by-doing, visualisation, creative group processes, and incremental questions into a complete and up-to-date system of principles and techniques. It carries case studies that show how FPP has been used successfully where other planning methods have failed.</p>

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  • Development Studies /13 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2010
    Pages: 304
    ISBN 9788171887927
    INR 1200

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation


    Documenting Informalities

    Maria Labtz‚ Jonatan Habib Engqvist (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>Redevelopment plans threaten the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people who live and work in Dharavi, a city within the city of Mumbai. This book dispells the idea that a “slum” can only be a location for despair. Dharavi: Documenting Informalities reveals thriving communities, innovative architecture and powerful grass roots politics. By moving beyond abstract concepts such as globalization and post-colonialism, Dharavi: Documenting Informalities gives detailed, personal accounts of the many ways in which we are all linked to Dharavi’s people and industries.<br /> Essays by Saskia Sassen, Arjun Appadurai and Sheela Patel complement<br /> maps, photographs, drawings and interviews made by a group of artists and architects from The Royal University College of Fine Arts in Stockholm.<br /> In Dharavi, houses and workplaces have developed over generations. Markets, alleys and the landscape itself were created as a result of actions and hard work, through negotiations and mutual needs. Memories of these<br /> struggles, stories and dreams all intertwine in Dharavi.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This chronicle twists the informal society toward a formal one. It aims to show the creative power of the grass-roots and encourage politicians and other stake-holders to listen and to provide the means for infrastructure<br /> and services. &nbsp;<em>— Maria Lantz and Jonatan Habib Engqvist, editors</em></p>

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  • Development Studies /14 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2012
    Pages: 130
    ISBN 9788171889624
    INR 595.00
    For Sale in South Asia Only
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    The Global Social Crisis

    Report on the World Social Situation

    United Nations

    About the Book

    <p>During 2008-2009, the world experienced its worst financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The crisis followed the effects of the food and fuel price hikes in 2007 and 2008. In 2009, global output contracted by 2 per cent.</p> <p><br /> This 2011 Report on the World Social Situation reviews the ongoing adverse social consequences of these crises after an overview of its causes and transmission. While a deeper, more pro-longed global recession has been averted by coordinated stimulus measures, the recovery is nonetheless fragile and uneven. The economic slowdown has reduced social spending in most developing countries while the turn to fiscal austerity has undermined social spending in developed countries.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Report points to the rapid rise in unemployment and vulnerability, especially in developing countries without comprehensive social protection in the wake of the global economic crisis. Tens of millions more people fell into, or were trapped in, extreme poverty because of the global crisis, while the number of people living in hunger in the world rose to over a billion in 2009, the highest on record.</p> <p>The global economic downturn has had wide-ranging negative social outcomes and set back progress towards achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. Given the fragility of the economic recovery and uneven progress in major economies, social conditions are only expected to recover slowly. The increased levels of poverty, hunger and unemployment will continue to affect billions for years to come.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Report strongly underscores important lessons from national responses to the global crisis, the importance of inclusive social policies and the need for universal social protection. A key conclusion is that countries need to be able to pursue countercyclical policies in a consistent manner.</p>

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  • Development Studies /15 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-Cover • 2009
    Pages: 114
    ISBN 9788171887811
    INR 595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Urban Renewal

    Policy and Response

    M. Ramachandran‚ Sameer Kochhar (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>The Indian Government took the historic step of launching the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) in December 2005 with a view to give fillip to urban infrastructure development in 65 major cities by mobilising Rs.50,000 crore from the Central budget and by getting a matching Rs.50,000 crore from the State governments and the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs). The response to JNNURM has been very good. As a consequence, projects costing Rs.95,385 crore have already been sanctioned and are under various stages of implementation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book reveals the nuances and thinking behind the JNNURM, its implementation and status on the ground and suggests the way forward. The current urban reform process undoubtedly offers tremendous opportunities to rethink economic and development priorities. This book is timely given the re-affirmed commitment of the government to urban development. It is an essential read for all interested in policy, planning, urban develop-ment and renewal issues.</p>

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  • Development Studies /16 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2010
    Pages: 320
    ISBN 9788171888412
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Building from the Bottom

    Infrastructure and Poverty Alleviation

    M. Ramachandran‚ Sameer Kochhar (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>Putting the right infrastructure is critical to India’s plans for inclusive growth. Increasingly, responsibilities for infrastructure development will be decentralised to the local governments, whether rural or urban. There is now an increasingly urgent need for large-scale environmental improvement programmes and for strengthening governance and the capacity of local institutions to plan, implement, and finance infrastructure provision and service delivery.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> Building from the Bottom: Infrastructure and Poverty Alleviation provides critical insights into infrastructure governance from different angles—policy making, urban and rural aspects, technology, connectivity, capacity building and participation. Some of the most distinguished scholars and practitioners have contributed to this volume that encapsulates the key issues in mainstreaming poverty alleviation strategies in infrastructure programmes. Some important questions it seeks to answer are: How can we ensure infrastructure access and affordability for the poor? What are the implications for development planning and decision-making processes? What are the financing options? The book also contains a number of best practice case studies to reflect community participation, innovation and commitment, all vital ingredients to the process of building from the bottom.<br /> The book will serve as a useful reference and planning tool for administrators, planners, policymakers and researchers of development economics.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /17 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2010
    Pages: 62
    ISBN 9788171888313
    INR 695.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Creating Vibrant Public-Private-Panchayat Partnership (PPPP)


    Harsh Singh

    About the Book

    <p>India grapples with the paradox of endemic backwardness in over 200 districts while certain sections and sectors are moving at a pace that is making global headlines. This report on “Creating Vibrant Public-Private-Panchayat Partnership (PPPP) for Inclusive Growth through Inclusive Governance” presents some new perspectives and solutions by bringing together the local governance agenda through the Panchayati Raj, the issue of agricultural development which influences the livelihoods of a vast majority of Indians, and the role that the business sector could play in rural transformation. It presents case studies which show that partnership models which could ensure an income of over Rs.25,000 per annum on 0.5 hectare plots are feasible even in the context of a highly hostile eco-environment.</p> <p><br /> In view of its cross-cutting theme, this crisp report is a ‘must read’ for policy makers and practitioners in the area of pro-poor growth, rural development, local governance and public-private partnership.</p>

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  • Development Studies /18 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2009
    Pages: 354
    ISBN 9788171887675
    INR 995.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Recommendations of the National Knowledge Commission

    National Knowledge Commission

    About the Book

    <p>Knowledge has been recognised as the key driving force in the 21st century and India’s ability to emerge as a globally competitive player will substantially depend on its knowledge resources. To foster generational change, a systemic transformation is required that seeks to address the concerns of the entire knowledge spectrum. The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) was constituted in June 2005 by the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, under the Chairmanship of Mr. Sam Pitroda, to prepare a blueprint of reform of India’s knowledge related institutions and infrastructure. In three years, NKC has submitted recommendations on 27 focus areas listed below.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>1. Right to Education</p> <p>2. Language</p> <p>3. Translation</p> <p>4. Libraries</p> <p>5. Knowledge Network</p> <p>6. Health Information Network</p> <p>7. Portals</p> <p>8. School Education</p> <p>9. Vocational Education</p> <p>10. Higher Education</p> <p>11. Medical Education</p> <p>12. Legal Education</p> <p>13. Management Education</p> <p>14. Engineering Education</p> <p>15. Open and Distance Education</p> <p>16. Open Educational Resources</p> <p>17. More Talented Students in Maths and Science</p> <p>18. More Quality Ph.Ds</p> <p>19. National Science and Social Science Foundation</p> <p>20. Legal Framework for Public Funded Research</p> <p>21. Intellectual Property Rights</p> <p>22. Innovation in India</p> <p>23. Entrepreneurship in India</p> <p>24. Traditional Health Systems</p> <p>25. Agriculture</p> <p>26. Enhancing Quality of Life</p> <p>27. E-governance</p>

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  • Development Studies /19 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2009
    Pages: 466
    ISBN 9788171887248
    INR 995.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Frontiers in PRA and PLA

    PRA & PLA in Applied Research

    Amitav Mukherjee

    About the Book

    <p>Community participation or people's participation in the process of development has entered into development lexicon permanently in the past 50 years. New methods, tools and approaches (variously called as Participatory Learning and Action (PLA), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) or its earlier incarnation Rapid Rural Appraisal) to enlist people's participation, have been invented, improvised and developed by development practitioners and academicians all over the world.</p> <p><br /> This book is an unique exercise in exploration and synthesis, demonstrating and documenting the experiments which have revealed that the participatory tools, methods and approaches can be very efficiently used in several fields of human exploration, including organisation and institutional development, action research (on the need to adopt an inter-sectoral approach to dealing with development issues, on hunger, participatory poverty assessment, bio-diversity conservation and conflict resolution over sharing of resources), macro-policy evaluation and democratic processes. Each chapter, dealing with these issues, describes both the process followed in the application of participatory tools and methods in the respective field and the synthesis of the theory of participation with practice as well. The book will be an invaluable guide to practitioners, researchers, academicians and students of development economics and poverty planning.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /20 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2009
    Pages: 364
    ISBN 9788171887286
    INR 995.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    New Governance and Development

    Challenges of Addressing Poverty and Inequality

    H.S. Shylendra

    About the Book

    <p>There is witnessed an emergence of a new paradigm of governance alongside the process of globalisation. Pluralisation of state is the major feature of the new governance. The state is expected to shed its pre-eminence over development and resources. The three actors of development, state, market and civil society have to work together for arriving at a synergetic solution to developmental problems. The harmony is to be attained, guided by the principles of good governance like participation, accountability and transparency. As the contours of the new paradigm and its impact unfold rapidly, there is a growing debate over its relevance in developing countries like India. While the proponents see it as a newer mantra of development complementing the process of globalisation, serious concerns have been raised by the critics over the ramifications of adopting the neo-liberal path of development as advocated by the new paradigm. The critics believe that, if adopted whole hog, there could be many detrimental effects of the new paradigm for attaining a more inclusive development. Moreover, the harmonisation expected among the three actors of development in terms of their goals and actions may prove to be elusive given many interest conflicts.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book is an attempt to understand critically the nature of the new governance, and identify some of the key challenges it may pose at different levels for addressing basic developmental problems like poverty and inequality. There are contributions in the book from scholars and experts from academia, civil service and NGO sector giving a cross sectional perspective about the emerging paradigm. The book will be of relevance to researchers, donors, practitioners and students interested in understanding the links between governance and development.</p>

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  • Development Studies /21 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2009
    Pages: 168
    ISBN 9788171887910
    INR 695.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Speeding Financial Inclusion

    Sameer Kochhar

    About the Book

    <p>Scaling-up access to finance for India’s rural poor presents a formidable developmental challenge in a country as vast and varied as India. It was in this context that Skoch Development Foundation undertook the first-ever nationwide multi-stakeholder study entitled "National Study on Speeding Financial Inclusion". This study sought to collate primary research based on our grassroots experiences from several project sites and field visits; and, views from all stakeholders so as to arrive at key interventions and intermediations to speed up the process of financial inclusion, and thereby poverty alleviation. Apart from providing key recommendations in the form of a roadmap to speed up the process of financial inclusion, the study also sought to determine the viability and cost-effectiveness of the Business Correspondent (BC) model and has identified several options to make the model viable.</p>

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  • Development Studies /22 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2009
    Pages: 196
    ISBN 9788171887446
    INR 695

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Financial Inclusion

    Sameer Kochhar‚ R. Chandrashekhar‚ K.C. Chakrabarty‚ Deepak B. Phatak (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>This compilation is the result of action research and field visits across India spread over last 10-years that have been punctuated with seminars and workshops providing multi-stakeholder consultations. These were conducted by Skoch Consultancy Services with recently added support from Skoch Development Foundation. The compilation focuses on various facets of financial inclusion ranging from opening up of no-frills accounts to micro-credit to financial literacy, while emphasising the role of process changes, technology enablement, capacity building and outreach mechanism. It looks at examples of local bodies, post offices and tele-centres having been used effectively. It also proposes a model of inclusive development, emphasising that inclusive economics leads to inclusive governance and vice-versa. The book provides a holistic view based on practitioners’ perspective and grassroots learning. A must read for all involved in inclusive development of India</p>

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  • Development Studies /23 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2009
    Pages: 616
    ISBN 9788171886852
    INR 1295.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India Perspectives on Equitable Development

    N. Chandrasekhara Rao (Eds.) • S. Mahendra Dev

    About the Book

    <p>Though the country witnessed high growth in the past two decades, the problems of slackening pace in poverty reduction and employment creation, widening regional disparities, ever increasing rural-urban divide and agrarian distress manifested in the form of suicides of farmers are disturbing to say the least. These developments in contemporary India have once again led to the realisation of the need for 'inclusive growth' being articulated by policy makers, intelligentsia and the civil society. In this context, the Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad organised an international conference on the “Perspectives on Equitable Development” as a part of its Silver Jubilee celebrations. This book is a collection of the research papers presented in the conference by eminent scholars across the country and focus on different aspects of equitable development. These are presented in six interrelated themesmacroeconomic performance and policies; employment, food security and poverty; physical and social infrastructure; agriculture and rural industrialisation; foreign direct investment in manufacturing and services; and socio-political issues in the reform process</p>

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  • Development Studies /24 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2007
    Pages: 258
    ISBN 8171886221
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    The Power of Peer Learning

    Networks and Development Cooperation

    Jean-h Guilmette

    About the Book

    <p>An ancient Chinese proverb tells us “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” The same can be said for development assistance. Solutions provided by outside “experts” are often rejected or politely shelved. However, solutions based on the principle of “self-help” are far more likely to take root.</p> <p><br /> This book explores the self-help, peer learning approach of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), comparing it with that of IDRC. It focuses on the importance of networks to development and growth, and demonstrates that network management is fundamentally different from the management of companies, organizations, or other bodies that fall under a single authority.</p> <p><br /> The book will be of interest to planners, policymakers, and researchers in the industrialised and developing worlds, and particularly in the new and emerging democracies of Eastern Europe.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /25 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2007
    Pages: 98
    ISBN 8171885853
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Monitoring for Outcomes and Impacts in Community Driven Projects


    Ashis Mondal‚ Soma Dutta

    About the Book

    <p>Community-Driven Development (CDD), in the World Bank parlance, refers to an approach where communities have direct control over key project decisions as well as management of investment funds. The CDD approach treats poor people as assets and partners in the development process, building on their institutions and resources. Monitoring and evaluation (M&amp;E) in the CDD context can potentially be much more than an input-output-outcome monitoring and a reporting mechanism. This guidebook (a World Bank co-publication) is all about improving the implementation of CDD projects using M&amp;E as a management tool. It is built on the contention that a ‘learning-based’ M&amp;E system, which involves different project management levels and other stakeholders in a continuous process of ‘learning’, can help the project management make course corrections, guiding project strategy on an ongoing basis, ultimately leading to better project outcomes</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /26 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2008
    Pages: 654
    ISBN 9788171886708
    INR 1495
    For Sale in South Asia Only
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Protecting the poor

    A microinsurance compendium

    Craig Churchill

    About the Book

    <p>This authoritative compendium brings together the latest thinking of leading academics, actuaries, and development professionals in the microinsurance field. The result is a practical, wide-ranging resource which provides the most thorough overview of the subject to date.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book allows readers to benefit from the valuable lessons learned from a project launched by the CGAP Working Group on Microinsurance analysing operations around the world. Essential reading for insurance professionals, practitioners and anyone involved with offering insurance to low-income persons, this volume covers the many aspects of microinsurance in detail, including product design, marketing, premium collection and governance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It also discusses the various institutional arrangements available for delivery such as the community- based approach, insurance companies owned by networks of savings and credit cooperatives and microfinance institutions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The roles of key stakeholders are also explored and the book offers insightful strategies for achieving the right balance between coverage, costs and price.</p>

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  • Development Studies /27 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2007
    Pages: 66
    ISBN 8171886425
    INR 595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    A Handbook on using Participatory Monitoring and Learning Tools

    G. Jayanthi‚ Janet Geddes‚ Utpal Moitra‚ Ashis Mondal

    About the Book

    <p>Participatory Monitoring and Learning (PM&amp;L) is a process of collaborative review and problem solving, through the generation and use of information on a regular basis throughout the project cycle. It is a process that leads to corrective action or improvement within the project, based on the shared decision-making of a number of stakeholders.<br /> Action for Social Advancement (ASA) launched a pilot initiative that experimented with the Participatory Monitoring and Learning (PM&amp;L) approach, within three World Bank assisted rural development projects in Madhya Pradesh, India—the District Poverty Initiative Project (MP-DPIP), Rural Women’s Empowerment Project (Swashakti) and MP Forestry Project.</p> <p><br /> The goal of the two-year World Bank-funded pilot was to field-test and fine-tune PM&amp;L approaches that would improve participation of primary and secondary stakeholders within the project cycle. The pilot’s overriding hypothesis was that PM&amp;L can contribute to improved learning, participatory decision-making and better governance at all levels within a project, primarily at the community level. Ultimately, it enables a project to become innovative, bottom-up and demand-driven.</p> <p><br /> The ASA PM&amp;L initiative adapted a number of existing PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) tools to undertake monitoring and learning ‘at the community level’, within the three World Bank assisted projects in Madhya Pradesh. This Handbook presents a number of these tools, together with others synthesised from experiences of other organisations. It offers an overview of the kind of tools that are proving to be effective in PM&amp;L processes.</p> <p><br /> The Handbook provides facilitators with practical information on how to apply the tools. It is hoped that use of these tools in the field will further fine-tune them and also lead to the development of new tools</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>The Handbook is structured as follows:</strong><br /> Chapter 1: Introduction<br /> Chapter 2: Preparation<br /> Chapter 3: Tips on Using Common PRA Tools within PM&amp;L<br /> Chapter 4: PM&amp;L Tools<br /> Chapter 5: How to Present the Results</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


    Contents in detail
  • Development Studies /28 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2008
    Pages: 96
    ISBN 9788171886647
    INR 595.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Renewable Energy Technologies

    Special Focus on Distributed Power Generation Potential for applications to rural sectors in India

    Amitav Mallik‚ Nitant Mate‚ Devayani Bhave

    About the Book

    <p>This volume on “<em>Renewable Energy Technologies</em>” has a special focus on distributed power generation (DPG) to highlight the easy applicability of the alternative energy technology, particularly for rural sector in India. In times of rising oil prices and focus on clean technologies, the renewable technologies have an important role to play in future and the book relates the technology to Indian conditions and for ready usability independent of power supply grids and their associated problems</p>

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  • Development Studies /29 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-Cover • 2007 Edition
    Pages: 200
    ISBN 8171886299
    INR 1195

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    Inclusive Growth

    Development Perspectives in Indian Economy

    N.A. Mujumdar

    About the Book

    <p>Authored by the distinguished economist N.A. Mujumdar, the bunch of 19 papers brought together in this book seeks to argue that in the present Indian context, inclusive growth has become both, a growth and a development imperative: growth, because a high GDP growth like 8 or 9 per cent can be sustained only if other sectors or segments of the economy, which have been sluggish because of number of factors including policy neglect, can be activated; development, because this is perhaps the best route by which the bulk of the poor can be provided with livelihood and food security.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Facilitating inclusive growth is a far more complicated process, involving micro planning, evolving area specific solutions and participation of a number of actors panchayati raj institutions, central and state Governments and NGOs, SHGs, etc. Inclusive growth also demands a committed bureaucracy and more imaginative policymakers, from both of whom a pro-active role is warranted. The exploratory work embodied in this book, it is hoped, would provoke further studies on the subject</p>

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  • Development Studies /30 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2006
    Pages: 217
    ISBN 8171884911
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Development Planning

    Concepts and Tools for Planners, Managers and Facilitators

    Reidar Dale

    About the Book

    <p>This new textbook in development planning aims to provide a comprehensive and practically relevant guide to strategic planning at postgraduate and practitioner level. The author aims to bridge the unfortunate gap that now exists between much development planning theory and planning practice. He also promotes a more value-based, action-centred and organization-inclusive approach to development planning than is normally presented in textbooks on planning.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book explores the different concepts of development and development planning. It introduces a simple model of strategic planning, and then elaborates more complex arrangements. The author operationalizes various aspects and processes of planning, and critically analyses the tools involved, always in the context of more fundamental planning concerns. Specific topics include logical framework analysis, the use of indicators, process planning schemes, principles and tools of prioritization, and dimensions of participation and community institution building. The analysis consistently progresses from the theoretical and conceptual to the practical and specific</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>‘A seminal contribution to an action-centred paradigm of planning for development.’<br /> <strong>HELLMUT &nbsp;W &nbsp;EGGERS&nbsp;<br /> formerly Head of the Evaluation Division Directorate General for Development of the European Commission</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> ‘The author's wealth of practical experience and profound theoretical knowledge are clearly reflected in the present book. I wholeheartedly recommend it for students, practitioners and theorists of development planning and, indeed, development studies more broadly.’<br /> <strong>HANS DETLEF KAMMEIER&nbsp;<br /> Professor Emeritus, AIT, Thailand</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> ‘A highly important and useful book. … One particularly commendable feature is its use of lots of practical examples to explain different concepts and applications of planning.’<br /> <strong>W M LEELASENA</strong><br /> <strong>Director, Southern Province Rural Economic Advancement Project,<br /> Sri Lanka</strong></p>

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  • Development Studies /31 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2009
    Pages: 300
    ISBN 9788171885992
    INR 895

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Governance of Rural Information and Communication Technologies

    Opportunities and Challenges

    Harekrishna Misra

    About the Book

    <p>Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in rural development in India is quite appreciated. ICT has gained the status of infrastructure, and numerous approaches have been taken to exploit opportunities that ICT provides. Despite phenomenal changes in the policy level improvements in rural ICT infrastructure, digital divide has still remained a challenge for national policy makers, state agencies and service providers. Various agencies have piloted many projects showcasing usability of ICT at its core to extend services in the rural sector and address issues related to digital divide. Many of the pilot projects are being considered for scale up at the national level under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP). However, most of the projects have remained to be “supply-driven” leaving much scope to transform them as “citizen-centric”. Therefore, this limitation is an important dimension of the digital divide which needs attention of policy makers and implementers.</p> <p><br /> In this book various dimensions of the citizen interfaces, opportunities to consider the demand of the rural citizen and status of the rural ICT infrastructure are discussed. The contributions are drawn from field level experiences which include and focus on disparity in rural-urban ICT infrastructure, trends in spatial databases and GIS applications to appreciate the challenges of the digital divide that India faces. In addition, case studies like ITC’s e-Choupal, Drishtee, Ahmedabad District Collectorate, Village Knowledge Centres, and e-Governance in Panchayats are discussed to comprehend the potential of interfacing successful citizen services with NeGP.</p> <p><br /> The book will be useful for researchers, academia, ICT planners and policy makers, organisations engaged in e-Governance and civil society organisations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /32 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2007
    Pages: 260
    ISBN 8171885330
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    United Nations Development Aid

    A Study in History and Politics

    Digambar Bhouraskar

    About the Book

    <p>For more than five decades, United Nations has been giving development aid to developing countries for their economic and social development. At its birth, this was hailed as one of the greatest achievements of the UN and for humanity. The UN operated three aid programmes from its founding in 1945 until the creation of UNDP in 1966. But despite the scale and scope of these programmes, they did not attract much serious attention from scholars and institutions interested in multilateral aid.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book presents for the first time a comprehensive survey and critical analysis of these programmes. The author explains in detail the political struggles and considerations underlying the birth of each of these programmes and some inherent flaws in their conceptualisation. In analysing their growth and changes in structures, the author discusses the modalities and chronic problems encountered in implementation, in coordination at all levels and in the evaluation of their impact on economic development in the recipient countries.<br /> While giving credit to UNDP for remedying past weaknesses and making much progress since 1966, the author believes that there are areas in which further reforms are necessary. The author argues strongly for the centrality and universality of UNDP within the UN system, for further progress in coordination and evaluation, for adjustments to the modalities of implementation and above all for simplifying the legislative decision making structure in the UN relating to its development aid.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> "This is a splendid book by a distinguished economist who worked for years in the United Nations on problems of technical assistance. With shortages of skilled professionals now afflicting Africa, this book on the technical assistance programs pioneened by the United Nations is extremely timely. It should be widely read.”<br /> <strong>— Jagdish Bhagwati&nbsp;</strong><br /> University Professor, Economics and Law&nbsp;<br /> Columbia University</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>“In this book, the author has critically analysed and copiously documented—all from primary resources— the evolution of the programme of technical cooperation under the United Nations. He has brought to bear on the analysis his 32 years' experience of working on the development side of the UN, his involvement from behind- the-scene in intergovernmental negotiations on the scope, method and guidelines for technical assistance and his deep insight as an outstanding development economist. For institutions and libraries across the world, this book will be a precious possession of great historical and contemporary value.”<br /> <strong>— Muchkund Dubey&nbsp;</strong><br /> Former Foreign Secretary, Government of India,&nbsp;<br /> and Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>"Publication of this book on the United Nations technical assistance for economic development by Dr. Digambar Bhouraskar, an economist and a former departmental director of the UN is timely when debt-relief and economic aid to the poorest countries figures prominently on the policy-agenda of the world's statesmen. The author presents authentic views on the UN technical assistance from the insider's perspective and spells out its political dimensions with deep insights and a sure touch of a practitioner. I believe that the book will help redefine the economic role of the UN in the twenty-first century."<br /> <strong>— Deena Khatkhate&nbsp;</strong><br /> Former Assistant Director, International Monetary Fund&nbsp;<br /> and Managing Editor of World Developmen</p>

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  • Development Studies /33 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2008
    Pages: 256
    ISBN 9788171886180
    INR 795

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    State, Natural Resource Conflicts and Challenges to Governance

    Where do we go from here?

    N.C. Narayanan

    About the Book

    <p>Governance in current debates demands pluralism of actors in the societal spheres of state, civil society and business. There is an inherent assumption of harmony among these spheres, which appears to optimise complimentary outcomes in ‘good governance’. In the real world, however, conflict is the norm rather than the exception.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> Conflicts over the access and control of natural resources have amplified over time with large-scale resource transformation, especially through technological innovation. Today, the key challenge before natural resource governance is the need to balance economic growth with the demands and aspirations of the differentiated social structure, the future generations and the environment. Studies in this volume examine the competing, and diverging, interests that generate certain forms of natural resource conflicts. The studies bring into focus the changing role of the State and the social and environmental impact of State interventions in triggering conflict and mobilising resistance</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /34 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2007
    Pages: 322
    ISBN 8171885861
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Economic Studies of Indigenous & Traditional Knowledge

    Nirmal Sengupta

    About the Book

    <p>Till recently the mention of traditional knowledge would only elicit metaphors like the Vedas and Upanishads, Aryabhatta, Panini and Charaka, or the invention of zero. The perspective is changing.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book deals with the traditional and indigenous knowledge of common men and women of India, that of its tribal and Dalit population, fisher folk, craftsmen, artisans and leather workers, their agriculture, housing and irrigation methods, medicinal knowledge, drinking water collection, arts and culture. Different chapters establish that the economic significance of such knowledge in the modern world is continuing, even increasing, and is being utilised in a wide variety of ways. Globally, there is an increased interest in traditional and indigenous knowledge.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It is now recognised as an underutilised resource that can help to reduce poverty, and also as a dormant reserve with considerable commercial potential</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /35 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2008
    Pages: 372
    ISBN 9788171886814
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Indirect Economic Impacts of Dams

    Case studies from India, Egypt and Brazil

    Ramesh Bhatia‚ Rita E. Cestti‚ Monica Scatasta‚ R.P.S. Malik

    About the Book

    <p>Dam assessment, by its very nature, is a complex undertaking. Many of the benefits and costs associated with dam development have quite different time streams. These benefits and costs are faced by different sectors and there are inter-relationships between sectors. The effects of dams are distributed across different spatial scales, from local to basin, to regional to national, and in some cases, to trans-national. To add to the complexity, while some of the impacts of the dam projects are ‘direct’, the others are ‘indirect’ with the definition of what constitutes ‘direct’ versus ‘indirect’ impacts also varying.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The aim of the present study has been to evaluate some of the above interactions, in particular the ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ economic impacts of dams. The study ex-post evaluates the magnitude of multipliers, a measure of the total benefits (direct plus indirect) of the project in relation to its direct benefits, and assesses the distributional and poverty reduction impacts of dam projects. The four cases studied in the present book include three large projects—Bhakra Dam System (India), Aswan High Dam (Egypt) and Sobradinho Dam (and the set of cascading reservoirs) (Brazil)— and one small check dam—Bunga (India).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The present study should be seen as one of the numerous other steps that need to be taken to reach the goal of evaluating the full development impact of the dam projects. The aim here has been to highlight the relevance of one of the components of a full evaluation of dam projects that is often neglected, i.e., their indirect and induced economic impacts.</p>

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  • Development Studies /36 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2007
    Pages: 170
    ISBN 171885969
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Valuation of Coastland Resources

    The Case of Mangroves in Gujarat

    Subhrangsu Goswami‚ Indira Hirway

    About the Book

    <p>National income statistics, which form the basis for measuring and monitoring the performance of an economy, do not include environmental resources adequately, with the result that they fail to provide the required inputs for the formulation of sound economic policies, particularly in the context of sustainable development. Coastal resources are important in a country like India, which is surrounded by sea from three sides, and mangroves, the salt tolerant forest ecosystem that is one of the richest ecosystems in the world, provides a wide range of ecological and economic products and services, including carbon sequestration and protection to life and property under severe cyclones and tsunamis.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>However, mangroves are neglected, as their value is not incorporated in the national income data. The present study, which is a methodological study, compiles economic value of mangroves in India and shows that this rich ecosystem contributes significantly to the economy, and it needs to be strengthened in order to promote sustainable development of coastal regions and to protect coastal population from cyclones and tsunamis</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Development Studies /37 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2004
    Pages: 470
    ISBN 8171883907
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Integrating the Rural Poor into Markets

    Bibek Debroy‚ Amir Ullah Khan

    About the Book

    <p>As the editors Bibek Debroy and Amir Ullah Khan put it :</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>"Agriculture may account for only 25% of GDP. But 70% of India's population earns a living from the rural sector. If there is a perception in India that liberalization has been anti-poor and pro-rich, that is largely because the agricultural cum rural sector has been untouched...</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>"After the recent (2004) elections, negative expectations about reforms concern privatization and labour market reforms. On the positive side, there are expectations that agro and rural reforms will finally get off the ground, after having been talked about ad nauseam.... If these expectations materialize, parts of India that are hitherto bypassed and marginalized in the growth process, will be mainstreamed. If one is looking for a reform agenda for such liberalization, this volume provides it. The agenda set out in these 17 papers is by no means exhaustive. But collectively, one obtains a very good idea of what needs to be done to bring the rural poor into interaction with markets, so that they can tap the opportunities that market-based liberalization throws up."</p>

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  • Development Studies /38 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2005
    Pages: 334
    ISBN 8171884180
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Essays on Development Strategy, Regional Disparities and Centre-State Financial Relation in India


    About the Book

    <p>The present volume brings together author's papers on the three related themes, viz., Development Strategy, Regional Disparities in Development and Centre-State Financial Relations in India. Written on different occasions over a period of more than three decades while the author worked at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi and also in the Planning Commission, until 1992 and thereafter, as an honorary Professor, at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad, they reflect the understanding and approach prior to the launching of economic reforms in the early 1990s as well as in the post-reform period.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The 30 essays included in this book highlight author's approach and position taken on these three major interrelated issues which are of continuing interest and concern in the current academic and policy discussions. Needless to say, here's an extremely useful book for students of Indian economy and a valuable guide for policymakers, researchers and economic analysts.</p>

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  • Development Studies /39 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover+CD ROM • 2005
    Pages: 222+51
    ISBN 8171884830
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India's Five Year Plans

    (Complete Documents)

    About the Book

    <p>The launching of the First Five- Year Plan in April 1951 initiated a process of planned economic development of the country — aiming not merely at raising the standard of living of the people, but also opening out to them new opportunities for a richer and a more varied life. This was sought to be achieved by planning for growth and social justice.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Indian economy has come a long way completing its nine Five-Year Plans and launching the 10th Five Year Plan in April, 2002 and which has already completed three years. The Planning Commission has just released the Mid-Term Appraisal of the 10th Five Year Plan (June 28, 2005).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>For the benefit of the readers and researchers, Academic Foundation has brought out this publication bringing at one source all the documents of Five Year Plans including the latest Mid-Term Appraisal of the Tenth Five Year Plan (Planning Commission Government of India). While Part I — Overview and Priority Areas for Action and list of recommendations of the Mid-Term Appraisal of the Tenth Five Year Plan, and Volume I of the Tenth Five Year Plan document is included in this book, the complete Mid-Term Appraisal of the Tenth Plan and all three volumes of the three volumes of the Tenth Plan Document along with the other nine documents of the earlier Fiver Year Plans (around 10,500 pages) are given in the accompanying CD-Rom offers inbuilt search facility, easy printout option, along with other usual advantages associated with the digital media.</p>

    Contents in detail
  • Development Studies /40 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2003
    Pages: 288
    ISBN 8171882935
    INR 595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Economic Reforms and Rural Development in India

    G. Parthasarathy‚ G. Nancharaiah

    About the Book

    <p>SINCE 1991 Indian economy has been exposed to economic liberalisation and globalisation in line with structural adjustment and stabilisation policies initiated by IMF and World Bank. Structural adjustment policy advocated privatisation, import liberalisation, and export-led growth while stabilisation policy emphasises reduction in fiscal deficit through withdrawal of subsidies given to industry, trade and agriculture. There has been a shift in the Indian economic policy from State-oriented development strategy to market-oriented development, leaving the decisions of production and distribution to the market signals. This policy became controversial as some argued in favour of it while others argued against it.<br /> In this book, Prof. G. Parthasarathy has rigorously analysed the pros and cons of structural adjustment and liberalisation policies and empirically examined its effects on rural development at national and state level, in terms of agricultural growth, employment opportunities, wages and reduction in rural poverty.</p> <p><br /> IN the editorial introduction to this book, Prof. Nancharaiah has remarked “It is interesting to note that the inferences drawn and predictions made by Prof. G. Parthasarathy in early 90s on the basis of the past empirical trends and theoretical analysis regarding the implications of structural adjustment and new economic policy are found to be mostly consistent with the recent trends in Indian economy particularly with reference to rural development and rural poor. Thus this book is relevant for understanding current economic problems of Indian economy particularly rural development in the context of new economic policy."</p>

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  • Development Studies /41 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2004
    Pages: 957
    ISBN 8171883508
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India Vision 2020

    Planning Commission

    About the Book

    <p><br /> <em style="line-height: 1.6em;">plus</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Background Papers</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Introduction</strong></p> <p><br /> S. P. Gupta</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The report on “India: Vision 2020” reproduced in Part One of this volume, has been the outcome of many detailed deliberations among all the Committee members comprising selected top scholars and experts in their respective fields under my chairmanship. The Committee had been constituted by the Planning Commission, Government of India in the year 2000 as a part of the exercise on Tenth Plan to develop a long-term twenty year vision for helping to work out a mediumterm programme for India’s development strategy. The Committee took more than two years to have an integrated and consistent view of how the countrymen would like to see India in the year 2020. The Committee’s deliberations were further enriched by nearly 20 written contributions received from among the Committee members. The contributors represent a wide spectrum of the society and from different parts of India.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>In the final report, we have not necessarily adopted and accepted all the views and assessments of each individual author. But an integrated view is taken from a broad consensus emerging from the views of the different Members. These papers provided broad guidelines and pointers to formulate our understanding of Vision for India in 2020 and providing often detailed rationales for taking these views. Indeed in preparing the final report we have benefitted enormously from the inputs received from the background papers. The Report, however, is unable to do full justice to the rich and detailed analysis contained in the various papers. The final report also draws valuable inputs from experts within and outside the Planning Commission. The Committee gained from the vision of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s book “India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium”.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Given the complexity and vast scope of research and issues covered by individual papers, it is now felt that the papers will be a sources of great ‘knowledge’ value on their own, over and above their contribution to the final report on India Vision 2020. This prompted us to put together a volume with select background papers (with necessary editing) submitted to the Planning Commission for the India Vision 2020. Needless to mention, the view presented in these papers are that of the authors and not necessarily that of the Planning Commission.</p>

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  • Development Studies /42 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2004
    Pages: 319
    ISBN 817188346X
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Biotechnology and Development

    Challenges and Opportunities for Asia

    Sachin Chaturvedi‚ S R Rao

    About the Book

    <p>BIOTECHNOLOGY along with the other core technology viz. Information Technology, is at the heart of technology revolution in Asia. Asian countries have adopted strategies for harnessing the potential of biotechnology for their industrial Development. The areas of applications both in pharmaceutical and agriculture sector have widened, finding new vistas of economic growth.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Policy challenges, however, are arising among others, concerning trade in GMOs, impact of genetic engineering on environment and human health, biosafety management, and ethical aspects that are yet to be addressed at any collective forum in Asia. One of the missing links is a dialogue between natural and social scientists so as to identify socio-economic requirements and policy priorities in the realm of biotechnology and development in the region.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book brings together perceptions on some of these issues by eminent experts from the Asian region. As a sequel to the pioneering Biotechnology Revolution and the Third World : Challenges and Policy Options (RIS 1988), this volume draws lessons from the experiences of Asian developing countries and revisits some of the concerns raised earlier.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The contributors to the volume draws policy lessons from country experiences in capability building in Asia, in particular on the role of regional cooperation. It is clear that the Asian countries need not only technical assistance for capacity building, but also financial support to upgrade their facilities to meet challenges emerging from the introduction of the new organisms. As most of the Asian economies face common challenges including the management of biodiversity resources, cooperative efforts may prove fruitful. An examination of regional cooperation in Europe and ASEAN may help in identifying a roadmap. Volume Editors present a synthesis of key lessons emanating from different contributions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Biotechnology and Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Asia is a valuable resource for governments, multilateral institutions, academics and practitioners in the field of the economic development and technology policy management.</p>

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  • Development Studies /43 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2004
    Pages: 568
    ISBN 8171884148
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Exploration in Development Issues


    Nurul Islam

    About the Book

    <p>I have done my research and writing predominantly on economic policy issues, be it trade and aid, development strategy, or food security. The articles are overwhelmingly policy-oriented; they tend to echo or represent the climate of debate, thinking and research in the different periods when they were written. The selection of articles was made in such a way that they fulfil, as far as possible, one or several of the following criteria: 1) they represent my main thinking and writing on that particular issue; 2) they were prominent in debate and discussion among academic economists/policy analysts during the time when they were written; 3) they retain some relevance and/or are of major or continuing interest in the current academic/policy discussions.</p> <p><strong>— Nurul Islam</strong><br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; (Excerpt from the author’s introduction to this collection)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>“This volume presents the collected wisdom of a distinguished economist whose academic contributions have been immensely enriched by his varied experience inside policymaking institutions at both the national and international levels.”</p> <p><strong>— Gustav Ranis</strong><br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Director of the Yale Centre for International<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;and Area Studies,<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Yale University USA.</p>

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  • Development Studies /44 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2008
    Pages: 538
    ISBN 9788171887002
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    From Poverty to Power

    How Active Citizens and Effective States Can Change the World

    Duncan Green

    About the Book

    <p>The twenty-first century will be defined by the fight against the scourges of poverty, inequality, and the threat of environmental collapse—as the fight against slavery or for universal suffrage defined earlier eras.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>From Poverty to Power argues that it requires a radical redistribution of power, opportunities, and assets to break the cycle to poverty and inequality and to give poor people power over their own destinies. The forces driving this transformation are active citizens and effective states.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Why active citizens? Because people living in poverty must have a voice in deciding their own destiny, fighting for rights and justice in their own society, and holding the state and the private sector to account.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Why effective states? Because history shows that no country has prospered without a state structure than can actively manage the development process.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>There is now an added urgency beyond the moral case for tackling poverty and inequality: we need to build a secure, fair, and sustainable world before climate change makes it impossible. This book argues that leaders, organisations, and individuals need to act together, while th ere is still time.</p>

    Contents in detail
  • Development Studies /45 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2008
    Pages: 170
    ISBN 9788171887033
    INR 695

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Infrastructure & Governance

    Sameer Kochhar‚ Deepak B. Phatak‚ H. Krishnamurthy‚ Gursharan Dhanjal

    About the Book

    <p>This compilation has emerged from a recent National Consultation on Infrastructure and Governance called India @ Work Summit, organised by Skoch Consultancy Services, providing critical insights into the subject of infrastructure and governance, all pointing to a common goal of inclusive growth.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> The book opens with a chapter entitled: Participatory Democracy, Infrastructure and Empowerment. Offering the concerned reader the collective wisdom of eminent policy makers and distinguished experts, the content in this volume is organised under seven sections, namely.</p>

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  • Development Studies /46 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2015
    Pages: 244
    ISBN 9789332703056
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Managing India

    S.L. Rao

    About the Book

    <p>This book considers what we must do to make India a consistently improving socio-economy. Despite many creative ideas from dedicated leaders, we remain a very poor country.</p> <p>There is little manufacturing, a stumbling agriculture, and around 300 million or so people with limited access to food, none to electricity and practically none to health and education. The primary reason for this is poor implementation of good ideas and policies. Effective implementation requires an understanding of the environment (political, social and economic), institutions and how they work, clear output targets, and systems to monitor, implement and change course when necessary. This is what good management is all about. India has not lacked in ideas for improving the economy and the society, but in managing them. The book looks at the context and suggests actions in different areas to improve the management of India.</p>

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  • Development Studies /47 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2007
    Pages: 276
    ISBN 817188590X
    INR 795
    For Sale in South Asia Only
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Trade and Development Report, 2006

    Global Partnership and National Policies for Development

    United Nations

    About the Book

    <p>The Trade and Development Report 2006 offers relevant ideas and general principles for designing macroeconomic, sectoral and trade policies that can help developing countries to succeed in today's global economic environment. Particular attention is given to policies that support the creative forces of markets and the entrepreneurial dimension of investment.<br /> The Report also argues that a global partnership for development will be incomplete without an effective system of global economic governance. Such a system should take into account the specific needs of developing countries. At the same time it should ensure the right balance between sovereignty in national economic policy-making on the one hand, and multilateral disciplines and collective governance on the other.</p>

    Contents in detail
  • Development Studies /48 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2008
    Pages: 238
    ISBN 8171886507
    INR 795
    For Sale in South Asia Only
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Trade and Development Report, 2007

    Regional Cooperation for Development

    United Nations

    About the Book

    <p>The Trade and Development Report 2007, subtitled "Regional cooperation for development", recommends that developing countries should strengthen regional cooperation with other developing countries, but proceed carefully with regard to North-South bilateral or regional preferential trade agreements. Such agreements may offer gains in terms of market access and higher foreign direct investment, but they can also limit national policy space, which can play an important role in the medium- and long-term growth of competitive industries. By contrast, strengthened regional cooperation among developing countries can help accelerate industrialization and structural change and ease integration into the global economy. However, to achieve this, trade liberalization is not enough; active regional cooperation should also extend to areas of policy that strengthen the potential for growth and structural change, including monetary and financial arrangements, large infrastructure and knowledge-generation projects, and industrial policies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>In its analysis of global economic prospects, the Report says the current global economic environment provides great opportunities for catch-up growth and meeting the Millennium Development Goals. However, the world economy is overshadowed by serious current-account imbalances, and by large speculative capital flows that distort exchange rates and perpetuate these imbalances. A safe correction of the imbalances would be much easier with more appropriate global exchange-rate arrangements, the Report argues. Exchange rates should be subject to the same kind of disciplines as tariffs and export subsidies. In the absence of such disciplines, however, regional monetary and financial cooperation among developing countries can fill some of the gaps in global economic governance.</p>

    Contents in detail
  • Development Studies /49 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2020
    Pages: 116
    ISBN 9789332705425
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Duties of Directors

    Duties of Directors, Indian and International Perspective

    R.K. Mishra‚ J. Kiranmai

    About the Book

    <p>Corporate Governance (CG) is the system through which companies are directed and controlled. These governance structures identify the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants&nbsp;in the corporation.&nbsp; The present volume comprises five chapters. The first chapter conceptualizes and discusses the duties and responsibilities of the corporate directors. The chapter further discusses the study objectives, methodology and research design. The second chapter gives an overview of corporate governance framework, meaning and definition, need of corporate governance and models of corporate governance. The third chapter deals at length with the nuances, the meaning and role&nbsp;of corporate governance, regulation, board committees, legal frame, Companies Act, autonomy and responsibilities of CPSEs and duties&nbsp;of board. Chapter five deals with comparison of regulatory agencies, principles, number of committees, duties of directors across the boards and case studies. Further the chapter also provides conclusions and recommendations of the study. The volume is an outcome of the research study funded by National Foundation for Corporate Governance, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.</p>

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  • Development Studies /50 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2018
    Pages: 179
    ISBN 9789332704497
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Corporate Social Responsibility in India

    Issues, Practices and New Vistas

    Shulagna Sarkar‚ Punam Singh‚ R.K. Mishra

    About the Book

    <p><em>Creating a strong business and building a better world are not&nbsp; conflicting&nbsp; goals—they are both essential ingredients for long-term success.<br /> —William Clay Ford Jr., Executive Chairman, Ford Motor Company</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gained prominence in the present context. It has been discussed as one of the strategic tools for the corporate sector to gain competitive advantage, at the same time contribute towards sustainable development. Discussion about companies’ responsibility to societal cause has grabbed more attention in the context of the Companies Act 2013, which has made CSR mandatory for Indian corporate.</p> <p>This book is an attempt to discuss the CSR scenario of India and provides an understanding of challenges associated with implementation of CSR. The volume presents 21<sup>st</sup> century best practices, and the dynamics of CSR for practitioners, academicians, and researchers. It is a sincere attempt to guide practitioners in the area of CSR and help them to rethink about their CSR practices and its implementation.</p>

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  • Development Studies /51 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2019
    Pages: 162
    ISBN 9789332704749
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    The Journey of Neyveli Lignite Corporation to NLC India

    A Growth Saga

    R.K. Mishra‚ Shulagna Sarkar

    About the Book

    <p>NLC India Ltd (NLCIL) formerly, Neyveli Lignite Corporation&nbsp;Limited, a Navaratna enterprise of Government of India (GoI) is an&nbsp;existing profit making public sector enterprise engaged in mining&nbsp;of lignite and generation of power through lignite based thermal&nbsp;power plants. Established by GoI in 1956, NLCIL currently operates<br /> four opencast lignite mines with a combined capacity of 30.6 MTPA&nbsp;with a total generation of 4531 MW. The company has witnessed an&nbsp;exponential growth in the recent few years.&nbsp;The book is an attempt towards recapitulating the efforts of NLCIL&nbsp;in accomplishing its goals and shares the best practices enabling&nbsp;people oriented culture. It also covers company’s leadership dimension&nbsp;over the years and highlights its efforts towards employee as&nbsp;well as stakeholder engagement. NLCIL has been awarded for its&nbsp;social responsibility activities and the book shares some of its high&nbsp;impact based CSR activities. The volume highlights NLCILs’ drive&nbsp;towards the future and is an attempt to share its achievements at&nbsp;large.</p>

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  • Development Studies /52 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2020
    Pages: 326
    ISBN 9789332705470
    INR 1395

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Management Research in India

    R.K. Mishra‚ Srikanth Villivalam‚ Shulagna Sarkar

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  • Development Studies /53 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2019
    Pages: 274
    ISBN 9789332705104
    INR 1495

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Case Studies in Modern Human Resource Management

    R.K. Mishra‚ A. Sridhar Raj

    About the Book

    <p>The book “Case Studies in Modern Human Resource Management”&nbsp;provides the case studies in the area of management, particularly&nbsp;human resource management. These case studies depict real life&nbsp;situations and events in different organizations across the public&nbsp;and private enterprises. The case studies are taken from real life events with names changed in most of the cases. The book is handy&nbsp;for the teachers teaching Human Resource Management through case studies as the teaching note is also provided for the benefit of&nbsp;the teachers. The teaching note for each case study will enable the teachers to discuss the case study to suit different areas of Human&nbsp;Resource Management.</p>

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  • Development Studies /54 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2017
    Pages: 220
    ISBN 9789332703513
    INR 1495

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Tamil Nadu Human Development Report 2017

    Government of Tamil Nadu

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  • Development Studies /55 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2023
    Pages: 278
    ISBN 9789332706194
    INR 995

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    Publisher:AF Press

    India Policy Forum 2022 : Volume 19

    Poonam Gupta‚ Pravin Krishna‚ Karthik Muralidharan (Eds.)

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  • Development Studies /56 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2023
    Pages: 347
    ISBN 9789332706132
    INR 1495

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    Publisher:AF Press

    Transforming Personality

    Fourth Edition

    Swami Chaitanyananda Saraswati

    The Best Selling Title of Europe & North American Market

    About the Book

    <p>It is the people who constitute the nation rather than the enchanting scenic beauty of a vast and varied piece of land. People reflect the true character of a nation. The country is powerful, if the people are strong and dynamic civilized, if the people are cultured and wise, and vice versa. The strength and glory of a nation depends on the sum total of the character of each individual constituting the nation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The cycle of birth, growth and finally death is common to all living beings. In this cycle of birth and death are beyond our control.&nbsp;But regarding growth by disciplined effort, we can achieve systematic development of our personality and attain fulfilment in life. We just need to learn the technique of shaping our personality in a comprehensive way which is already inbuilt within every individual. Rather Indian Ancient Scriptures says its an accomplished fact which needs to be realize by dispelling the veil of ignorance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>A comprehensive and powerful personality comprises five important elements, i.e. physical, emotional, intellectual, moral and spiritual. All these aspects are equally important to manifest the true and complete potential of a human being.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book is a roadmap of learning the technique for transforming our personality. It helps in understanding: (a) the basic truth behind these aspects, (b) successful implementation in day-to-day life, and (c) the techniques to sustain the effects for a happy and meaningful life.</p>

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  • Development Studies /57 of 59
    Development Studies

    Hard-cover • 2017
    Pages: 264
    ISBN 9789332704206
    INR 1095

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Swacch India

    Experience of Water and Sanitation Programmes in Three Indian States of Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh

    K.S. Babu‚ M. Gopinath Reddy‚ S. Galab‚ P. Usha

    About the Book

    <p>The studies on water and sanitation&nbsp;from many countries reveal that&nbsp;the availability and accessibility to&nbsp;protected drinking water, sanitation&nbsp;and personal hygiene, environment,&nbsp;control of diseases and health of the people&nbsp;are closely linked. The WHO estimates&nbsp;that 10 per cent of all diseases in the world&nbsp;each year are related to water quality and&nbsp;access issues, which could be prevented.&nbsp;The book based on a study of three Indian&nbsp;states—Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and&nbsp;Andhra Pradesh, looks at the catalytic role&nbsp;of village level institutions such as Village&nbsp;Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSCs)&nbsp;and Village Health and Sanitation Committees&nbsp;(VHSCs) in improving the water and&nbsp;sanitation facilities of the communities. The&nbsp;positive health outcomes largely depend&nbsp;on how various institutions, processes and&nbsp;programmes interact with one another. The&nbsp;volume also looks at the health outcomes&nbsp;of individuals and households and their&nbsp;linkage with access to water and sanitation&nbsp;facilities as well as their health and hygiene&nbsp;practices.</p> <p>Researchers working on health issues, in&nbsp;particular, on water and sanitation and its&nbsp;effects on health; NGOs working in the area&nbsp;of health and hygiene; and policy makers&nbsp;at various levels (centre, state and district&nbsp;level) will be interested in the book.</p>

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  • Development Studies /58 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2024
    Pages: 331
    ISBN 9789332706460
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:AF Press

    India Policy Forum 2023 : Volume 20

    Poonam Gupta‚ Pravin Krishna‚ Karthik Muralidharan (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>This <em>20<sup>th</sup> India Policy Forum 2023 Volume</em> comprises papers and highlights of the discussions at the India Policy Forum (IPF) held on July 6-7, 2023. The IPF is organized by NCAER, the National Council of Applied Economic Research, India’s oldest and largest, independent, non-profit, economic think tank.</p>

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  • Development Studies /59 of 59
    Development Studies

    Paperback • 2025
    Pages: 206
    ISBN 9789332706620
    INR 2500

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    Publisher:AF Press

    India Industrial Development Report 2024-25

    Towards a Manufacturing-Led Transformation

    Institute For Studies In Industrial Development (isid)

    About the Book

    <p>Manufacturing-led transformation has been an important pathway to prosperity globally—employed by developed countries such as the US, Germany, and Japan or newly industrialised countries such as the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, and China. As India embarks on achieving its aspirations to achieve a developed country status by 2047, the manufacturing sector seems to be an answer to creating decent jobs for its youthful population and fostering inclusive prosperity. There is also a realisation that high dependence on imports of manufactured goods can compromise the nation’s strategic autonomy. Hence, the government has lined up a full bouquet of reforms, Make-in-India and PLI incentives, ease-of-doing business, industrial corridors and other infrastructure, and promotional measures.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>The India Industrial Development Report 2024-25</em>, takes stock of India’s manufacturing landscape, its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges, and policies adopted and emerging trends globally at the current juncture. It concludes that -- helped by the supportive policy, not only is the country well poised to harness the opportunities presented by the manufacturing sector but is gearing up to complement the dynamism of the services sector to realise the developed country vision by creating jobs for millions of its youthful population, driving inclusive and sustainable prosperity.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>A review of manufacturing opportunities available to India, presented in the Report, including those presented by the green industrialisation and digital revolution, has the potential to more than double the manufacturing value added by 2030, creating, in that process, millions of direct and indirect jobs.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The <em>Report </em>highlights how India is turning challenges into opportunities for emerging as the next manufacturing hub in the coming decades and outlines a policy agenda and institutional framework for accelerating such a transformation of the country into a new, confident, industrialised nation on the global stage, able to provide inclusive, balanced and sustainable prosperity to all its people!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Prepared by the research team at the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), the <em>India Industrial Development Report 2024-25</em> is an invaluable resource for policymakers, development economists, analysts and students of industrial development.</p>

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