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  • Coffee Table Book /1 of 4
    Coffee Table Book

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 130
    ISBN 9789332701328
    INR 2200

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    The Untiring Eye

    50 Years of Central Vigilance Commission

    Central Vigilance Commission

    About the Book

    <p>In any society the basic concern of the citizens is the goodness of the government. The organisations, systems and procedures of the government must not only be efficient and effective but also ethical, just and fair. Integrity therefore becomes an essential ingredient. The Central Vigilance Commission has come to occupy a key position as an institution which promotes good governance and integrity in the public affairs of this country.<span style="line-height: 1.6em;">This book is a story of the 50 years of journey of the Central Vigilance Commission, a saga of institution building and fight against corruption. It recounts the birth of the Central Vigilance Commission in 1964 and its re-birth in a new form in 1998. It shows how public debate over the years has shaped this institution to enable it meet the expectations of the citizens and other stakeholders.&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">Aiming to present a complex phenomenon in terms as lucid as possible, this book also uses interesting snippets and details that are soft on the eye and easy on the mind. The rare photographs, documents and interesting snippets try to recreate the bygone era. Some of the former Central Vigilance Commissioners share their experiences and narrate the challen-ges faced and contributions made by them.&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">It is hoped that this book will not only create awareness among people about the institution of the Central Vigilance Commission but prove inspirational in their quest for good governance in this country.</span></p>

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  • Coffee Table Book /2 of 4
    Coffee Table Book

    Hard-cover • 2008
    Pages: 246
    ISBN 9788171886937
    INR 3750

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation


    India in One City

    Malvika Singh (Text Editor) • Uday Sahay (Photo Editor)

    About the Book

    <p>'Dilli' is the heart of India. It embodies centuries of life and living, of changing cityscapes and fine architectural masterpieces that draw together ancient fortresses, mediaeval cities, and a metropolis that has, without hesitation, embraced the diverse, multilayered and dynamic reality of India and all Indians.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book walks you through some of the symbols that compel Delhi to stand apart, showcasing an old civilization and more importantly, an energetic, creative and entrepreneurial young nation grappling with the excitement of constant reinvention, of change.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Delhi has the best of all worlds within her open borders, from the ancient past to the vibrant present and Dilliwallahs are an engaging lot, proud of their epic legacy, raring to keep the ethos of change alive.</p>

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  • Coffee Table Book /3 of 4
    Coffee Table Book

    Hard-cover • 2011
    Pages: 306
    ISBN 9788171888405
    INR 2995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Journey of a Nation

    Indian National Congress: 125 Years

    Indian National Congress

    Foreword: SONIA GANDHI

    About the Book

    <p>Great movements are like great rivers—they start as small streams, but if the cause is great, they draw to themselves many streams, joining together to achieve and reach their destination. And so it was with the Indian National Congress, which met for the first time with a 'microscopic minority' of seventy-two people in Bombay on the 28th December, 1885. It went on to challenge the mightiest empire of the time, using the slogan of peace and the method of non-violence. Led by men and women of extraordinary intellect, courage and commitment, it shaped the destiny of modern India in the twentieth century, and leads India as a global power in the twenty-first century.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Commemorating 125 years of the Indian National Congress, this volume unfolds, page after page, the saga of struggle, sacrifice and nation-building. A lucid commentary, enlivened further by rare photographs and archival material, it offers the reader a pictorial glimpse of the epic journey that began in 1885. This is indeed, the journey of a nation...</p>

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  • Coffee Table Book /4 of 4
    Coffee Table Book

    Hard-cover • 2007
    Pages: 320
    ISBN 9788171886487
    INR 3000

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Gandhian Way

    Peace, Non-violence and Empowerment

    Anand Sharma (Ed.)

    Foreword by SONIA GANDHI

    About the Book

    <p>Mahatma Gandhi’s humane philosophy and inherent spirituality had a profound influence not only on the people of India but the freedom loving people worldwide. 11th of September 2006 marked the centenary of the Satyagraha movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa for peaceful resistance against discriminatory and unjust laws. “Satyagraha—the firmness of the force Truth” became a powerful mass movement of peaceful resistance and civil disobedience. Over the years, it evolved into a dynamic mass movement of effective action.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Commemorating 100 years of ‘Satyagraha’ in a befitting manner, the Indian National Congress convened a two day international conference: “Peace, Non-violence and Empowerment: Gandhian Philosophy in the 21st Century”. Over 300 international delegates from 91 countries comprising world leaders, Nobel laureates, leading peace and human rights activists and Gandhian scholars reflected on the essence and the enduring relevance of Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy. The Conference deliberated on subjects and issues which represent the core of Gandhian thought. The discussion touched upon a wide range of Gandhian principles and values including Mahatma Gandhi’s concern for the poor and his abiding commitment to non-violence and people’s empowerment. Emerging from the discussions amongst the luminaries was the collective affirmation to renew people’s commitment to Mahatma’s noble mission of building a world that is in peace and harmony with itself.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Based on the deliberations of this conference, together with precious archival material, this volume—a book for the future—endeavours to reach out and connect the people, especially the younger generation, to the ‘Gandhian way’ and to carry forward his legacy into the 21st century.</p>

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