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  • Urban Studies /1 of 1
    Urban Studies

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 230
    ISBN 9789332700130
    INR 895.00

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    Global Urbanisation Experiences

    Rumi Aijaz (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p><br /> Urban experts from Austria, China, Colombia, Germany, India, UK and USA, share in this book, practical knowledge and experience of urbanisation.</p> <p><br /> The volume comprises an editorial introduction followed by 10 papers contributed by experts on important urban topics such as city planning and design, transport system, world city network, energy management, and social exclusion. The book also features a concise bibliography of urban studies.</p> <p><br /> It is expected that the information provided in this publication would help in exploring options and opportunities for the creation of habitable and sustainable urban centres. &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

    About the Author(s) / Editor(s)


    Contents in detail