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  • Economics /1 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 268
    ISBN 9782332700093
    INR 1095
    In association with Skoch Group
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    An Agenda for India's Growth

    Essays in Honour of P. Chidambaram

    Sameer Kochhar (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>Since 1991, P. Chidambaram has been deeply involved with the economic reforms that have changed India for the better. He firmly believes that economic freedom is linked not just to higher growth, more jobs and larger incomes, but has undeniable connections to political freedom, empowerment, transparency and good governance. This book is as much a tribute to Chidambaram's eloquent advocacy of economic freedom—and the courage he displayed in implementing it—as about setting the agenda for the country's next wave of reforms.</p> <p><br /> The authors of the essays in this volume are accomplished experts in their respective spheres. Together, they cover a wide range of issues: fiscal and monetary policies, strengthening financial inclusion, revitalising agriculture, buoying stock markets, policy on natural resources, external trade reforms, urban infrastructure renewal and security aspects to growth. The volume not only offers perceptive analyses on these topics but also charts out the clear roadmap for a growth-oriented, caring and compassionate agenda for the country's future.</p>

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  • Economics /2 of 426

    Paperback • 2014
    Pages: 248
    ISBN 9789332701205
    INR 995.00
    Two Color Interior
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India Labour and Employment Report 2014

    Workers in the Era of Globalization

    Institute For Human Development /government Of Nct Of Delhi‚ Indian Society Of Labour Economics (Ed.)

    Principal author : Alakh N. Sharma

    About the Book

    <p>Rapid economic growth in India over the last quarter century has reduced extreme poverty and modestly improved the quality of life of a large segment of the population. However, large employment deficits remain: most jobs created are of poor quality and low productivity in the informal economy. Further, the gains from growth have been distributed unevenly. Growing inequalities and vulnerabilities have generated widespread insecurity of livelihoods and highlighted weaknesses in prevailing social protection systems.</p> <p><br /> This Report is the first of a series of biennial publications by the Institute for Human Development and the Indian Society of Labour Economics. &nbsp;It provides an overview of the labour market and employment outcomes that the Indian economy has delivered as it globalized. It concludes that structural changes are slow and difficult, and the potential for equitable growth remains unrealized, hampered by policy inertia, resistance from social and economic interests and rigidities of existing systems and perspectives. The Report assesses the gains and losses for labour in the first round of globalization. It reveals many markers of progress as well as deep challenges. Effective, responsive, fair and comprehensive labour and employment policy is vital for sustainable and inclusive development. That is the central message of this Report.</p>

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  • Economics /3 of 426

    Paperback • 2014
    Pages: 144
    ISBN 9789332701137
    INR 1295
    Two Color Interior
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Food Processing Industry in India

    Unleashing the Potential of the Non-alcoholic Beverage Sector

    Arpita Mukherjee

    About the Book

    <p><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">The report is the first exhaustive study on the non-alcoholic beverage sector as a case study for reforming the Indian food processing sector. It examines the contribution of the sector to the Indian economy through development of manufacturing, creation of employment, increase in investment, technology transfer, enhancing exports, and linking Indian agriculture to the global production networks. The report covers agriculture, manufacturing, retail and consumers. Based on secondary information analysis and a nationwide primary survey, it identifies the barriers faced by the food processing sector, in general, and non-alcoholic beverage sector, in particular, and suggests policy reforms which will enhance the GDP growth, create employment, attract investment, improve India’s trade balance and enable the country to become a part of the global processed food value chain.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The report provides information and market entry and operations strategies to businesses in emerging markets such as India; it enables policy makers to prioritise policy reforms and students can benefit from this industry specific study. The report is the first of its kind which analyses the recent changes in Indian government policies including the policy of allowing 51 per cent FDI in multi-brand retail.</p>

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  • Economics /4 of 426

    Paperback • 2013
    Pages: 512
    ISBN 9789332700857
    INR 745

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    Indian Economy : Performance and Policy

    14th Ed.: 2013-14

    Uma Kapila

    • Designed to serve as a textbook for B.Com (H) Semester-IV, University of Delhi • Based on latest recommended readings and guidelines (restructured course) • Recommended text in several universities across India • Widely used by students preparing for IAS

    About the Book

    <p>HERE's the new, 2013-14 Edition of the widely accepted textbook (Indian economy paper) for Semester IV, B.Com (Hons.) Delhi University.</p> <p>The book is based on the new guidelines (restructured course), incorporating the latest reading list issued by the department, for the academic year 2013-14.<br /> The book provides a comprehensive coverage of Indian economy under 5 sections:<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; I&nbsp; Basic Issues in Economic Development<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; II Indian Economy at Independence<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; III Policy Regimes<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; IV Growth, Development and Structural Change<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; V Sectoral Trends and Issues<br /> The author Dr. Uma Kapila has specially designed this book based on the original readings recommended for the new course, many of these being available in her edited books: ‘Indian Economy Since Independence’, 24th Edition 2013-14 and ‘Two Decades of Economic Reforms’, 2012.<br /> In the present volume, the author has made an effort to keep the language simple without compromising the effectiveness of the argument or diluting the analyses.<br /> Additionally, inclusion of important questions and a ‘Glossary' make the book an ‘ideal’ text in its category. Not surprising, the book is also being widely used by students who prepare for&nbsp;IAS and other competitive examinations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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  • Economics /5 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 1020
    ISBN 9789332700369
    INR 1295.95

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Indian Economy Since Independence

    24th Ed.: 2013-14

    Uma Kapila (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>Revised year after year, now into its 24th Edition, this unique book is widely accepted as the core text for graduate / post-graduate courses in Indian economy, in various universities across India.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book is essentially, a collection of select articles by some of India’s topmost economists and experts. These highly recommended original readings are well- supported by editorial notes and excerpts from Plan documents, that together present a comprehensive and critical analysis of Indian economy since independence: 1947-2013.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


    Contents in detail
  • Economics /6 of 426

    Paperback • 2013
    Pages: 1020
    ISBN 9789332700352
    INR 1095

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Indian Economy Since Independence

    24th Ed.: 2013-14

    Uma Kapila (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p><br /> Revised year after year, now into its 24th Edition, this unique book is widely accepted as the core text for graduate / post-graduate courses in Indian economy, in various universities across India.<br /> The book is essentially, a collection of select articles by some of India’s topmost economists and experts. These highly recommended original readings are well- supported by editorial notes and excerpts from Plan documents, that together present a comprehensive and critical analysis of Indian economy since independence: 1947-2013.</p>


    Contents in detail
  • Economics /7 of 426

    Paperback • 2013
    Pages: 386
    ISBN 9789332700871
    INR 1495

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    Also available as e-book

    Enhancing Trade, Investment and Cooperation between India and Taiwan

    Parthapratim Pal‚ Arpita Mukherjee‚ Kristy Tsun-tzu Hsu (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>This is the first exhaustive study on possibilities of comprehensive economic partnership between an emerging market in Asia, India, and one of the four 'Asian Dragons', Taiwan. It focuses on how Asian countries can leverage their mutual complementarities, develop production networks and efficient supply chains and enhance investment flows—taking the example of India and Taiwan. Based on primary survey based research, the report highlights the barriers to trade and investment in India and Taiwan, and suggests measures to remove them. It critically examines the WTO and FTA strategies of India and Taiwan in the context of the trade agreements in Asia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The report focuses on both cross-cutting and sector-specific issues. The sectors discussed in the report include: logistics, automobile and auto component, information and communication technology, food processing, distribution and retail, and human resource development. These sectors have been selected as they are undergoing regulatory and policy changes in India and emphasis is on how India and Taiwan can learn from each other's development and regulatory experiences. The report provides information to businesses operating or planning to operate in each other's market and to policymakers on how to facilitate business interaction and greater trade, and investment flows.</p>

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  • Economics /8 of 426

    Paperback • 2013
    Pages: 152
    ISBN 9789332700840
    INR 795

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    A Study of India’s Investment Environment, Major FDI Inflows and Suggestion for Taiwan’s Businessmen

    Rajat Kathuria‚ Mansi Kedia Jaju

    About the Book

    <p>The report provides a detailed analysis of the investment environment in India with respect to Taiwan. The extensive primary data collection has highlighted challenges and opportunities of India's effort to forge deeper ties in its neighbourhood. The process to promote increased collaboration with Taiwan is already underway. Though barriers to investment continue to exist, India must expedite the process of domestic reforms to create an attractive business environment. The focus on select sectors and states helps provide granular information useful to policymakers, not only with respect to Taiwan, but more general, related to all domestic and foreign investments in India.</p>

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  • Economics /9 of 426

    Paperback • 2013
    Pages: 232
    ISBN 9789332700864
    INR 995
    Two Color Interior
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    Delhi Human Development Report 2013

    Improving Lives, Promoting Inclusion

    Institute For Human Development /government Of Nct Of Delhi

    About the Book

    <p>During the last few years, Delhi has experienced significant prosperity and expanding employment opportunities along with considerable improvements in infrastructure, basic services and amenities. Home to about 17 million people, the city attracts thousands of migrants every year, who arrive in search of livelihoods and educational opportunities. Delhi has emerged as a sort of microcosm of the entire country, unmatched in characteristics and spirit by any other city of India.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Delhi Human Development Report 2013 discusses the various aspects of the prevailing human development scenario in Delhi, including employment, livelihood, educational opportunities, healthcare, basic services and amenities, as well as the issue of public safety that has been a source of widespread concern in the recent past.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>While encompassing both the achievements and emerging challenges that constantly confront this vibrant city, the Report not only relies on the latest statistics and available information, but also analyses the findings of a large survey of about 8000 households. This was carried out to identify the perceptions and aspirations of the citizens belonging to various groups. The Report documents the tremendous positive changes taking place in Delhi in numerous spheres, signifying the dynamics of its socio-economic development along with the monumental task of ensuring that the benefits of prosperity accrue to all, especially the less privileged sections of its society. In essence, therefore, this Report is both a mirror to the city and an endeavour to promote inclusion and equity at various levels. &nbsp;</p>

    Contents in detail
  • Economics /10 of 426

    Hard-Cover • 2013
    Pages: Part-A (680), Part-B ( 712)
    ISBN 9788171889860
    INR 2195.00

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    Also available as e-book

    The Reserve Bank of India (Part A & Part B)

    Volume 4: 1981–1997

    Reserve Bank Of India (rbi)

    About the Book

    <p>This fourth volume in the series of the history of the Reserve Bank of India covers the 16 eventful years from 1981 to 1997. It is published in two parts, which ideally should be read as a continuum.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Part A</strong> focuses on the transformation of the Indian economy from a regime of restrictions to progressive liberalisation. The 1980s were characterised by an expansionary fiscal policy accompanied by automatic monetisation of budgetary deficit that strained the conduct of monetary policy. Similarly, a heavily regulated banking system impaired efficiency. The domestic macroeconomic imbalances combined with deteriorating external conditions triggered the balance of payments (BoP) crisis of 1991. Subsequent reforms ushered in far reaching changes not only in the economy but also in central banking.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Part B</strong> of the volume captures the implementation of structural and financial sector reforms: fiscal correction and phasing out of automatic monetisation; development of government securities market; and greater integration among money, securities and foreign exchange markets. It also covers the transformation in banking with liberalisation and improvement in credit delivery. At the same time the Reserve Bank had to contend with a securities scam which led to the introduction of better control systems and strengthening of the payment and settlement systems.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>With the introduction of financial sector reforms, the Reserve Bank adopted a more active communication strategy. The organisational structure of the Reserve Bank also changed in response to domestic necessities and international developments. The Bank embarked upon technological transformation and upgraded its systems and procedures to manage its operations effectively.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This volume is more than a mere narrative of the history of the Reserve Bank; it also provides valuable insights into India's economic development and policy during an eventful and significant period.</p>

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  • Economics /11 of 426

    Paperback • 2013
    Pages: 265
    ISBN 9789332700260
    INR 295.00

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    Also available as e-book

    India : A Pocket Book of Data Series, 2013

    Epw Research Foundation

    About the Book

    <p>The EPW Research Foundation brings you a one-stop resource for all important economic and social data on India.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>NEW, 3rd Edition... &nbsp;<br /> India: A Pocket Book of Data Series / 2013</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The development of independent India from an agrarian stage to a modern economy began in the early 1950s. After the first four decades of planning, India embarked upon a series of economic and financial sector reforms in the early 1990s. While India has continually been undergoing a socio-economic and structural transformation, its economic growth has accelerated in the past two decades. Since 2004, it has been on an even higher growth trajectory. This pocket book from EPW Research Foundation captures these trends and patterns, from data sets for a variety of social and economic indicators and presents them in a compact manner in both discrete and continuous annual series. The five major components of data sets are: Macro Economy, Social Sector, Infrastructure, Profile of States and International Comparison. It is a quick and handy reference tool for academics, executives, students and researchers and for anybody interested in the saga of India’s development. &nbsp;</p>

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  • Economics /12 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 416+368
    ISBN 9789332701335
    INR 1995

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    Also available as e-book
    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    The Emerging Big Picture

    Making Sense of India's Economy : A set of 2 volumes

    Uma Kapila (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>Indian economy is currently going through a difficult period. However, the problems are not unique to India. Growth has slowed down in many other emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs). This book entitled: “The Emerging Big Picture: Making Sense of India’s Economy”, in two volumes, comprising the writings of eminent economists, policy makers, distinguished scholars and subject experts, throws light on&nbsp; various reasons attributed to the growth slowdown and collectively provide roadmap for not only accelerating economic growth but also sustainable and regionally more inclusive growth.&nbsp;</p>

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  • Economics /13 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 480
    ISBN 9789332701274
    INR 1395

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India's Policy Milieu

    Economic Development, Planning and Industry

    S.K. Goyal

    About the Book

    <p>This book comprising a collection of articles written by the eminent economist Prof S.K. Goyal under a different political-economic context of planning era, is of continuing relevance to the on-going debate on issues like the vastly increased role of foreign capital, restructuring of public sector, financial sector transformation, crony capitalism, endemic trade imbalances and functioning of new regulatory bodies which characterise India’s transition to the new economic policy regime.</p>

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  • Economics /14 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 468
    ISBN 9789332701229
    INR 1395

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Development Narratives

    The Political Economy of Tamil Nadu

    V.K. Natraj‚ A. Vaidyanathan (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>Tamil Nadu projects several important positive dimensions. Among them, from a development perspective, stand out: dynamic entrepreneurial class; well developed educational system; efficient administrative system; impressive and long history of advancement of the backward classes; continuing emphasis on social safety nets for the people; spread of industries in clusters and avoidance of concentration in a few locations; close attention to state autonomy and adherence to the federal principle especially after the mid-sixties.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As a result of industries getting spread—including most recently the IT sector—Tamil Nadu has avoided the diseconomies of concentration in a few locations. Also being a highly urbanised state, this has provided the poor with a supplement to other social safety nets. It should cause no surprise that Tamil Nadu is a front ranking state in terms of economic growth as well as concern for social welfare. And in this respect upholds the legacy it has as one of the pioneers in the uplift of the weaker sections.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The papers in this volume highlight significant trends and development in: population, labour force and employment, agriculture and irrigation, industrial development, social sectors and environment. The papers are a mix of the descriptive and the analytical. This collection, like most research, raises more questions than it offers solution for. If it provokes further thought and hopefully results in some pointers for future policy, the effort to put it together would not be unrequited.</p>

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  • Economics /15 of 426

    Paperback • 2014
    Pages: 96
    ISBN 9789332701359
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Economic Freedom of the States of India 2013

    Bibek Debroy‚ Laveesh Bhandari‚ Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar

    About the Book

    <p>Economic freedom matters. It improves outcomes by empowering citizens with the freedom to choose. This report, one of a series starting in 2005, once again seeks to measure economic freedom in different Indian states, and to show how this improves economic outcomes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Economic freedom is a concept first used by the Fraser Institute to measure the extent to which governments constrain efficient decision making and distort resource allocation. It has been used in cross-country literature to show that countries with higher levels of freedom have better development indicators. However, attempts to capture economic freedom at the sub-national level of state governments are rare, although very pertinent in a federal country like India. Many areas of economic decision making in India fall under the jurisdiction of state governments, and are listed in the Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution. Our pioneering work modifies the Fraser Institute’s methodology of measuring economic freedom across countries, creating a new way of measuring economic freedom across Indian states. This enables us to see which states are getting freer or less free, and to demonstrate how economic freedom at the state level impacts economic development.</p>

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  • Economics /16 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 272
    ISBN 9789332701250
    INR 995

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    Reinventing Development Economics

    Explorations from the Indian Experiment

    N.A. Mujumdar

    About the Book

    <p>The dimensions of development have now taken a new shape. There is no generic formula for growth and every country has specific characteristics and historical experiences that must be reflected in its growth story. It has now been widely recognised that inclusive growth is imperative for sustainability. Governments around the world are therefore anxious that even as they pursue economic growth they must make that growth process inclusive. The strong linkage between stability and inclusion should be the guiding principle of policies for promotion of growth. There is also a renewed call for revival of ethical values.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book is an attempt at exploring the new aspects of development philosophy. Divided into six broad sections, it addresses the issues of: growth and development, monetary policy, banking policy, fiscal policy, food security and global environment with reference to the Indian economy. The underlying main theme of all the articles in the volume is promoting growth which is all-round and inclusive, equitable and above all growth which ultimately leads to the emergence of value-based compassionate society.</p>

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  • Economics /17 of 426

    Paperback • 2014
    Pages: 74
    ISBN 9789332701380
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Food Supply Chain in India

    Analysing the Potential for International Business

    Arpita Mukherjee‚ Tanu M. Goyal‚ Parthapratim Pal‚ Saubhik Deb

    About the Book

    <p>India is one of the largest food and grocery markets in the world and a large consumer of food products. Despite having a rich raw material base for food products, high food price inflation is becoming a major challenge facing the country. There is a shortage of supply due to issues in the food supply chain. The food supply chain is fragmented and only seven per cent of the perishable products are being processed. To counter this, the Indian government is offering several incentives to private and foreign investors in the food processing sector reflecting the government’s intention to attract investment. The large and unsaturated Indian market has attracted a number of foreign companies yet the country has not been able to be a part of their global production networks. There is a need for reforms in the food supply chain to enable India to reach out to its unrealised potential.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> Given this background, this report examines the opportunities and potential for international businesses in the food supply chain of India. The report tries to make international businesses better acquainted with the Indian market by providing detailed information about the central and state governments’ policies on the food supply chain. It highlights the barriers faced by international businesses in India and suggests a go-to-market strategy for international businesses. The report identifies the current and potential gains for India from the entry of foreign businesses and makes policy recommendation based on a clear understanding of the expectations and experiences of international businesses in India and global best practices.&nbsp;</p>

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  • Economics /18 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 292
    ISBN 9789332700895
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Essays on Inclusive Growth and Some Reminiscences


    About the Book

    <p>India’s Twelfth Five Year Plan seeks to achieve inclusive and sustainable development through an appropriate growth process by reducing regional disparities in development, raising the growth rates of agriculture and manufacturing, and by giving high priority to health and education. Against this backdrop, the essays on inclusive growth in this book focus on regional disparities in development, technology fatigue, marketing con-straints and sustainable use of water &nbsp;in respect of agriculture; ensuring accountability in performance; and the growth performance in Andhra Pradesh where the rising discontent against regional disparities in development led to the recent decision of the Union Government to form separate state of Telangana.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book also includes some remini-scences of the author from his student days to his interactions on economic policy issues concerning equitable development since the 1980s, with individuals ranging from veteran freedom fighters to the eminent scholars and public figures, including some Prime Ministers of India.&nbsp;</p>

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  • Economics /19 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 348
    ISBN 9788171889921
    INR 1195
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India’s Evolving Economy

    Puzzles and Perspectives

    A. Vaidyanathan

    About the Book

    <p><strong>A. Vaidyanathan</strong> ranks amongst India’s topmost economists of international standing who have profoundly impacted the academic, research and policy landscape in the country.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book presents a selection of the author’s essays—some unpublished and others published—on diverse aspects and issues of development. It starts with a discussion of the growing divergence between agriculture and the rest of the economy, the sources of the phenomenal growth of tertiary sectors and foreign capital inflow in the last two decade. This is followed by critical appraisal of the rationale and efficacy of current strategies for poverty alleviation and equitable distribution in three major concerns of food security, employment guarantee and access to education. The third section focuses on the extent to which the expansion of financial sector has widened the reach of informal sectors to institutional credit, the factors underlying the rapid growth of gold imports and their implications. Wider issues relating to the role of the politics and politicians, decentralisation and institutions for management of common pool resources like water are also discussed. The concluding set of essays underscore the importance of reliable data for informed policymaking and public debate. Though the country’s statistical system leaves room for improvement in terms of coverage, quality and accessibility, the author emphasises the rich but grossly under-utilised potential of what is available for discriminating research and discusses ways to facilitate and promote such research.</p>

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  • Economics /20 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 66
    ISBN 9789332701458
    INR 795

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Impact of American Investment in India

    A Socioeconomic Assessment

    Saon Ray‚ Smita Miglani‚ Neha Malik

    About the Book

    <p>India’s economic growth story in the past decade has invited a keen participation by the global investors, manifest in the increasing foreign direct investment flows to India especially, since the mid-2000s. Rise in the direct global inflows has ensured considerable direct as well as knock-on benefits to India. Investment by the United States has been prominent in this regard.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This study investigates the socioeconomic impact of American investment in India and identifies the challenges faced by the American investors. A multi-sector survey, based on in-person interviews with the key stakeholders, has been juxtaposed with relevant secondary data to elucidate the spillovers of the direct investment by the US. This may serve as an appealing read for an eclectic audience ranging from academia and research firms, consulting houses to university graduates.</p>

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  • Economics /21 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 392
    ISBN 9788171889419
    INR 995
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Two Decades of Economic Reforms

    Towards Faster, Sustainable and More Inclusive Growth

    Uma Kapila (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>India has travelled through a remarkable journey in the last two decades. This book depicts the journey and the challenges ahead through the writings of eminent economists, scholars, policymakers and experts in respective fields.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>India has come a long way and today the world acknowledges this achievement but much more needs to be done on the ‘human face’ aspects of reforms which has been well covered in various papers in this book.</p>

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  • Economics /22 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 658
    ISBN 9788171889396
    INR 1295
    In association with EPW Research Foundation
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Microfinance in India

    Issues, Problems and Prospects: A Critical Review of Literature

    S.L. Shetty

    About the Book

    <p>The study is an epitome of the mind-boggling flurry of literature on the subject of microfinance. But, it has gone far beyond the review of literature on the concept, country models and history of microfinance movement in India; it has provided a thematic work on the factual profiles of different microcredit programmes prevalent in the country and their progress, The book contains a very up-to-date review of the regulatory measures and their nuances and a detailed review of the evaluation and impact studies. The book also dwells on the limitations of the mFI movement to satisfy the credit needs of the vast informal sector enterprises which also seem to get generally neglected by the formal financial institutions. This has led the study to a review of the new initiatives which the authorities have taken under the broad theme of ‘financial inclusion.’ Keeping the broader objective of distributional goals embedded in the microfinance movement, the book attempts an assessment of the wider challenges faced by the financial system, and provides a dossier of suggestions for reaching out to the small and informal sectors on a more effective scale. As for the mFI movement itself, apart from bringing out it potentialities and also critiquing it, the study presents a set of suggestions for strengthening and expanding its role.</p>

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  • Economics /23 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 222
    ISBN 9789332700123
    INR 995
    In association with CUTS International
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Growth and Equity

    Essays in Honour of Pradeep Mehta

    Nitin Desai‚ Rajeev D. Mathur (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>This volume is a rich collection of analytical essays penned by those who have been closely associated with Pradeep worldwide. The broad message that comes from the contributions is the importance of open global trading systems, competitive and contestable markets domestically, coordination and regulation of national and global action on this, effective partnerships and representative global governance. The essays cover three main areas: Trade and Development, Competition and Economic Regulation and Governance. A thread that runs through the contributions is the importance of participatory citizenship and civil society activism. These are the areas in which Pradeep Mehta and CUTS have been most active over many decades and this Festschrift is truly an appropriate tribute to his commitment and dedication to the notion that every citizen is a consumer and every consumer is a citizen.</p>

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  • Economics /24 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 306
    ISBN 9788171889228
    INR 1095
    In association with Skoch Group
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Policymaking for Indian Planning

    Essays on Contemporary Issues in Honour of Montek S. Ahluwalia

    Sameer Kochhar (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>A key figure in India's economic reforms from the early 1980s onwards, Montek Singh Ahluwalia's fingerprints can be found in policies from economics to education reform, and he has been a driving force in the liberalisation programme of the past 20 years or more. The Oxford-educated economist spent 11 years with the World Bank in Washington before returning to India in 1979 to work as an economic adviser to the government. His commitment to poverty alleviation and inclusive growth can be found in his early writings and as Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, he has managed to translate this into the country’s Plan process.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>He is also the harbinger of participatory planning wherein for the first time Planning Commission started inviting suggestions and feedback for the 12th Five Year Plan. This festschrift comprises a range of essays covering different drivers of economic growth and development, providing not only an insight into policymaking and its impact, but also directions for India if it is to become a major player in the global economy. This book is a must-read for students of development economics and political economy and is highly recommended for graduate students, academics and professionals interested in economic issues of developing countries.</p>

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  • Economics /25 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 414
    ISBN 9789332700079
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Indian Financial Reforms

    Priorities and Policy Thrust Post Global Financial Crisis

    Uma Kapila (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>The Indian financial sector has seen wide ranging reforms during the last two decades. This edited volume comprising the writings of eminent economists, financial experts including top bankers, brings together at one place the story of India’s financial sector reforms—focusing on the unfinished agenda; the need for next generation of reforms; lessons and new responsibilities for central banks in view of the global financial crisis; the policy challenges arising from the new trilemma, that is, price stability, financial stability and sovereign debt sustainability; implications of Basel III and G-20; and, the issues and challenges pertaining to financial inclusion.</p>

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  • Economics /26 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 162
    ISBN 9788171889686
    INR 595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    The Global Economic Meltdown

    Perspectives from India and EU

    Jayshree Sengupta (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 is widely recognised across the globe as the most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression. The prolonged global economic slow-down has stymied the US economy, brought the Eurozone to the precipice, and continues to retard growth momentum throughout the world. Even developing economies that were previously thought to be crisis-averse are now experiencing &nbsp;the rough waters after an economic tsunami.</p> <p><br /> The writers in this compendium address the many complexities of the GFC and present a holistic overview of its background, how it unfolded and how many of the nations sought to respond to it. This publication is unique in its approach of the crisis from a global perspective, with pieces focussing on India, Europe and the United States. Furthermore, the book provides a thorough examination of the economic, political, environmental and social implications of the crisis and offers glimpses of the road ahead, replete with policy recommendations for a more stable and prosperous future.</p>

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  • Economics /27 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 176
    ISBN 9788171889938
    INR 895

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Aligning Economic and Social Goals in Emerging Economies

    Employment and Social Protection in Brazil, China, India and South Africa

    Gerry Rodgers (Ed.)

    In association with Institute for Human Development, New Delhi

    About the Book

    <p>One of the central dilemmas of development is how to ensure that growth is both rapid and equitable. Employment is the key, but the employment performance of most economies leaves a great deal to be desired. The bulk of the population in low- and medium-income countries continues to scrabble for casual work, in informal labour markets, at poverty-level incomes. Dealing with such vulnerabilities calls for effective systems of social protection. But in the developing world, only a minority, and usually a small minority of the population, is protected by formal social security mechanisms.</p> <p>Good economic performance in the last decade in the large emerging economies of Brazil, India, China and South Africa gives hope that solutions might be found. Each of these countries has tried to tackle these issues, applying different policies and encountering differing degrees of success. This book documents and compares their experiences. In particular, it highlights four challenges faced in all four countries: converting growth into employment; building good labour institutions; finding the right balance between social protection and job creation; and dealing with inequality.</p>

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  • Economics /28 of 426

    Hard cover • 2014
    Pages: 380
    ISBN 9789332701373
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Understanding the Emerging Contours of Power and Hegemony

    Contemporary Geo-political Narratives

    Angira Sen Sarma‚ Yury Byaly (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>India-Russia relations have withstood the test of time and both countries have remained important partners. Their bilateral ties had to be adjusted with the changing international milieu post Soviet disintegration. Today, the strategic partnership between the two countries covers a wide range of areas, including economic cooperation, science and technology, energy, space and defence, indicating the continuing strong ties between the two countries. The chapters in this volume discuss various issues of common concern like terrorism, radical Islam, non-proliferation, migration, climate change, drug trafficking and the international financial crisis. They also highlight the converging and diverging views of the two countries on global challenges like tensions in the Middle East and Afghanistan.</p>

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  • Economics /29 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 102
    ISBN 9788171889303
    INR 1500

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    On the Turnpike

    Indian Economy Since 1947 & Indian Economic Service At 50

    T.C.A. Srinivasa-raghavan

    About the Book

    <p>On the Turnpike traces the origin and history of the Indian Economic Service and in the process provides fascinating glimpses into how economic policy in India was shaped, the drama behind the various Budgets, and the thinking and compulsions that led to key decisions being made. It also captures the personalities of the key players who shaped these policies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book describes the circumstances under which the Cadre for advising and shaping economic policy under the Ministry of Finance was born, the contributions it has made, the challenges it has faced and the path ahead.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Those looking for a quick and comprehensible insights into the wisdom and follies of Indian economic policy over the last 60 years will find this book instructive and amusing.</p>

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  • Economics /30 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 316
    ISBN 9788171889488
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Microfinance and Financial Inclusion

    S. Teki‚ R.K. Mishra

    About the Book

    <p>Financial inclusion is instrumental to the inclusive growth process and sustainable economic development of India. There has been increasing awareness and realisation that financial services hold the key to mainstreaming the poor and disadvantaged with the development of the country. Inadequacies in rural access to formal financial system and the seemingly extortionary terms of informal finance for the poor warrant a strong need and ample space for innovative approaches to serve the financial needs of India’s rural poor. Over the last decade and a half, toils have been made by government financial institutions, and NGOs, often in partnership, to develop new financial delivery approaches. Financial inclusion stands for provision of important financial services like credit, savings, insurance and remittances at an affordable cost to the disadvantaged, marginal and low-income groups across sections of the society. The primary goal of financial inclusion is to broaden the scope of activities of the formal financial system that could tag the poor people with low incomes into formal financial system in a gradual manner with focus on freeing the poor people from poverty.</p> <p><br /> The book has indeed come of age, and would become a significant source of work on microfinance and financial inclusion in India. This book is unique in that it combines financial inclusion, microfinance and special financial institutions striving for providing access to financial services to the poor. This aptly timed book will be relevant for the academic world, researchers, policymakers, government, business organisations, not for profit organisations and development thinkers.</p>

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  • Economics /31 of 426

    Paperback • 2012
    Pages: 296
    ISBN 9788171889099
    INR 795

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    South-South Collaboration in Health Biotechnology

    Growing Partnerships Amongst Developing Countries

    Halla Thorsteinsdóttir (Ed.)

    In association with IDRC, Canada

    About the Book

    <p>The book South-South Collaboration in Health Biotechnology analyses collaboration among developing countries. It disseminates results from a large scale project on health biotechnology collaboration, involving six research groups based in Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, India and Zambia led by the University of Toronto, Canada. It focuses both on health biotechnology collaboration in emerging economies such as China and India, and in lower income developing countries such as Bangladesh. The book provides a detailed analysis of collaboration between public sector institutions and of partnerships between firms in developing countries.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book will be of particular interest to the science, policy, academic and business communities worldwide, as well as to a general audience interested in development and innovation.</p>

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  • Economics /32 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 508
    ISBN 9788171889235
    INR 1095

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Regional Economy of India

    Growth and Finance

    Deepak Mohanty (Ed.)

    In association with Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai

    About the Book

    <p>It is increasingly recognised that to achieve inclusive growth and sustain growth momentum, regional economy is of critical importance. Given the divergence in growth potential, financial developments and inflation across regions in India, studies on regional economies become particularly relevant. This volume makes an attempt to place in public domain select work on various aspects of the regional economy by economists working in the central and regional offices of Reserve Bank of India.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The papers find that while the share of agriculture has shrunk across the states, the share of services has risen sharply. However, industrial growth remains uneven. Urban-rural inequality has worsened. There is a need for concerted action on agricultural growth and infra-structure development besides increasing the penetration of formal financial sector to alleviate the constraints on growth and to control inflation. There is also need to prioritise expenditure towards social sector to develop the quality of the labour force and promote well-being.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This volume is aimed at stimulating further policy-oriented research on various aspects of regional economy as well as contributing to better policymaking.</p>

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  • Economics /33 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 260
    ISBN 9789332701540
    INR 895

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Exploding Aspirations

    Unlocking India’s Future

    Rajiv Kumar

    About the Book

    <p>The book is a collection of Rajiv Kumar’s widely read and appreciated columns in some of India’s leading newspapers over the last two years. The volume includes a specially written Introduction that provides a sharp and candid insight into multiple policy failures of the UPA II government and lays out the reform agenda for the incoming BJP government. The articles provide an incisive analysis of India’s turbulent economic journey over the last three years as the country lost both its policy direction and economic momentum. The short essays provide a rare ringside view of policy making and all its frailties from an author who has established himself as one of the most widely read columnists in India.</p>

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  • Economics /34 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 238
    ISBN 9788171889341
    INR 895

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Corporate Governance

    A Global Perspective

    R.K. Mishra‚ Stuart Locke‚ D. Geeta Rani (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>Corporate governance is central to improving the performance of all institutions and not just commercial entities. All board members aside from their fiduciary or stewardship responsibilities to stakeholders have a much bigger potential. Transition to a corporate governance model that builds value rather than accepting complacency or defence of the status quo can make a very real difference to many, many people.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Business and wider-interest media have rightly commented on topics like challenges to the integrity of directors, the transparency of decisions and appointment of directors and directors' fee increases when performance of the entity has been less than satisfactory. Such issues need to be addressed but considered responses by regulators and professional associations alike need to be made within the context of sustainable long-term improvement in board performance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Refreshingly, this is not another normative text on how to run meetings; it hits ‘bulls eye' that directors can make a very real difference to sustainable stakeholder welfare. The chapters in the book do traverse elemental building blocks like board structure, board size, diversity among others, emphasising the evidence from international empirical research into, does this make a difference and what is the consensus view, what is the right structure, right size, right level of diversity, etc. The significance of this volume lies in the underpinning rationale of achieving better governance.</p>

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  • Economics /35 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 502
    ISBN 9789332700314
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India: Leading Issues in Economic Development

    R.K. Mishra (Ed.)

    In association with Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad

    About the Book

    <p>Set up in May 1964, the Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), enters its Golden Jubilee year in May 2013. During this Golden Journey, IPE has had the privilege of eminent scholars, policymakers and public enterprise CEOs delivering lectures under the auspices of the Lal Bahadur Shastri (LBS) and the Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS). The lectures have been delivered in the backdrop of the Global Context of India and the issues confronting India's development. The themes dealt with touch upon wide ranging issues starting from economic growth and outlook for India vis-à-vis China and Pakistan, India in the international economy, strategic management to make public enterprises globally competitive to the crisis in Indian education, emerging disparities in India and an economic analysis of Judicial activism.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The present volume incorporates seminal writings on public sector viz., public enterprises and evaluation, the future of public sector in India and emerging role of independent directors in the board room. The Golden Jubilee volume would be useful to policymakers, researchers, public sector executives and post graduate students in India and abroad.</p>

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  • Economics /36 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2011
    Pages: 168
    ISBN 9788171888740
    INR 595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Many Futures of India

    Rajiv Kumar

    About the Book

    <p>The first decade of the new century has seen global attention turn to India and thankfully largely for positive reasons. The world seems to have recognised that 'Incredible India', the catchy byline propagated by the country's Ministry of Tourism, is not just a hyperbole but reflects the multifaceted achievements and features of this enigmatic country. The elephant it seems can dare to dance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The set of essays in this volume by Rajiv Kumar, one of more established and appreciated economic columnists in the country, explore the different aspects of this theme of India's future prospects. The essays written in a crisp and readable style provide unique insights in the on-going transition in India from a person who has observed it at close quarters over the last three decades from several different perspectives.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The illustrations by Jennifer Williams offer another set of insights from a socially engaged artist who has used the sketches to highlight the complexity and diversity of the changing Indian reality.</p>

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  • Economics /37 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2013
    Pages: 458
    ISBN 9788171889846
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    The Global Financial Crisis

    Challenges and Opportunities

    R.K. Mishra‚ K. Trivikram (Eds.)

    In association with IPE, Hyderabad

    About the Book

    <p>The Global Financial Crises (GFC) seems to have been more widespread than many other previous crises. Every segment of the global financial markets experienced tremors of the financial crisis, though at varying degrees. Interbank markets in western economies were the first to be affected with severe liquidity pressures as banks became reluctant to lend to each other on fear of counterparty risks.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The crisis evoked unprecedented policy responses, both domestically and internationally. Monetary authorities all over the world went far beyond their customary roles and resorted to aggressive monetary easing. The forceful and coordinated policy actions appear to have been successful in preventing a catastrophe. India could not remain unscathed and the global developments affected the financial and real activities in the second half of 2008-09. The present book focusses on how the GFC has impacted the outlook of the investment community and the various industry sectors in developed as well as developing countries. For this purpose, the book examines: (i) overall trends in various macroeconomic indicators and risk perceptions; (ii) foreign investment in emerging markets; and (iii) economy’s response to an emerging post-crisis investment landscape. Given the changing shape of the world economy, the book pays particular attention to the growing role of emerging developing economies like India in promoting global cross-border investment flows.&nbsp;</p>

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  • Economics /38 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 374
    ISBN 9788171889525
    INR 1095

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India Emerging

    The Reality Checks

    Veena Jha

    In association with IDRC, Canada

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  • Economics /39 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 514
    ISBN 9789332701649
    INR 1495

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Adjusting to Global Economic Volatility

    The Case of South Asia

    Mustafa K. Mujeri‚ Wahiduddin Mahmud (Eds.)

    In association with South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes

    About the Book

    <p>In South Asia, the impact of global economic vulnerability has been felt mainly through finance, trade and investment channels affecting the performance of the real economy. The slowdown in growth of exports and remittances, and other associated changes in the domestic economies have resulted in lower growth. This has also had social implications through changes in household income, intra-household decisions and resource allocations creating adverse impact on food security, nutrition, education, health care as well as poverty dynamics and its intergenerational transmission.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Adjusting to Global Economic Volatility: The Case of South Asia</em> attempts to answer three questions: a) How has South Asia been coping with the impacts of global economic vulnerability? b) What has determined the differential impact of various sectors to global economic and financial crisis? c) What demand- and supply-side bottlenecks need to be eased to meet the challenges of global vulnerability and how regional cooperation can help the countries going forward?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Meeting the global volatility challenges calls for a reform agenda that cuts across both domestic economies as well as the framework for regional cooperation. It must also be recognised that regional cooperation is not easy, and implementation of required actions is frequently weak in South Asian countries having diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, effective regional cooperation and integration takes time to develop and requires incremental, gradual and flexible implementation with visible payoffs. Successful cooperation requires leadership. Development of regional resources can be one of the important areas to make progress, which creates opportunities for win-win outcomes and equitable sharing of benefits among all partners.</p>

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  • Economics /40 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2012
    Pages: 400
    ISBN 9788171889112
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Mergers in India

    Exploiting Financial Synergies

    Paramjeet Kaur

    About the Book

    <p>In view of the restructuring of the Indian corporate sector in the form of mergers and acquisitions (M&amp;As), the book carries out an in-depth analysis of the mergers that have taken place in the Indian Drugs and Pharmaceutical Industry since 1990-1991. Using an innovative methodology the book answers two important questions: why some firms acquire? And why some get acquired? The author points out to the possibility of exploiting financial synergies between the acquiring and acquired firms through M&amp;As. The results corroborate that both size and profitability matter in the market for corporate control. Further, the contention that efficiency has no role to play is not supported by the analysis.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>In addition to this, the book provides a rigorous analysis of the nature of selection mechanism of mergers. It examines how acquired firms differ from the acquiring and also how participant firms are different from the non-participants. The findings reveal that long-term debt is a binding constraint for a non-acquiring firm to be an acquiring in the market.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book also includes an appraisal of the industrial and stock market reforms, where the concern over need for ‘takeover market in India’ is also developed. Apart from an issue-based comprehensive survey of literature on M&amp;As, the book also covers a systematic analysis of Indian trends along with detailed analysis of global trends in M&amp;As.</p>

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  • Economics /41 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 278
    ISBN 9789332701489
    INR 1195

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Understanding Global Economic Change and the Future of the Global Society

    José Miguel Andreu‚ Rita Dulci Rahman

    About the Book

    <p>In the last six and a half decades, the world has meaningfully changed, particularly, in relation to the acknowledgement of new needs of a collective nature, such as the provision of global public goods, the correction of global externalities and the reduction of the per capita income gap among nations. A major economic and political change in the world is underway with the shifting of the economic gravity centre of the world towards Asia. Although many recognise that we live today in a globalised world, few have accepted that we urgently need to institutionalise democratic global governance, capable of producing and enforcing, among others, global economic regulations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Also, as the need for more effective global governance will progressively be felt by a growing majority of the global society, the establishment of a new democratic UN and subordinated agencies will finally emerge.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>After carefully analysing the financial crisis starting in the USA in 2007 and moving to the European Union, and taking into consideration the current economic globalisation without global democratic governance, this book proposes the reorganisation of the United Nations on a democratic basis which will progressively induce the disappearance of hegemonic powers, and the reorganisation of the European Union by the creation of a selective Federation by 8 to 10 current members.</p>

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  • Economics /42 of 426

    Paperback • 2014
    Pages: 670
    ISBN 9789332701618
    INR 1495

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Financial Crises

    Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses

    Stijn Claessens‚ M. Ayhan Kose‚ Luc Laeven‚ Fabián Valencia (Eds.)

    For Sale in South Asia Only

    About the Book

    <p>The 2007–09 global financial crisis saw colossal disruptions in asset and credit markets, massive erosions of wealth, and unprecedented numbers of bankruptcies. Its lingering effects are still visible in advanced economies and emerging markets alike—this shows a clear need to improve our understanding of financial crises. <em>Financial Crises: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses </em>fills a critical gap in the rich literature on the subject. It provides a broad overview of the current research and reviews typical patterns that precede crises, analyzes the evolution of these episodes, examines various policy responses, and studies the aftermath of these crises. The book features contributions from prominent scholars in the field and researchers at the IMF.</p>

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  • Economics /43 of 426

    Paperback • 2014
    Pages: 1104
    ISBN 9789332701731
    INR 1095

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Indian Economy Since Independence

    A Comprehensive and Critical Analysis of India’s Economy, 1947-2014

    Uma Kapila (Ed.)

    25th Ed.: 2014-15

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  • Economics /44 of 426

    Paperback • 2014
    Pages: 552
    ISBN 9789332701670
    INR 745

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Indian Economy

    Performance and Policies

    Uma Kapila

    15th Ed.: 2014-15

    About the Book

    <p>Here’s the new, 15th Edition of the widely accepted textbook (Indian economy paper) for B.Com (Hons.) based on new guidelines (restructured course), incorporating the latest readings recommened by the Department of Economics, University of Delhi, for the academic year 2014-15.<span style="line-height: 1.6em;">The book provides a comprehensive coverage of Indian economy under five sections:</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I. basic Issues in economic development: institutional framework and policy regimes;</p> <p>II. growth and distributional issues: poverty, inequality and employment;</p> <p>III. current perspectives in Indian agriculture: growth, productivity, constraints and pricing;</p> <p>IV. industry and services sector;</p> <p>V. financial sector and the external sector.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The author Dr. Uma Kapila has specially designed this book based on the original readings recommended for the new course, some of these being available in her edited books: Indian Economy Since Independence, 25th Ed. 2014-15 and Two Decades of Economic Reforms, 2012.&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.6em;">In the present volume, the author has made an effort to keep the language simple without compromising the effectiveness of the argument or diluting the analyses. The book also carries a comprehensive Glossary.</span><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">Apart from undergraduate students, the book is widely used by students preparing for the IAS and other competitive examinations.</span></p>

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  • Economics /45 of 426

    Paperback • 2014
    Pages: 154
    ISBN 9789332701793
    INR 1295
    (For Sale in South Asia Only)
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    OECD Economic Surveys

    INDIA: November 2014


    About the Book

    <p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: justify;">OECD's 2014 Economic Survey of India examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. Special chapters cover health, the manufacturing sector and economic participation of women.</span></p>

    Contents in detail
  • Economics /46 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 1104
    ISBN 9789332701724
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Indian Economy Since Independence

    A Comprehensive and Critical Analysis of India’s Economy, 1947-2014

    Uma Kapila (Ed.)

    25th Ed.: 2014-15

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  • Economics /47 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2015
    Pages: 348
    ISBN 9789332701779
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Development Perspectives

    Malcolm Adiseshiah Memorial Lectures

    R. Srinivasan (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>The book, a compilation of Malcolm Adiseshiah memorial lectures, gives a wide array of perspectives on India’s developmental process in the last few decades.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The contributors are distinguished scholars with expertise in the fields of economics, education, environment, history, political science, policy studies and sociology. The development perspectives presented in this volume differ not only in terms of the discipline in which the authors have had formal academic training, but also in terms of the inter-disciplinary approaches they have adopted to explore India’s development experience. The book mainly addresses issues relating to distributional aspects of growth and needed correction in the process of economic change that would take distributional justice in its stride. The free flowing style of presentation, without compromising on the rigour of analysis, will be attractive both for students and experts in social sciences.</p>

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  • Economics /48 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2015
    Pages: 196
    ISBN 978933271748
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Corruption & Economic Growth

    B.K. Chaturvedi‚ Shekhar Chandra

    About the Book

    <p>The book examines the concept of corruption, its ethical interface and its measurement. It looks at economies of about 150 countries in different income groups and using cross-country regression analysis estimates how corruption impacts their economic growth. In the light of experience of some major global economies, it suggests a strategy for meeting the challenge of political and petty corruption.</p> <p>It identifies the drag effect of low incomes on ability of countries to lower corruption and focuses on centrality of growth for reducing corruption. It brings out criticality of systemic reforms especially of institutions, participation of community and its education. It strongly emphasises need for laws covering both corruption in the government and private companies, and a fair and independent investigating agency with quick trials of corrupt public servants. The book also gives a brief history of corruption in India, efforts made in recent years and the Lokpal act, with changes required in the current law to address corruption.</p>

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  • Economics /49 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2015
    Pages: 228
    ISBN 9789332701861
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    MS Swaminathan in Conversation with Nitya Rao

    From Reflections on my Life to the Ethics and Politics of Science

    Nitya Rao (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>This book consists of two parts, written at different times and with different purposes. They are not sequential, yet belong together.&nbsp;The first tells the story of the life of M.S. Swaminathan, and his dream&nbsp;of securing human dignity through food sovereignty in India, and the second reflects on the implications and nuances of the story.</p> <p>The first part of the book is more biographical in nature; a large number of experiences throughout his life are discussed, not necessarily in chronological order. Part two, however, is more reflective in nature, and concerned with issues which had to be confronted in the course of his career. In this part, he reflects on how politics has influenced and shaped the course of agricultural &nbsp;development; and how different ethical stances, often in conflict, have come into play. This is not just a historical account, but equally valid in present times.</p>

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    Hard-cover • 2015
    Pages: 220
    ISBN 9789332700147
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Quantifying Under-nutrition in Rural India

    Rekha Sharma

    About the Book

    <p>This book provides an insight into the problem of malnutrition in rural India and among its 15 major states. Specifically, it quantifies nutrient deprivation not only in terms of traditional approach—calorie and protein deficiency—but extends it to micronutrients—vitamins and minerals. Other studies attempting to quantify the micronutrient deficiencies in India have typically focused on their &nbsp;clinical and sub-clinical manifestations; studies that quantify the magnitude of deprivation in nutrient intakes <em>vis-à-vis</em> RDAs are rare having limited geographical coverage.</p> <p>Further, this study has analysed how the macro- and micro-nutrient intakes vary with income and how these are conditioned by education, occupational structure, household size and its composition, etc. It has also examined how the nutritional status of children under the age of 3 years varies with nutrient intake levels, socio-economic variables and environmental factors. It identifies key factors that are associated with the prevalence of underweight and anaemia among women and young children and also discusses the relevant policy implications. This is perhaps the first comprehensive analysis of micronutrient malnutrition in rural India using two rich data sets provided by NSSO and NFHS.</p>

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    Hard-cover • 2015
    Pages: 245
    ISBN 9789332701656
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Practices in Oil Companies

    Evidence from Emerging Nations

    R.K. Mishra‚ Stuart Locke

    About the Book

    <p>In recent years, corporate governance has gained tremendous importance and interest among emerging and developing countries due to the emergence of global norms for corporate governance and the developments brought about through globalisation concerning harmonisation of procedures and structures. However, there is a limited research and literature found on the topic compared to advanced economies. In 2013, for the first time, developing and emerging countries are projected to have bigger economies than advanced and developed countries. Although this is only true for GDP measured in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms, it is expected to set the trend for decades to come.&nbsp;</p> <p>Due to the increased importance of emerging economies and corporate governance, this book offers insight into various related issues in the public and private sector in the emerging economies, written from an academic perspective. It also touches on the issues of corporate fraud, forgery, debt, corruption and integrity in the world of corporate governance. The volume is intended for practitioners and aspiring practitioners who are interested in exploring the topic of corporate governance in the emerging economies.&nbsp;</p>

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  • Economics /52 of 426

    Paperback • 2015
    Pages: 86
    ISBN 9789332703018
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Harnessing Indian Agriculture to Global Value Chain

    Prospects and Challenges

    Saubhik Deb‚ Parthapratim Pal

    About the Book

    <p>Indian agriculture is going through some fundamental changes. Over the last few years, increased private and public investments have boosted the growth rate of agriculture. However, in this sector, the level of value addition and extent of processing have still remained very low. Currently, India is going through rapid economic changes and there is a surge in demand for processed and packaged food items. As India is one of the world’s largest producers of fruit and vegetables, it also has the potential of emerging as a big sourcing country for the fast growing global &nbsp;food market.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book looks at the prospects and challenges faced by Indian agriculture in its pursuit to get better integrated with the local and global value chains. The study finds that economic liberalisation and new business practices are ushering some far-reaching changes in Indian agriculture. While on one hand, there is a perceptible increase in corporate involvement in agriculture, on the other &nbsp;there are also efforts to reorganise producers in various forms to integrate them better in more modern forms of agriculture. The government has initiated a number of schemes to improve processing and encourage value addition in the food processing sector. However, many of the erstwhile supply side issues persist. Extension services, R&amp;D services and government procurement systems need major overhaul. A longer-term and sustained policy push is required to make farmers and farming in India viable, sustainable and internationally competitive.</p>

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  • Economics /53 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2015
    Pages: 446
    ISBN 9789332701830
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India's Development Story

    EDI-Two Hundredth Volume

    Raj Kapila‚ Uma Kapila (Eds.)

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  • Economics /54 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2015
    Pages: 394
    ISBN 9789332701823
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation


    A Comparative Study of India and Korea

    Vyjayanti Raghavan‚ R. Mahalakshmi (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>This volume examines and compares the colonial experiences in the two countries, India and Korea. It juxtaposes some of the common issues faced by the two completely different subject countries colonised by two completely different colonial powers. It presents the processes of trade, the socio-economic changes and the political transformations that were taking place in the two colonies.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book is the first of its kind and it opens up several topics for future comparative research. Some of the topics included are: aspects of social change and social transformation, colonialism and Indian development, modern Korean nationalism, China and Chinese in colonial Korea, anti-colonial movements and other aspects of colonialism in India and Korea.</p>

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  • Economics /55 of 426

    Paperback • 2012
    Pages: 247
    ISBN 9788171889532
    INR 895
    For Sale in South Asia Only
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    International Monetary Fund

    Growth Resuming, Dangers Remain

    International Monetary Fund

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  • Economics /56 of 426

    Paperback • 2012
    Pages: 500
    ISBN 9788171889570
    INR 795.00
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Moving out of Poverty

    Volume 3—The Promise of Empowerment and Democracy in India

    Deepa Narayan

    About the Book

    <p>The Moving Out of Poverty series presents the results of new comparative research across more than 500 communities in 15&nbsp;<br /> countries on how and why poor people move out of poverty. The findings lay the foundations for new policies that will promo<br /> te inclusive growth and just societies, and move millions out of poverty.</p>

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  • Economics /57 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2011
    Pages: 180
    ISBN 9788171888344
    INR 695

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    How India's Small Towns Live (or Die)

    Making Sense of Muncipal Finances

    Paromita Shastri

    About the Book

    <p>By 2040, over half of India's population will live in cities and towns. How many of them will live in slums? To prevent intense migration pressure on the handful of metros and state capitals and the resulting urban dehumanisation, policymakers must urgently focus on reviving India's small towns and big villages. Yet, most small town municipalities are in shambles; they lack resources, planning, data, maps, incentives and proper accounting. Corruption and power politics dog them, and citizens have no say or role in their running<span style="line-height: 1.6em;">.</span></p> <p><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>This book looks at the kaleidoscope of municipal finance issues in India, keeping the small towns at the core, and argues for a radical change in the constitution and working of these municipalities, with effective devolution of funds, functions, and functionaries from the state level. It contends that municipal bodies need to function independently and with real participation of citizens to be the force of change that gives birth to a new urban India.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>

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    Hard-cover • 2011
    Pages: 336
    ISBN 9788171888665
    INR 1095

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Growth & Finance


    Sameer Kochhar

    About the Book

    <p>In this timely book—a festschrift for Dr. C. Rangarajan—top experts, policymakers and economists offer their assessments&nbsp;<br /> of India’s performance in the area of economic and financial reforms and analyse the successes and continued challenges.&nbsp;<br /> It provides an insight into critical macroeconomic and macro-finance issues of today. The book covers a broad set of topics,&nbsp;<br /> including fiscal, monetary and external sector policies, drivers of banking and financial growth, infrastructure and financial inclusion.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>A strategy of gradual economic liberalisation combined with risk-averse prudential regulation in the banking and financial&nbsp;<br /> sector helped limit India’s exposure to the recent financial crises and the subsequent global economic slowdown.&nbsp;<br /> The improved economic performance in recent years encouraged the country to become more globally and regionally integrated.<br /> This process is unlikely to be reversed by the current global economic slowdown, given the economic and strategic benefits&nbsp;<br /> India has derived so far.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The authors in this festschrift share a critical, but overall positive, view of the country’s future and outline&nbsp;<br /> several areas and recommendations for bettering the lives of citizens. Empirically rich and topically diverse,<br /> &nbsp;the book is broad in scope and full of deep analytic insights and will serve as a useful reference and planning tool&nbsp;<br /> for administrators, planners, policymakers and students of development economics, monetary economics and finance.</p>

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    Hard-cover • 2010
    Pages: 318
    ISBN 9788171888061
    INR 895

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Financial Policies and Everyday Life

    The Indian Context

    S.S. Tarapore

    About the Book

    <p>After a long career in central banking, the distinguished economist S.S. Tarapore&nbsp;<br /> has been writing columns in financial dailies. There was a felt need to reach out to a&nbsp;<br /> wider audience in a regional language. During the period October 2005-August 2008,&nbsp;<br /> he turned to writing a regular column in the widely circulating Gujarati newspaper, the Divya Bhaskar.<br /> &nbsp;This volume brings to the English speaking readers, for the first time, his writings in&nbsp;<br /> the Divya Bhaskar on monetary, fiscal, banking and external sector management, but essentially from&nbsp;<br /> the viewpoint of the aam aadmi. The volume would be of interest to the general reader who wishes to&nbsp;<br /> stay abreast of developments in financial policies and it would also be of interest to policymakers,<br /> &nbsp;opinion makers, bankers, academics and students.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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    Hard-cover • 2010
    Pages: 590
    ISBN 9788171888092
    INR 1895.00

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Population, Gender and Health in India


    K.S. James‚ Arvind Pandey‚ Dhananjay W. Bansod‚ Lekha Subaiya (Eds.)

    About the Book

    <p>Demographic processes and health outcomes are highly gendered in India. At the same time, studies on the impact of gender on demography and health issues are scarce and the impact of demographic changes on gender is nearly nonexistent. Mere recognition of the gender issues does not provide policy guidance to make appropriate changes in the programmes. This calls for innovative methods to understand demographic changes, health scenario and gender systems and also a critical analysis of various public interventions. India is also experiencing rapid demographic changes in recent years which will have definite implications for demographic pattern, gender system, health progress and governmental policies and programmes. There are several policy and programmatic interventions to generate conducive demographic and health changes through gender equity.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This volume brings together contributions from scholars on demographic changes, gender and health system and health policies and programmes in India. It highlights achievements and challenges facing the country in the area of population, gender and health in different settings. It also brings up new methods of analysing the relationship. This volume, undoubtedly, will be a useful guide to students, researchers and policy makers in India and across the world.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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    Hard-cover • 2004
    Pages: 338
    ISBN 8171883923
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Poverty and Economic Reforms

    The Social Concerns

    Gurdip Singh Aurora (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>This book is based on research carried out in a few villages in South India, when they were at the threshold of their economies and society being exposed to new economic order. The chief concern was to examine the impact of the economic reforms on the poor with a focus on levels and intensity of poverty, social dimensions of deprivation, food security and the role of MNCs. The research itself was carried out with the active involvement of voluntary organisations engaged in helping the poor to combat several evils including that of poverty.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This volume brings together several essays by specialists such as, V.M. Rao, Thomas Paul, B.P. Vani, K. Gayithri, M. Indira, besides a co-authored essay by the late professor M.N. Srinivas.</p> <p><br /> This volume is expected to be of help not only to academicians, policy makers, but also to voluntary organisations and other activists engaged in understanding the responses of the poor to the sweeping economic changes.</p>

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  • Economics /62 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2004
    Pages: 358
    ISBN 8171883664
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Morality of Markets

    Parth J Shah (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>Morality of Markets presents a unique compilation of essays by distinguished economists, ethicists, and theologians that explores the moral and ethical foundations of the free market.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The book overwhelmingly supports the fundamental morality of markets and the general immorality of government interventions in capitalist act among consenting adults. The notion that private property and market exchanges are inherently unjust is systematically disproved, both from the economic and philosophical perspective.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The essay comprehensively address critical issues ranging from the underlying ethics of voluntary exchange, morality in commerce and corporation, the immorality of state intervention, and the role of markets in the teaching of major world religions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Gurcharan Das is his foreword underscores the relevance of this approach:</p> <p>"Our animus against capitalism may have diminished after communism's fall; increasingly, some Indians may also agree that markets do indeed deliver greater prosperity; but most Indian still think that capitalism is not a moral system."</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Hence this book is timely. We have already tasted significant benefits of competition inn recent years; we have also experienced enough economic liberty for a decade to be more receptive to the ideas of this book."</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br /> <strong>Snippets&nbsp;From&nbsp;The&nbsp;Book....</strong></p> <p><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> "In an ideal free market resting on private property, no individual can coerce any other, all cooperation is voluntary, all parties to such cooperation benefit or they need not participate."<br /> <strong>&nbsp;- Milton&nbsp;Friedman</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>"... there is no way to dispensing with the institution of market in general as a powerful engine of economic progress."<br /> <strong>&nbsp;- Amartya&nbsp;Sen</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>"The challenge is to convince people that a majority vote does not establish morality and that free markets are morally superior to other forms of human organisation."<br /> <strong>&nbsp;- Walter&nbsp;E Williams</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>"A society built on libertarian foundations is a society marked by peace, harmony, liberty, maximum utility for all, and progressive improvement in living standards."<br /> &nbsp;<strong>- Murry&nbsp;N Rothbard</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>"... the role of government is not to legislate morality - an impossible and dangerous goal - or even to "empower people"; the role of the government is to allow people the freedom to grow into responsible citizens and to exercise their inalienable rights."<br /> <strong>&nbsp;- James&nbsp;A Dorn</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>"...government regulations constitutes a morally impermissible incapacitation of some people as moral agents, undermines their distinctive human nature, and violates their basic human rights. It is, in short, a form of injustice."<br /> <strong>&nbsp;- Tibor&nbsp;Machan</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>"The 21st century will be the century of the universal middle class. It will exhibit the bourgeois virtues."<br /> <strong>&nbsp;- Tibor&nbsp;Machan</strong></p>

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    Hard-cover • 2003
    Pages: 738
    ISBN 8171882900
    INR 1995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India's Development Scenario

    Next Decade and Beyond....(A Set of 2 Volumes)

    K.C. Pant (Ed.)

    About the Book

    <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> There has been a tendency in recent years to treat the development strategy followed by India for the first forty odd years after independence as an undifferentiated continuum. Nothing could be farther from the truth, points out K.C. Pant. He emphasises that India’s development strategies have evolved from Plan to Plan in response to the objective conditions of the economy and some of these changes have been strikingly bold and original, others more modest; but change there has been.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Right since independence, we have equated development with industrialisation. The role of the agricultural sector in generating demand for industrial goods, through a wide dispersal of purchasing power, has been seriously under-estimated in the past. It is now clear that unless the incomes of the majority of our people who are engaged in agriculture grow rapidly, acceleration in the growth of industry and most services will simply not be possible. Therefore, unless our agricultural sector grows sufficiently fast, we face the spectre of growing unemployment and of even greater underemployment of our work force. This would place an intolerable burden on the fabric of our society and may eventually thwart all our development efforts.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Tenth Five Year Plan, therefore, reflects a subtle shift in our development perspective. The agricultural sector can no longer be treated as being a residual or peripheral component of our growth path, but must take centre-stage of all our development efforts. Our experience since the mid-1980s, and more particularly since the initiation of economic reforms in the early 1990s, strongly indicates that the Indian industrial sector has reached a stage of maturity whereby it no longer requires focussed attention of the Government, whether for promotion or protection. But the quality of governance has deteriorated so much that the Planning Commission now considers governance as one of the most important constraint to growth, and a separate chapter is being devoted to this issue in the Tenth Plan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This publication – a set of two volumes authored by none other than K.C. Pant (Deputy Chairman Planning Commission, Government of India) – provides an all comprehensive picture of India’s development experience during the last 50 years of planning and a vision for the future. Ninety-six chapters, in eleven sections, covering both the ‘macro aspects’ and ‘sectoral aspects’ of development, provide the reader insights into the development experience of the Indian Economy, particularly since the period of economic reforms, and also a vision for the next decade and beyond.</p>

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    Hard-cover • 2002
    Pages: 440
    ISBN 8171882663
    INR 1400

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India’s Economy in the 21st Century

    Raj Kapila‚ Uma Kapila (Eds.)

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  • Economics /65 of 426

    Paperback • 2002
    Pages: 440
    ISBN 8171882663
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India’s Economy in the 21st Century

    Raj Kapila‚ Uma Kapila (Eds.)

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  • Economics /66 of 426

    Paperback • 2012
    Pages: 234
    ISBN 9788171889693
    INR 895
    For Sale in South Asia Only
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2012

    Pursuing Shared Prosperity

    United Nations

    About the Book

    <p>The Asia-Pacific region continues to face a deeply challenging external environment. The V-shaped recovery from the depths of the 2008-2009 global financial crisis in 2010 proved to be short-lived, as the world economy entered the second stage of the crisis in 2011, due to euro zone debt concerns and the continued uncertain outlook for the United States economy. The region will be affected by slackening demand for its exports and higher costs of capital, as well as by loose monetary policies and trade protection measures of some advanced economies.</p> <p><br /> Despite the slowdown, Asia and the Pacific remains the fastest growing region globally. It also serves as an anchor of stability and has emerged as a growth pole for the world economy. South-South trade with Asia and the Pacific in 2012 will help other developing regions, such as Africa and Latin America, further reduce their dependence on low-growth developed economies.</p> <p><br /> Another key challenge for the Asia-Pacific region is volatile and high commodity prices, which are likely to become the "new normal" of the global economy. The commodity boom presents risks as well as opportunities. Price shifts will change incentives, but the cautionary message is that less-developed economies should resist the impulse towards commodity specialization, which, in turn, can delay industrialization and economic diversification.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The 2012 edition of the oldest and most comprehensive annual review of development in this vast and diverse region, the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific highlights critical challenges and options for policymakers. These include the need to better manage the balance between growth and inflation; coping with capital flows and exchange rate volatility; addressing jobless growth and unemployment; and tackling serious and growing inequalities.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Turbulence and volatility generate uncertainty. In these challenging times, the Survey 2012 can serve as a important resource to achieve more resilient, inclusive and sustainable development for Asia and the Pacific.</p>

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  • Economics /67 of 426

    Paperback • 2012
    Pages: 60
    ISBN 9788171889617
    INR 595
    For Sale in South Asia Only
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Regional Economic Outlook

    Asia and Pacific ,Managing Spilllovers And Advancing Economic Rebalancing (APRIL 2012)

    International Monetary Fund

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  • Economics /68 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2015
    Pages: 420
    ISBN 9789332701519
    INR 1595

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    The Blue Economy

    200 Projects Implemented US$ 4 Billion Invested 3 Million Jobs Created

    Gunter Pauli

    About the Book

    <p>The Blue Economy takes readers beyond the obvious and aims to wake up the entrepreneur in all of us. The innovations it explores are founded in solid science and demonstrated by multiple platforms. Committed grass-roots entrepreneurs worldwide can realise triple cash flow using open-source innovations that create competitive business models. This book will encourage thousands and perhaps millions of us to apply a Blue Economy business model that will shift us from scarcity to abundance.</p>

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    Hard-cover • 2003
    Pages: 348
    ISBN 8171883370
    INR 995

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Reports on Investment Approval and FDI in India

    Economica India

    About the Book

    <p>OREIGN Direct Investment (FDI) today is seen as an instrument to facilitate and support domestic investment for achieving a higher Flevel of economic development, since it benefits both the domestic industry as well as the consumer, by providing opportunities for technological upgradation, access to global managerial skills and practices, optimal utilisation of human and natural resources, making industry internationally competitive, opening up export markets, providing backward and forward linkages and access to international quality goods and services. In the wake of current era of globalisation a transnational economic regime has emerged. With the establishment of a global economic order in the form of World Trade Organisation (WTO), the nations of the world have moved towards integrating their economies.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The economic activities in any country need substantial investments and the FDI tends to bridge the investment-saving gap to achieve sustained growth. Besides the long-term additional capital that it brings in, FDI also tends to facilitate upgradation and transfer of technology and introduction of modern<br /> production and management practices.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It has been observed that liberalization of the economic policy and changes in the structure of the economy has not translated fully into attracting greater investments due to a variety of reasons. Existing procedures of project formulation, appraisal &amp; approval particularly for government projects, inadequacies in the existing management system and inadequate skills in project formulation, appraisal and management are some of the major reasons behind delays in the investment approvals and implementation of projects.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Various studies have shown that complexities in the approvals required for primary resources like land, power, etc., multiplicity of approvals, disproportionate level of details sought with applications are among the&nbsp;major difficulties in the implementation of projects. Many approvals also do not seem to serve any public interest. Recent studies have shown that, while&nbsp;handling of approvals at Central level has registered a marked improvement, state level handling of approvals and reducing ground level hassles have emerged as important issues.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>There is also a need to align the FDI reporting system with the international reporting practices so as to facilitate proper international comparisons in respect of FDI flows. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.6em;">This publication brings together the following important reports relating to reforming investment approval and procedures and Foreign Direct Investment:</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>• Report on Reforming Investment Approval and Implementation Procedures<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Part I: Investment Approval Procedures – Government and<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Public Sector Projects (Secretariat for Industrial<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Assistance; May 2002)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Part II: Downstream Issues – Implementation and Operation<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; (Secretariat for Industrial Assistance; November 2002)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>• Parliamentary Standing Committee Report on Foreign</p> <p>&nbsp; Direct Investment&nbsp;(Rajya Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi, May 2003)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>• Report of the Committee on Compilation of Foreign Direct Investment</p> <p>&nbsp; in&nbsp; India (Reserve Bank of India; October, 2002)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>• Technical Monitoring Group on Foreign Direct Investment: First Action<br /> &nbsp; Taken Report (Reserve Bank of India; June, 2003)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We hope all these relevant reports put together will prove handy and useful to the readers interested in the subject.</p>

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  • Economics /70 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2003
    Pages: 605
    ISBN 8171882943
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Reports on India's Tax Reforms

    Economica India

    About the Book

    <p>Reports of the Task Force on Direct Taxes<br /> Chairman : Vijay L. Kelkar, Ministry of Finance &amp; Company Affairs,<br /> Govt. of India, December 27, 2002</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Reports of the Task Force on Indirect Taxes<br /> Chairman : Vijay L. Kelkar, Ministry of Finance &amp; Company Affairs,<br /> Govt. of India, December 26, 2002</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Advisory Group on Tax Planning and Tax Administration for the Tenth Plan<br /> Chairman : Parthasarthy Shome, Planning Commission, Govt. of India,<br /> May 2001</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of Tax Reforms Committee - I<br /> (summary) Chairman : Raja J. Chelliah, 1992</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Tax Reforms Committee - II<br /> (summary) Chairman : Raja J. Chelliah, 1993</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Consultation Papers :<br /> Task Force on Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes (Full Text)<br /> Chairman : Vijay L. Kelkar, Ministry of Finance &amp; Company Affairs,<br /> Govt. of India, November 2, 2002</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Indian Public Finance Statistics : 2001-02<br /> Ministry of Finance, Government of India, June 2002</p>

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  • Economics /71 of 426

    Hard-cover+CD • 2005
    Pages: 268
    ISBN 8171884741
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Report of the Finance Commissions of India

    Economica India

    About the Book

    <p>The present volume carries complete Report of the Twelfth Finance Commission, except Appendices and Annexures — which are placed in the accompanying CD-ROM that additionally features the essentials, namely, Introduction and the Summary of Recommendations of all the previous reports of the earlier Finance Commissions (First to the Eleventh).</p> <p><br /> This publication, for the first time, brings together at one source, the invaluable contributions of all the Finance Commissions of India till date — spanning more than half a century of fiscal federalism in India.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This publication comprises:</p> <p>Report of the Twelfth Finance Commission (2005-10)<br /> November 2004;<br /> <strong>Chairman: DR. C. RANGARAJAN<br /> (the complete report)</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>plus</em><br /> the 'essentials' such as the Introduction and the Summary of Recommendations of all the earlier Finance Commission reports (First to the Eleventh):</p> <p><br /> Report of the First Finance Commission, 1952 - Chairman : Shri K.C. Neogy</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Second Finance Commission, 1957 - Chairman : Shri K. Santhanam</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Third Finance Commission, 1961 - Chairman : Shri Ashok Kumar Chanda</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Fourth Finance Commission, 1965 - Chairman : Dr. P.V. Rajamannar</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Fifth Finance Commission, 1969 - Chairman : Shri Mahavir Tyagi</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Sixth Finance Commission, 1973 - Chairman : Shri K. Brahmananda Reddi</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Seventh Finance Commission, 1978 - Chairman : Shri J.M. Shelat</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Eighth Finance Commission, 1984 - Chairman : Shri Y.B. Chavan</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Ninth Finance Commission, 1990 - Chairman : Shri N.K.P. Salve</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Tenth Finance Commission, 1995 - Chairman : Shri K.C. Pant</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Report of the Eleventh Finance Commission, 2000 - Chairman : Prof. A.M. Khusro</p>

    Contents in detail
  • Economics /72 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2007
    Pages: 654
    ISBN 8171886132
    INR 1895
    For Sale in South Asia Only
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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    The World Economy

    Angus Maddison

    About the Book

    <p>The World Economy brings together two major reference works by Angus Maddison: The World Economy: A Millenial Perspective, first published in 2001 and The World Economy: Historical Statistics, published in 2003.<br /> This new edition contains Statlinks, a service providing access to the underlying data in Excel® format. The World Economy is a “must” for scholars and students of economics and economic history as well as for statisticians, while the casual reader will find much of fascinating interest.<br /> Written by the distinguished economic historian, Angus Maddison, together, the two volumes (bound-in-one) comprising The World Economy, hold authoritative analysis along with extensive supporting data on a global level for the growth and performance of various economies across the world, over a very large span of time. They undoubtedly provide answers to many a big question and promise to offer clues to still unanswered paradoxes. This ‘only one of its kind’ publication is made more attractive in the present format (‘two-in-one edition’, hard cover) that is sure to be a valuable addition to any library, personal or otherwise.<br /> The first volume provides a comprehensive view of the growth and levels of world population since the year 1000, when rich countries of today were poorer than Asia and Africa. It is a pioneering effort to quantify the economic performance of nations over the very long term, identifying forces which explain the success of the rich countries, and exploring the obstacles that hindered advance in less developed regions.<br /> In the second volume, Angus Maddison offers a rare insight into the history and political influence of national accounts and national accounting. Based on revised and updated population estimates for 1950-2003 and GDP and per capita GDP estimates for 1820 to 2001, he demonstrates that such statistical data can shed light on the analysis of economic phenomena like growth, market formation and income distribution. This approach is particularly interesting for developing countries often lacking the expertise or data to produce good national accounts. It also serves as a reminder for OECD countries that effective policy making depends on verifiable economic data.<br /> The World Economy is a monumental work of reference and a “must” for all scholars and students of economics and economic history, as well as a mine of fascinating facts for everyone else. An attractive feature of this new edition is the inclusion of Statlinks, which provide access to the underlying data in Excel® format.</p>

    About the Author(s) / Editor(s)

    Contents in detail
  • Economics /73 of 426

    Hard-cover • 2003
    Pages: 504
    ISBN 8171882870
    INR 1295

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    India's Economic Reforms and Development

    A. Vaidyanathan

    About the Book

    <p>Rapid economic growth and eradication of abject poverty have been the core concerns of India’s polity and government throughout the last five decades. Coordinated planning with the state playing the leading role in initiating and regulating the process of development in pursuit of these objectives has been a distinctive feature. Specific targets, perceptions of the problems involved and their solutions have been changing over time. The essays in this collection provide an overview of evolution of this process culminating in the far-reaching reorientation of strategy and policies during the nineties and a critical assessment of their rationale, implementation and impact from the political economy perspective.</p> <p><br /> The essays are divided into two sections : Those in the first part, mostly written in the nineties, focus on key elements of overall development strategy being pursued from the early nineties, the rationale and the thrust of the structural adjustment package soon after it was unveiled by Dr. Manmohan Singh, issues relating to subsidies and foreign direct investment and broader issues of the role of the state generally and of planning in particular in the changed context.</p> <p><br /> The lead piece in this section pulls together the assessment of different aspects and attempts an overall assessment of the antecedents of the reforms of the nineties, their halting and meandering course and the reasons for their less-than-expected achievements. It also reflects on the prospects for the future.</p> <p><br /> Selections in the second section spanning over a much longer period discuss issues relating to poverty — concepts, data and measurement and regional variations, evolution of poverty alleviation programmes, critical commentary on their design, implementation and measures to improve their efficacy.<br /> The general thrust of the essays is critical of the design and implementation of the reform package and skeptical of its impact on growth and socio-economic inequality.</p>

    About the Author(s) / Editor(s)