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  • Water Resources /1 of 1
    water resources

    Hard-cover • 2014
    Pages: 154
    ISBN 9789332700987
    INR 795

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    Publisher:Academic Foundation

    Hydro Diplomacy

    Sharing Water Across Borders

    About the Book

    <p>The book is one of the first of its kind discussing &nbsp;transboundary water resources management from the perspective of international relations and regional cooperation.&nbsp;Managing &nbsp;transboundary waters is not just the domain of water managers but involves other considerations of foreign policy, diplomacy, trade and related issues.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The monograph brings together diverse perspectives from politicians, diplomats, academics, practioners, bureaucrats, scientists and civil society on the concept of Hydro-diplomacy.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As very aptly put by Gopalkrishna Gandhi, “A new hydro-cartography and a new hydro-wisdom must back hydro-diplomacy to address river water issues and to face the larger water crisis that looms overhead and under our feet”</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>IUCN is hopeful that this publication would pave the way for further understanding and deliberations on the subject of Hydro-diplomacy.</p>

    About the Author(s) / Editor(s)


    Contents in detail