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About the Author
Sudarshan Gomber
Sudarshan Gomber
The Author happens to be a Language Master, who has worked in different capacities in various Ministries/Deptts. of the Govt of India. Having started his career from the Ministry of Law in 1957, he passed through CBI, ISTM, SSC, and finally retired from IB in 1997.
Being a truth seeking & purity-pursuing person, he has been engaged in the noble pursuits of true Knowledge & self-up gradation. In his quest for Truth, Peace & Happiness, he was drawn to an in-depth study of ancient Scriptures and other Holy Books of distilled wisdom. As a result of his sustained studies & speculations, he was led to discover the true objective philosophy of the Universe, which is the perennial spring-source of all personal Peace & Happiness. Being an ardent lover of Truth and an earnest pursuer of Purity, he was driven, as if by some Super Power, to pen down the script of this Spiritual Monograph for the benefit of self & others of his kind. In this monumental task he was actively assisted by his Spiritual Friends & Colleagues, who were a constant source of inspiration to him.