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About the Author
Shashank Dattatray Kulkarni
Shashank Dattatray Kulkarni is basically from Sakharale, a small village in Sangli District of Maharashtra. He is born and brought up in farmer’s family. Presently, he is working as a Junior Research Fellow of University Grants Commission, New Delhi and securing his Ph.D in Public Policy and Public Administration at Central University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir. Swaminathan Commission, National Policy on Farmers, farmer and agricultural policies in India, farmer’s suicides, agrarian crisis are his some important research areas.
He secured B.Tech degree in Agricultural Engineering from Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri, Maharashtra. During his graduation days, he got opportunity to get training from North Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare, Government of India at Hisar, Haryana. After getting first-hand experience in all over management of farm as a Farm Manager, he completed his Post-Graduation (MA) in Public Administration. He was also secured Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (DMCJ), Advanced Diploma in Hindi (ADH), Diploma in UN Studies and International Understanding (DUNSIU) and Post Graduate Diploma in Human Rights (PGDHR). He also completed Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAP). During the period of his Diploma in Journalism, he has done research on ‘Farmers Organization: a View of Media’.
Recently, Shabdavaibhav Publication, Pune has published his books ‘Naad Antaricha (Vibrations of Soul) a collection of his selected Marathi and Hindi poems at Pune and another two philosophical books, ’Need for Reestablishment of Scientific Spiritualism’ and ‘The Best Way of Life : Scientific Spiritualism’. Adishakti Sanstha, Amarawati honored him with two state level awards in literature: ‘Jagadguru Tukaram Maharaj Sant Sahitya Purskar, 2019’ and ‘Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Kavya Purskar, 2019’.
He had been honorary appointed as ‘State Joint Secretary’ by Human Rights Sanrkshan Sanstha, New Delhi (consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council) for its Jammu and Kashmir chapter.