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About the Author


David E. O’connor

DAVID E. O’CONNOR is a nationally recognized economics teacher at the Edwin O. Smith High School in Storrs, Connecticut. He has earned many state and national honors in the fields of economic education and social studies, including the Connecticut Council on Economic Education’s Distinguished Service Award, the Connecticut Council for the Social Studies Honor and Service awards, and the University of Connecticut’s Excellence in Teaching Alumni Award.


He has served as a College Board consultant in economics, president of the Connecticut Council for the Social Studies, and economics instructor at the Taft Summer Institute for Teachers. He has conducted over 100 teacher workshops at state and national conferences. He has also worked in assessment with the Educational Testing Service, Psychological Corporation/Harcourt Educational Measurement, and the American Institutes for Research.


Mr. O’Connor has authored or co-authored eighteen books or teacher’s manuals in the fields of economics, ethnic history, and world history. His most recent books include The Basics of Economics (Greenwood, 2004), Demystifying the Global Economy (Greenwood, 2002), and Basic Economic Principles: A Guide for Students (Greenwood, 2000).

Encyclopedia of the Global Economy

Encyclopedia of the Global Economy

A Guide For Students And Reserchers

David E. O’connor‚

Hard-cover • 2006 • (476 (vol.1) + 403 (vol.2)) • 7¼" x 10"
ISBN 8171885470 • INR 2995(Set of 2 Volume)

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