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About the Author
Niranjan Sahoo
Niranjan Sahoo is a Fellow at Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi and a Visiting Fellow with University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as a recipient of ASIA Fellow Award. He has more than eight years of research experience in dealing with diverse political economy and governance issues pertaining to India. At ORF, he has been specialising on number of public policy issues particularly power sector reforms, public services delivery, local government and political economy. Affirmative action and issues of access and inclusion are some of his current concern. Currently, he is undertaking an extensive review of various affirmative options available in private sector in the world.
His most recent publication was a monograph on “Politics of Power Sector Reforms in India”. Other than policy analysis, he has worked extensively with number of national level civil society organisations on issues of social equity and inclusion. He also regularly contributes to national dailies and current affairs journals.