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About the Author


Constance Elizabeth Hunt

Constance Elizabeth Hunt is a biologist and environmentalist with considerable experience in international policy and global campaigns for water management and conservation. She is the recipient of awards from the National Research Council, US Department of Agriculture and US Army Corps of Engineers for outstanding work in the field of water resources management.


She has held a variety of posts. As Senior Adviser to the WWF’s International Living Waters Campaign (1999–2001), she was responsible for basin-scale conservation for the Niger and Mekong rivers and for working with the WWF network on international water policy issues. Before this (1993–1999) she was Senior Programme Officer and Director of Freshwater Ecosystem Conservation for the WWF, managing policy and field projects for sustainable river and wetland management in the US and internationally. She has also served with the World Water Council. She is currently a Senior Adviser with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)’s Dams and Development Project, where she facilitates global dialogues on the recommendations of the World Commission on Dams.


She is the author/editor of two books on conservation, and of numerous articles on sustainable water resources development.

Thirsty Planet

Thirsty Planet

Strategies for Sustainable Water Management

Constance Elizabeth Hunt‚

Hard-cover • 2007 • 318 • 6¼ x 9¼ (inch)
ISBN 8171885497 • INR 1295

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