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About the Author
Pravakar Sahoo
Pravakar Sahoo is an Associate Professor at Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), Delhi University, India. Prior to joining IEG as Associate Professor (February 2009), he was working as senior fellow in Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi. During last 13 years of teaching and research experience, he has worked and published more than 40 research papers in national and international journals such as Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Journal of Policy Modeling, Journal of Developing Areas, Journal of Asian Economics, Journal of Asia Pacific Economies, International Economic Journal, Singapore Economic Review, Journal of Economic Policy Reforms, Economic and Political Weekly etc. on issues related to macroeconomics, development economics, international trade & investment, regional cooperation, infrastructure and FDI. He has carried out projects and acted as a consultant to various national and international agencies including Ministry of Finance and Commerce, Government of India, Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Indo-Sastri Canadian Institute, Indira Gandhi Open University (IGNOU), Korea Institute for International Economic Relations (KIEP) and East West Center, USA. Further, he teaches macroeconomics to high-level government officials and policy makers like Indian economic service and Indian statistical service officers.