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About the Author


Kristy Tsun-tzu Hsu

Kristy Tsun-Tzu Hsu is an Associate Research Fellow at the Taiwan WTO & RTA Center and Program Director of the Taiwan ASEAN Studies Center (TASC), Chung Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER) in Taiwan. Her areas of research interests include: international trade policy and economic/trade law, economic integration, Southeast Asia study and dispute settlement. She obtained her LLM from the School of Law, Soochow University, Taiwan and BA in Foreign Literature and Languages from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. She involves the government’s WTO and FTA negotiations by participating in government-commissioned research projects and providing consultation and has led research projects of the joint/separate Economic Cooperation Agreement (ECA) feasibility study with a number of countries. She is currently Advisory Member to the Trade and Development Committee, ROC National Confederation of Industries, International Affairs Committee, ROC Chamber of Commerce, and adviser to the Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce’s, or CNAIC’s monthly publication CNAIC Magazine, and Secretary General of the Chung-Hua Association for Financial and Economic Strategies (CAFES)


Readings in Indian Agriculture and Industry

Readings in Indian Agriculture and Industry

K.L. Krishna‚ Kristy Tsun-tzu Hsu (Eds.)•

Paperback • 2009 • 644 • 6¼ x 9¼ (inch)
ISBN 9788171887385 • INR 395

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