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About the Author
Ronald J. Herring
Ronald J. Herring has taught political economy and political ecology at Cornell University since 1991 as Professor of Government and International Professor of Agriculture and Rural Development. He was previously Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University. At Cornell, he has served as Director of the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, as the John S. Knight Professor of International Relations, Chair of the Department of Government and Director of the South Asia Program—among other posts. He has been editor of Comparative Political Studies, and remains on its editorial board, among others. Among his writings are several books including: Land to the Tiller: The Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in South Asia (Yale/Oxford, winner of the Edgar Graham Prize), Carrots, Sticks and Ethnic Conflict: Rethinking Development Assistance (with Milton Esman, University of Michigan Press); and Transgenics and the Poor (Routledge 2007; 2008), derived from his edited special issue of The Journal of Development Studies, awarded The Dudley Seers Memorial Prize (London 2008), Whatever Happened to Class (2008, 2016) with Rina Agarwala and The Oxford Handbook of Food, Politics and Society (2015). He was with Ken Roberts team leader of the project on “Contentious Knowledge: Science, Social Science and Social Movements, 2006-2009” at the Institute for the Social Sciences. Ron has been faculty advisor to Asha Cornell and worked on production and teaching of the MOOC Science and Politics of the GMO (EdX/CornellX 2016, 2017).